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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Are you actually going to charge for something shitty like this? It's not even on a stage to worth 5 euros. Is there a GUI? Is there a list for every chronicle? Cmon mate, you can do better than this.
  2. Thanks a lot, it looks great. However i am not active anymore here so your work is in vain, but otherwise, thanks a lot.
  3. Kai 20 xronia na einai sigoura den exeis kanei thn douleia pou exei kanei o parizakis sto lisvus.
  4. Pou kolaei auto? O parizakis exei to Lisvus to opoio einai to pio stable Java C4 project auth thn stigmh. Den einai gold style kai den sta leei auta kakoproereta. En olighs sou leei me poia logikh ekanes diko sou project enw uparxei hdh ena toso anaptigmeno.
  5. There are stuff to do but the community is not so open to those things. The only way for lineage to be long lasting is to be x1 full retail
  6. How about showing us some of your other original features?
  7. So as the owner of this topic you cannot accept a valid argument. Hmm professionalism much?
  8. Lol could not care less for a nobody.
  9. Yeah yeah thanks, but i cannot play. How can you release an unplayable server and expect that everyone will be happy with it?
  10. No im serious. I get an error when my client tries to render many people with their patch, like in Giran. I honestly joined this server to see what's going one. Instead i see a bugged startup that if i restart i cant do it again for some reason and i am unable to go to giran, again for some reason. Client said that it is something related to clientTicks and enchant something. Fix it.
  11. Lol i don't fight with anyone. I just wanna play a server and the server crashes when i go on Giran. That's a legit reason to be angry now, isn't it?
  12. Your startup system is the same shit as mine. And nah i won't stop it unless you fix the crash :D
  13. Apart from the fact that when i go to giran i crash
  14. I thought there was none For the record and if someone wants to use this with a proper sql part, this should be your statement. select toppvp.char_name as toppvp_charname, toppvp.pvpkills as toppvp_kills, toppvp.online as toppvp_online, toppk.char_name as toppk_charname, toppk.pkkills as toppk_kills, toppk.online as toppk_online, toponline.char_name as toponline_charname, toponline.onlinetime as toponline_onlinetime, toponline.pvpkills as toppvp_online from characters chars inner join characters toppvp on chars.obj_id=toppvp.obj_id inner join characters toppk on chars.obj_id=toppk.obj_id inner join characters toponline on chars.obj_id=toponline.obj_id ORDER BY toppvp.pvpkills DESC, toppk.pkkills DESC, toponline.onlinetimde DESC, toppvp.char_name ASC LIMIT 10, toppk.char_name ASC LIMIT 10, toponline.char_name ASC LIMIT 10
  15. 3 Select statements instead of joining. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  16. Lol I won't even comment on rage while the person you made the comment can do wonders in development and still does l2j shit which is for retards and kids
  17. You sound like someone kid you opens a server with l2j frozen no offense. If you join hypixel or any other server you will see that they have nothing to do with the vanilla gameplay. I encourage you to join one. I remember your server. It was an unmodified survival one
  18. The words of a man who did't play it or didn't play it long enough. Also i would suggest you joining a private server and then we talk easy.
  19. They see the adventures that they create themselves. I won't go into that here but it is a game where you get to interact with a living breathing world just like ours (well apart from the block thing). And it is a lot of fun to be honest.
  20. No it is not. And no your english was not clear enough. The correct one is: "Isn't minecraft character cap supposed to be a number of the power of two". No there is nothing like this. A server can hold as much as you want but developers optimize by making around 50 servers for one server and then they connect all of them with something called Bungeecord which is a technology which links many servers together. Hypixel (the one i worked on) has more than 300 servers worldwide (around 30 servers run on each server machine). This also means that even if they ddos one side of the server the traffic gets transfered to the live servers.
  21. [gr] pes to sta ellhnika giati me ta agglika den se katalava
  22. https://minecraft.net/stats That's only pc. Overall it surpasses 60 million purchases across all platforms. Also private servers are legal and the big ones have around 40k each on peak times. I have worked for a couple of big ones including the biggest one Hypixel. Some private servers: https://hypixel.net/ http://www.mineplex.com/ http://cubecraft.net/ Also their topsites have auction for the sponsored top spots. Last month top 5 servers paid 4k each to be on the top list sponsored servers. Im currently working on a minecraft pocket edition server myself. It is one of the biggest if not the biggest games around and their emulators are coded in java for desktop and in C# for pocket edition.
  23. Wow has around 4 million active subscribers from 10m on current. But still it's private servers statistics cannot be compared with minecraft's.
  24. You know Lineage 2 is dead when things like minecraft pocket servers have 16k online :D
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