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Setekh last won the day on April 5 2021

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    Nothing like waking up with Satan in your cup!

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  1. since it's java I'd rather use reflection or bytecode injection with javaassist. Not gonna tell ya how to do it, but if you research a bit, im sure u'll figure it out.
  2. Thanks, I forgot about New World, after the buggy launch scandal. I heard they fixed it up and planning an content update. And yeah I'm also waiting for ashes, hope it's gonna actually launch. Keeping up to date on it fr Narc's YouTube channel.
  3. I started with C4 on dexternet, then higher rates like elite pvp and clones of it on interlude. Later made my own servers and stopped playing after that. Then when Aion was available as private servers I started playing it, stopped, played a lil bit of wow on private and stopped again after a few months. When I didn't play L2 or an mmo, I would play games like elder scrolls oblivion & Skyrim (got like thousands of hours in that game) replayed games a lot like mass effect and assassin's creed. Right now its mostly cyberpunk 2077 and try out different builds. My first mmo was mu online, quite popular in Romania. And our main internet provider Digi, actually hosts or hosted the largest mu online server, linkmania. Im thinking of picking up guild wars 2. Regret not playing archage at launch L2 is mostly dead to me, i liked it till C5, then it turned in this weirdo korean fantasy game.
  4. Oi, you there?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Setekh
    3. ZOUMHS


      Now is not active anymore? Im working at eternal sin Athena x45 c4 project.

    4. Setekh


      hope you had a great new year, whats this project tho? my discord is Vlad.Ravenholm#7852, if i didnt accept ill just revisit my profile to make sure, also dm works, i love c4

  5. Not sure if the new client is x64, but wine can't run l2 on macOs since its 32bit, and since Catalina all that's x86 got removed, so if you brew install wine, you'll have wine64, and wine32 will crash. I tried making it work so many times T_T, since 2019. Most luck I had was with Parrallels vm's, but its not worh even developing like that. Maybe boot camp can help ? only thing I havent tried, since it always said that my windows 10 image is bad or something. Also for the "detection part" there are ways to trick the "anti cheat(lol)" to think it's running on a real device, usually what they do is look for strings to match those of real devices, like instead of video card manufacturer as "Microsoft Coorporation" to be "NVIDIA" and so on, with some registry tweaks and a few hours you may be successful. Nvidia had this protection once where the driver failed if it was a shared device in VMs, assholes >.>
  6. Thanks, i'll take a look LE: A.. they didn't get far Found this tho https://github.com/Ruk33/l2auth, someone is giving it a go in C, which i kinda dig.
  7. Thanks for understanding , that's what i want. :)
  8. I have no idea what you're talking about. But ok I guess. (Dunno what TFlow or AE CS and etc, also i thought 3d max was dead)
  9. But java is slow compared to a aot compiled language :D Also i'd just stick to open source software for 3d, so for asset creation it's blender and for a get up fast game engine its godot. Also not arguing buds, I'm actually hoping I can get someone as motivated to maybe watch or work with me :) LE: Here's a short presentation with blender
  10. But i did it before with other games, to some degree. Performance is in architecture not so much language, you can make it in asm and still underperform. And about languages: Kotlin = Java -> BUT! Its less verbose and has really nice utils and you can get up and running really fast, at times it can be slower than java since it has overhead runtime checks. Go -> is a machine language with a GC with sweeps under 0.5 ms. Rust -> is basically C but with an awesome compiler and a rich toolkit. (Voted most loved language) I'm not saying imma complete a mmo server by myself, i'll most probably hit a limit where I can't do it alone anymore. That's why my scope is little, and will be like interpreting of static data that we already have in l2off and l2j, combat & a completeness of client features, I'm not gonna do quests, epic bosses or elaborate systems, unless someone else wants to make up a team. Also take my veteran advice, dealing with a small scale server != designing architectures for finleap companies with 300+ people & collaborators & several banking service providers. And i really wanna get proficient with go thats why this motivates me, if it's gonna help someone fine, if not I learn more go, so i'll be happy at the end. Thanks for the concern tho :*
  11. HOLY SHIT! L2Elite is still on? I played there when i was a 15-16 yo boi, holy fuck! Yeah no promises, but i'm thinking of making a bare bones c4, but written in golang or rust. So far golang is winning altho rust is more memory efficient & speedy. I might abandon it like all my shit, but Im feeling a little excited about the challenge & the new shit i'll learn doing go. Plust C4 doesn't have all the extra bullshits and to a degree it can be streamlined in terms of development & if someone makes a server outta it, and you get a client dev like @Celestine & @deMEV, shit can get really interesting.
  12. Or is it just some fake shit im seeing in these BR/AR servers? I find it really hard to believe peeps still play that and in the thousands "online"
  13. Might have been drunk. But i used to have a issue with cyclomatic complexity in some methods, instead of breaking it up in multiple methods. For example: here, that update() function, has a cyclomatic complexity level ~14, it repeats some code and it could of been split better, it also has some bugs. A method should be good at like a complexity of 7, and it's pushing it. If you can split code and make it readable you don't need comments :P Exceptions: A line must be changed in the future(TODO), An alternative must be found but we lack in resources now(FIXME/TODO), This X code fixes an underlying issue with a library. And things like this, where it makes sense. The real problem about comments its that no one updates them anymore, take l2j for example which has comments about how something should work from 2005 1. Not true, you should of seen Nemessis & the guys when they made l2j & aion emu. And i dunno what l2j is up to today. 2. Never wanted to join l2j, and never will. All the cool guys left pre 2008 3. No one is maxed out, i still have shit to learn about things i'm proficient at be it kotlin or js, for example im really passionate about performant languages that are more or less functional & compile to machine code, i'm torn in between golang and rust now, but i think golang is the cutest. Also i never did proper ios development, only with react native, i would also wanna learn swift & make an ios app. See? always things to improve or learn. 4. Why would i do that, and mby remove that guy from the contributors if he's that bad. Also now that they have git, they don't do pull requests & review code?? 5. Im no ones groupie Why are u fanboying so hard Later edit: Why did i thought it was addressed to me? I'm getting old
  14. That sounds like the cancer i did with corvus-engine, making a runtime annotation processor like what spring boot was doing. Feedback from 2013: it can get really crappy and cause a really nasty.. eh.. habits.. don't do runtime annotations kids, definitely not on a game server, migrating made made quit.
  15. It's not his project, he's a maintainer.
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