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About -Insect

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  1. Server open date changed to 16 feb 23:00 gmt+2
  2. Its just screen with fake online. I see chars who already leave server and i am with them on teamspeak and they arent in game log. Admin stuff just log ppl who leave server to show "online" who is one big joke.
  3. 1 day to open see you :)
  4. Stealing online from other server its idea to get people?
  6. SIEGE 24.01.2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEOpVYeoJEc ANTHARAS PVP
  7. Good server join it!
  8. best server ever why everyone rage omg!
  9. Activ GM Stuff Activ TW/SIEGE Activ Oly Activ PvP Join it very good server!
  10. old aeron l2tanks now its l2sph gl with your balance who isnt ended on live.
  11. Can you give me program with I can edit UTX files?
  12. How i can make icon of talismans like here? ​
  13. How add these scripts and how to run it ;d ?
  14. L2 IMMORTALS Pay via PayPal. Contact by forum, skype. VESPER NOBLE ROBE SET (FOUNDATION) +20 FULL ATR 10 € (euro) ELEGIA ROBE SET +16 FULL ATR 5 € (euro) MARDIAL FAN+17 300 wind 5 € (euro) Baium +16 3 € (euro) Blessed Freya +16 3 € (euro) Valakas +16 3 € (euro) Beleth +16 3 € (euro) Antharas +16 3 € (euro) Blessed Zaken +16 3 € (euro) price is negotiable
  15. L2 IMMORTALS Cardinal = 15 € (EURO) Pay via PayPal. Contact by forum, skype. price is negotiable PASSIVE: Magic Robe +30 Magic Defense Wisdom +15 power (Mental Attack) Health +15 Power (Bleed) Anti Magic +30 Power Boost Mana +15 Power Fast Spell Casting +30 Power Fast Mana Recovery +15 Power Divine Lore +15 Power ACTIVE: Body of Avatar +15 Cost Erase +30 Cost Mana Burn +30 Power Mana Storm +10 Power Major Heal +17 Power Major Group Heal +30 Power Greater Battle Heal +30 Power Restore Life +15 Power Benediction +15 Bravery Divine Power +15 Power Sleep +30 cost Mass Block Shield +15 Chance Mass Block Wind Walk +15 Chance Trance + 30 Chance Magical BackFire +30 Chance Arcane Wisdom +15 Items: Archangel Sword 300 fire,water, holy, dark, wind -Active: Promience Augumentation -Active: Hydro Blast Augumentation -Active: Solar Flare Augumentation -Active: Shadow Flare Augumentation -Active: Hurriance Augumentation -Passive Reflect Dynasty Mace - Active: Reflect 21,500 FAME
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