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Everything posted by adidaskipowah

  1. well this was posted 4days ago if you didnt noticed :D
  2. seems like a good server not to easy and not hard core :) pepisek go duo? ;D
  3. he means 7x server and 2x adena lul :D all other 1x if you open 7x server keep it balancd with other rates bcose game play gets fked up when you are 70lvl with c grade common set
  4. https://clips.twitch.tv/SnappySmoggyPeanutGivePLZ now I see what he was talking about :D i never seen geodata like this :DDDDD
  5. ya :D all fighters dmg -200% :D mages +200%
  6. i think this is the main reason off 95% of eu servers nowadays :D ru servers dont change anything in balance and have the best online :D
  7. its funny to see how gms trying to balance something and make it even worse bcose they dont know how things work in l2 :D and another thing where is elegia sets? :DDDD its h5 oh probably they are to ''OP'' who decided that? well definetly not ncsoft :D we have better developers than ncsoft its l2aeron the legendary server devs who nerf classes bcose some1 cry in forum who have no idea how to play
  8. l2 is same shit last 8years so? the difference is that rpg club gathering way more ppl than other servers
  9. oh i played skirmish and its not even close to retail bcose of over 9000 changelogs like what the fk is that :DDDDDD OMEGALUL Added Oneho's Will buff ( @oneho ) Level 1: Solo players (+25% PvP Damage / Defense) Level 2: 2 Party members (+20% PvP Damage / Defense) Level 3: 3 Party members (+15% PvP Damage / Defense) Level 4: 4 Party members (+10% PvP Damage / Defense) Level 5: 5 Party members (+5% PvP Damage / Defense) https://forum.l2devil.ws/threads/general-balance-changes.87/ LOL those changelogs wtf is that you trying to be new ncsoft with new chronicle? aka lineage 2 high SkirmishFive ??? :D h5 chronicle is most balanced of all you dont need to change anyhting and you will get best balance
  10. retail pvp experience is not only about no npc buffer and no mana pot server is totally disbalanced not even close to l2 off :D retail = l2 off
  11. *off like geodata* will see about that :D
  12. to mutch farm for such low online server...
  13. so just make pvp server where every1 have karma and mobs drop full items with high chance
  14. better explain these https://forum.l2devil.ws/threads/general-balance-changes.87/ heawy armor penalty :D what the actual fuck is this server your server dev probably never played l2 or have no idea what hes doing
  15. lf good pvp server :D not those shits like aeron where gms know more about balance than ncsoft :D 9999 changelogs in 1 week
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