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Everything posted by adidaskipowah

  1. Just w8 till tales open scam some donaters sell items and transfer acc to west ez game ez life
  2. Ya stronk combos 2 skills is hard to learn
  3. gz you found photo that every1 allready saw like 2years ago
  4. LIKE elegia and rb jewels helps to get hero for idiots :D
  5. gl playing in javeria and spending euros for PA becouse its imposible to find pt if you dont have PA
  6. WTS ADENA IN L2CARTEL stock: 45kkk ALL FOR 12e paypal only SKYPE : mantaxas8
  7. Talking about corruption i can say that only stupid and braindead ppls donating in tales server because they buy epic jevels and they dont even know that epics not working in tale files that makes me to lought so match :D Those donators lose evrry single pvp just because they are handless and dont know how things working in that server And also there is 1thing that is good in tales enchat limit in oly no lifers like in ru server make 16+ items and kill every 1 in oly and they think like they are pro but when they come to eu server where max is +6 all theyr skills dissapear.
  8. all those thing are really good, but they all made for partys(cps), who play in your server, solo players dont have chances to get them. tale server is forced more for ppls who play solo like events (korean,treasure chest, last hero) ppls playing in those events becasue they can do smth fight 1v1 even if you come to DV there will be ppls that fight 1v1 and not like in averia you come DV ant htere is 1party who killing everuy1 on pk and think that they are the best players becasue there is nothing else to do for them
  9. in averia is 1 cancer thing like in all ru server you have to donate for premium accouunt or maybe no i should say you MUST DONATE FOR IT when i played in your server i was forced to donate or spend every single adena i get just to keep my premium account why? becasue when i tryed to get party and didnt had PA they just insta kick me because all party losing adena and drops and thats kinda sux for mid/low rate server PA should work individualy like in tales
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