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Everything posted by bravetobe

  1. Edit: Can someone explain me how u will get "else" with this code or i have to categorize it into my sh1tcode of the day? :dat:
  2. go to north pole and study ASM 1-2 days ... 1 day learn ollydbg and u are gg. 3 days study
  3. "L2Avice" same customs with L2Gold.cc http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/204901-l2jl2avice/?do=findComment&comment=2575672 L2Avice = L2J L2Gold.cc =L2OFF find the error :troll:
  4. 2 days ago... and u just quote . What a retard..
  5. Failed to enter Can't find file 'Lobby01': 譕櫬棿벭ᔇꅤ Quality test patch
  6. The thing is,L2 needs update into the graphics but the crucial part is the mechanics ... Archer spamming 1-2 and dagger trying to 128735186523471523512357142323412312312312312312 is way too stupid. But wait... we have that kind of game.Its called WoW.
  7. Java server was a joke back then. Atm Java server can offer things way easier ,if dev is skilled enough. sry brah,u seem to have no idea what L2OFF gold was.sad storka
  8. L2OFF going outside of stadium and make buffs when u play oly.gg
  9. and u will suck deez nuts of every server... easy
  10. i dont know about the others,but i dont spend time on hating posts in there. Seriously tho,each time i see someone coming in here in this forum and saying that his server is the original one.... "u wot mate ?".The reason why i understand that kind of trashtalk,is this above. People keep opening a server with this name and they try to milk a dead cow.
  11. Dont bother ... 1 more gold server.They think that if they buy the old domain (costed 10$),they will make a billion. "Old legend is back" ---> Everyone claims that "Original files" ---> Everyone claims that "SmartGuard" ---> Thats something that not everyone says ,except java XD "No old database,FBI got the original one" ---> Kappa Besides,L2Avellan will open after a month.Everyone will quit .cc for avellan.I know that already coz thats the community of l2gold.Fraps with low gears and move on to the next server...
  12. U got ur answer ... Really if u dont know how to code it,go fckign tutorials for hashmap.Do this favor to urself and if u expect someone to spoonfood that dogsh1t,then stop l2jdeveloping
  13. lie for what?U arent even specific in what u r saying ... State something,give proof and then u can keep trashtalking whenever u want lul
  14. I will menion only 1 thing : siCa .... Do u recognize that word? It took hours to find a good name + an answer to the Russians :troll:
  15. NSFW Sweets in bathroom leak http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aArypAL_460sv.mp4
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