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Everything posted by Tithen

  1. ill buy it email me at googzhelpz@googlemail.com
  2. server looks good! Need any staff? Anyway, see you there :)
  4. I all, I am pretty new to WoW. And i just got level 17 and found getting exp in Westfalls is pretty dull now. Does anyone know where else i can go to get better exp and how to get there? Thanks :D
  5. For me, i say interlude but gracia isnt to bad when you get used to it. There is 10x bugs but it's still playble
  6. Does this work? I tested it and didnt work :(
  7. Aw, wow man. I play crysis ALOT. Well, crysis wars... Nice work, ;)
  8. What makes you think they will get the FBI to check up on a game like lineage? Seriously guys. I thin they have bigger problems with music, movies torrents,warez atm.. Lame, and pathetic if you ask me.
  9. Sweet dude, come in handy! Could i get the source please? I'm learning vb as we speak! :D
  10. Great share man +1 Though, i fixed my first problem. Now i dont see any npc's in grian expect for orginal, and i try to spawn an custom item and it says it does not exist. Also, i looked in the db but cant find spawn list for npc's..
  11. how can you chnage the lang to english?
  12. So, how exacvtly do you use this? Do you need to get some scripts from where?
  13. Not sure if it's fixxed, but it still breaks for me but not so often so it might be due to i dont do it at the right time
  14. tomtuck@hotmail.co.uk
  15. completed it 2 days before i came out, easy game... fun though :D
  16. YAY, i Facking love crysis :D
  17. I tried this and it worked, niceee im owning now :D
  18. add the 3 lines in a single weapon into the dual weapon
  19. Hey, ive been registered here for quite a while, but i haven't been online alot, been obbssesed with Crysis ;) Well im back, and want to start over. So i say Hello all.
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