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Everything posted by eKo

  1. if st.getPlayer().getAccessLevel() < AL : htmltext = "vip-no.htm" change it to getlevel method
  2. well ye you got some realy big plans, however i have my doubt that you will find enough people to get the project running but ofc GL whit it.
  3. i can tell you, you are Looking in the wrong Forum for Professional java Coders, and i guess noone is gonna do hardwork on a project for a Year for free when you got tons of Nondevelopers looking for a dev wich will be paid
  4. should be setHero(true) example : if (!isHero() && getLevel() == 80) { setHero(true); rewardSkills(); } just an example sorry did misunderstood your question. try as matim said
  5. lol....do use fucking pastebin or make a diff. instead of posting like 5 times
  6. i allso moded the code a bit. Players beign hunted have a green name. Announce if somebody places a bounty the name and the Bounty worth Announce if somebody killed the Bounty announe if a Bounty logs on+ area Bounty shop depending on the Bounty(adena) a Shop popup appears whit different items you can choose one of the items or take the adena not difficult changes but i am still working sometimes on it maybe i'll get some good ideas to expand the event more
  7. mind telling the problemm so people whit a similar/same problemm can fix it alone
  8. loled...everyone whit minimal knowledge can create a 2 liner code to add smth to the inventory. anyway i dont see it usefully in my oppinion
  9. blue is hero, you cant use any color you want if its not supported by the Client. about about the compile problemm just link it whit a config, so you only have to Restart for testing
  10. lol'ed easy pocket money for matim i guess ^^
  11. Trade color Global color Hero color Party color clan color ally color normal chat those are the only aviable color i guess
  12. MxC Forum IQ just did skyrock :D.. interesting Idea, did understand it mostly. i was amazed what kind of people actually trolling this forum ;). hope i can Compete in the future ..
  13. well its simple but kinda cool idea :D
  14. public void showWindow(L2PcInstance player, L2Character killer) { TextBuilder tb = new TextBuilder(); tb.append("<html><title>Death Panel</title><body><center><br>"); tb.append("Player <font color=LEVEL>" + player.getName() + "</font>!<br>"); tb.append("Killer <font color=LEVEL>" + killer.getName() + "</font>!<br>"); tb.append("CP Max <font color=LEVEL>" + killer.getMaxCp() + "</font> | Current CP <font color=LEVEL>"+ killer.getCurrentCp() + "</font>!<br>"); tb.append("HP Max <font color=LEVEL>" + killer.getMaxHp() + "</font> | Current HP <font color=LEVEL>"+ killer.getCurrentHp() + "</font>!<br>"); tb.append("MP Max <font color=LEVEL>" + killer.getMaxMp() + "</font> | Current MP <font color=LEVEL>"+ killer.getCurrentMp() + "</font>!<br>"); tb.append("</body></html>"); NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(this.getObjectId()); msg.setHtml(tb.toString()); msg.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(this.getObjectId())); player.sendPacket(msg); } should do the trick
  15. failed to load. /config/telnet.properties file says all aint?...jesus god gave you a brain and 2 eyes
  16. correct. search for dodie methode on pcinstance, there are several ways to complete it.
  17. 98% of the so called devs are randoms who never ever read 1 java book or have expeirence they only know how to add diffs. you wont/hardly find a experienced dev nowdays. you will be much more successfull if you just grab a book and start reading. you can easy edit existing codes whit minimal java knowledge, if you can read them that is
  18. will it blend?? :D..serious..get java for dummies ..
  19. why you wanna create a new method instead of goto..lawl.., anyway just add bypass
  20. pm me.
  21. well ye thanks anyway. Server runs stable since 4 days w/o any crash.
  22. :o we are pathetic...i guess you mean dont panic??.. anyway another random servur whit 1000x customs and than claims to be balanced at 99% as always. I love Seeing Servers that put those retarded Percent's on thier Information..how do you calculate those Percent's btw??.. :D
  23. 10 ~ ppl around i need more advertisement
  24. Update: Vote Engine Added Nobless system Added Olympiad Enabled 2 weeks period Cp Pots added to shop
  25. scheme buffer works perfect it saves my shemes
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