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Everything posted by eKo

  1. the engine is a privat project from rizel and hnoke. you have to pay monthly for it. so go to thier website and pay for the engine and stop spamming/asking for dl links. (trust me you wont waste money on this engine)
  2. check how your maps(those fight maps for faction if you have that function) else look for such a faction
  3. just as an example o_o, i had it on my files was used for smth else
  4. package custom.Test; import java.util.Calendar; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.gameserver._announcements; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; public class Test extends Quest { private static final boolean _announce = true; private static final int _event_duration = 2; private static final int _event_delay = 3; private static final Byte _start_hour = 0; private static final Byte _start_minute = 0; private static final int _event_frequency = 360; public Test(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); if (loadGlobalQuestVar("") == "") { if (_start_hour > 0) startQuestTimer("START", setStartTime(_start_hour, _start_minute), null, null); else startQuestTimer("START", _event_delay * 60000, null, null); } else startQuestTimer("RESTORE", 60000, null, null); } private long setStartTime(Byte minute, Byte hour) { Calendar starttime = Calendar.getInstance(); if (hour > 0 && hour < 24) starttime.set( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour ); else _log.info("Skipped."); if (minute > 0 && minute < 60) starttime.set( Calendar.MINUTE, minute ); else if (minute > 60) starttime.set( Calendar.MINUTE, minute % 60 ); if ((starttime.getTimeInMillis() - Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()) > 0) return (starttime.getTimeInMillis() - Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); else return 60000L; } public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("START")) { } if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("RESTORE")) { if (_start_hour > 0) startQuestTimer("START", setStartTime(_start_hour, _start_minute), null, null); else if (_event_frequency > 0) startQuestTimer("START", _event_frequency * 60000, null, null); } return ""; } public static void main(String[] args) { new Test(-1, "Test", "custom"); } } example for your spawn. now just add spawn func to it. look at event "elpys" in DP side if you use freya
  5. leechers gonna leech :o //closed
  6. this, serious what automated events plus put credits :)
  7. first 4 min 300 people logged and now its beign ddosed?? haha :D(server down+website/forum down) i have the feeling nowdays every retard can ddos any server. do you guys have no protections at all? get a good datacenter and cisco..
  8. I'd have to say it looks cool. havent read it just did overfly it.
  9. its made overall realy nice, few unique features and rizel#s engine is the best wish you good luck :)
  10. you allso can mod the code so you could put a bounty on the whole clan :D
  11. you cant expect that the code was made on the exact same rev/pack you use. apply it by hand its easy
  12. enough of this nonsense fanky and you asked me tons of times how to fix several noobish java errors, or how to adapt several codes from other chronicles or methods. You got absolute no Java knowledge so stop posting at all those retarded packs and say its well coded or trusted/skilled developer. I am Sick of it, its you guys who destroy l2j whit all your retarded shares/pack sells/custom features that make no sense on your shitlude packs. Venticar all of your crap has been shared, such a pack is made less than a day.
  13. trade section gets spammed day by day from all those fail packs and i just did fly over your pack features and looked like another random pack. anyway i keep my opinion untill i am proved else^^
  14. woow at all those wannabe devs posting that the pack is awesome..comon its another random 0815 pack from another random guy
  15. check protocol revision. allso dont forget you can connect to l2j freya server whit a lower chronicle or highfive there is allso a option to change the protocol revision you can type min 1 max 999 for example but use that only on test servers!
  16. can you connect from your localhost?
  17. haha well depending on the Chronicle imo. for int its l2jfree and for freya its l2j imo. i actually miss the good old l2j times where people whit actuall knowledge about the project opened servers nowdays every random kid opens a project/server
  18. start>programm>accessory>CMS or search > cms type ipconfig there you will see your IP starting whit 192.168.xx.xx Win 7 allready got IPv6 so you will allso see your ip in Hexdezimal( 8 blocks) dont mind those put that in your login config and your bro will be able to join
  19. its called DB...access it via navicat, there are allso several php/c++ or VB based tools that can access DB, whit them you can place items to all players
  20. hehe ye :) i remember the first servers oh hell nothing realy worked :D
  21. honestly,server looks unprofessional. the website looks like a 30 min html coded website, the forum looks fine. And i see no known l2off dev in this project either. just take a look on the other "professional" projects(l2azure,l2abyss etc.) and thier websites/management for me i am 80% sure it end like l2ice, for me there aint any good L2off servers since l2azure wich has to be honest the best pack(even if it was c5) and antibot system. l2azure was the the only server beside retail i enjoyed more than 4months(been playing l2azure for 2,5 years)
  22. there are several ready to use java servers like from House. and if you understand phyton i see no problemm in understanding java basics
  23. if you count the time used to add those diffs yes :). anyway if people want to pay for shared features let them be :)
  24. faction mod = not pack. anyway most of the current selling packs contain 98% shared codes and the other 2% are usless codes/4line "features"
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