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Everything posted by eKo

  1. Selling L2Java Faction Items Drac Set+15 AQ+15 Baium+15 tts+5/7 DB+cs+15 FB+11+focus prefer selling them as package, only via paypal no psc.
  2. this. but i think he asked how to edit a batch file ^^,anyway i hope i dont see 1 more project..
  3. grr...EVERYY Code works On all Chronicles/Forks/Emulators you just have do some tweaks or adapting it etc.
  4. sucks when you cant understand english eh?
  5. good luck, gonna test the engine.
  6. this bug has been fixed for quite a while now and i think there plently of shares
  7. ye rly nice themes ^^
  8. this is not a discuss forum. nor a spam topic stick to the topic. this dosent mean i could code everything. second i hardly have time nowdays, but money so why should i not use it ^^
  9. So, i am Looking for a Custom Made Package, i prefer to buy it from Trusted Developers. So this is what the pack should Contain : Info: Faction mod Interlude Skills Interlude Features etc. Custom olympiade Hero Period 1 week, Since its a Faction mode people from the same Faction cant find in oly. no item Restriction Anti feed system If Player A kills Player B he recives reward, if Player A kills Player B again in less than like 2-3 min or so he wont Recive a Item but a Msg that he killed the player recently. Java Based Teleporter Shows Ammount of Players in the map from Both faction / example 23 Devils | 13 Angels Map Vote > will open up a html to vote for a Map Automatic Map Circle Both Factions have Several Teleporters in each map wich can be taken from the opposite Faction by killing a flag or so and more Features wich i dont like to discuss in public ;). we can discuss in PM if you havent noticed yet i am looking for a similar pack like l2java.com has for his faction server The Price Dosent Matter if you can Code the way i want the pack, ofc i wont pay you 1000 euro for it but i "could" pay up to 500 euro. And i say it again i only buy from Trustable sellers/Coders
  10. clastercz noobody forces you to play on our server so gtfo.
  11. Rom wasnt build in 1 day too.
  12. Server is open for Public DL our patch from our Website and Join us!
  13. Hello, L2Velocity is a New Freya Pvp Server. We are using lastests Rev. from L2JServer. L2Velocity Machine # Germany # Intel Xeon E5504, 3-Core@2 GHZ # 4GB RAM # 100 MBit Connection Client # Freya Rates # Exp [1000x] # Sp [1000x] # Adena [1500x] # Drop [1x] # Spoil [1x] Enchant Rates # Weapon Fighter [66%] # Weapon Mage [66%] # Armor [66%] # Element [50%] # Armor safe +4 | Max +20 # Weapon safe +4 | Max +16] Basic # Start Location Giran # Start Level 76 # Class Master Aviable//Remote Class Change # Auto Learn Skill # 26 Buff Slots 14 Dance/Songs Slots # Vitalitx System offline # Offline Craft/Trade, Restored on Server Restart, max 10 Days # Buff Time = 2 Hour # Auto pick up # Weight Limit 2x # No Clan Penalties # PvP/oly Anti Feed Protection # Flood Protection # Mana Potions # Weekly Olympiad Period Unique Events Crazy Enchant Duration 5min, Gives more chance at Enchanting ,Delay 3 Hours Event is Automized, Event Start/End will be Announced Auto! HappyHour Doubles All Rates(Exp,Sp,Raid Drop,Adena), Duration 60min, Delay 2 hours Event is Automized, Event Start/end will be Announced Auto! Quiz Event Automated event, the Event will ask you Different Questions you have to answer them whit .1/.2/.3, if your answer was correct you gain a Reward Hitman Dont like a Player?,wanna mess whit someone?. Add him to a Hitman List for Adena! Now Players can Hunt down the Player and win the Reward! Note : Offline till Further Notice TvT TvT Event, Everyone Knows What it is. 24 Hour System Cool Rewards! Custom NPC NPC Buffer/Pet Buffer Sheme Buffer, Contains every Buff you could need! Global Gatekeeper Teleports you Everywhere you want for a small Charge! GM Shop Contains every Item you could need! RaidBoss Info NPC lists all Grandbosse's if they are Alive or Dead and Respawn Time! Augument Shop here you can Augument your Items Exchange Shop Here you can Exchange Farmed Items and PvP Won items Other PvP Reward System - 1 pvp Point = 1 Red Crystal Party PvP Reward System - As healer/buffer you have a Special reward System when you Enagage in pvp whit a Party - If a Party Member Kills Someone from in pvp mode you have chance to Recive Random items we are still working on certain Features/NPC's Website : L2Velocity.com Forum : http://www.l2velocity.com/forum Server is Online since 14.11.2010 20 pm GMt+1
  14. lol compile take like 20 sec.
  15. maybe it was a joke?? ^^
  16. Remove from LoginController : statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET lastactive=? WHERE login=?"); and statement.setString(2, user);
  17. Rightclick > team > Cleanup a Clean up release the locks on a project.
  18. its been shared. i saw it a few times..maybe i have it somewhere on my pc.
  19. /fail again. nothing special so wut...this dont deserve a topic
  20. i am looking for someone to cooperate whit me, i got a V server for a CSS Server. I am looking for someone to setup a server whit me will be Surf Server+HLstats tickrate 100 etc. if your interested pm me
  21. cmmon this exists since c5/interlude its just Adapted to Freya. nor its his Idea or his own Complete Code just a Adapted Code from older Version.
  22. just lol...
  23. Everything has been sold /locked
  24. Hiho i am Selling Cheap Adena on Chronos or Trade it for Naia Adena Currency USD Ratio i sell it for 0,25USD/M or WTT it Equal for Naia Adena 500M = 125USD or 0,25USD/M on I can get Around 10Billion Adena if someone is Interested. Accepting only Paypal.
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