Hello, L2Velocity is a New Freya Pvp Server. We are using lastests Rev. from L2JServer.
# Germany
# Intel Xeon E5504, 3-Core@2 GHZ
# 100 MBit Connection
# Freya
# Exp [1000x]
# Sp [1000x]
# Adena [1500x]
# Drop [1x]
# Spoil [1x]
Enchant Rates
# Weapon Fighter [66%]
# Weapon Mage [66%]
# Armor [66%]
# Element [50%]
# Armor safe +4 | Max +20
# Weapon safe +4 | Max +16]
# Start Location Giran
# Start Level 76
# Class Master Aviable//Remote Class Change
# Auto Learn Skill
# 26 Buff Slots 14 Dance/Songs Slots
# Vitalitx System offline
# Offline Craft/Trade, Restored on Server Restart, max 10 Days
# Buff Time = 2 Hour
# Auto pick up
# Weight Limit 2x
# No Clan Penalties
# PvP/oly Anti Feed Protection
# Flood Protection
# Mana Potions
# Weekly Olympiad Period
Unique Events
Crazy Enchant
Duration 5min, Gives more chance at Enchanting ,Delay 3 Hours
Event is Automized, Event Start/End will be Announced Auto!
Doubles All Rates(Exp,Sp,Raid Drop,Adena), Duration 60min, Delay 2 hours
Event is Automized, Event Start/end will be Announced Auto!
Quiz Event
Automated event, the Event will ask you Different Questions you have to answer
them whit .1/.2/.3, if your answer was correct you gain a Reward
Dont like a Player?,wanna mess whit someone?. Add him to a Hitman List for Adena!
Now Players can Hunt down the Player and win the Reward!
Note : Offline till Further Notice
TvT Event, Everyone Knows What it is. 24 Hour System
Cool Rewards!
Custom NPC
NPC Buffer/Pet Buffer
Sheme Buffer, Contains every Buff you could need!
Global Gatekeeper
Teleports you Everywhere you want for a small Charge!
GM Shop
Contains every Item you could need!
RaidBoss Info NPC
lists all Grandbosse's if they are Alive or Dead and Respawn Time!
Augument Shop
here you can Augument your Items
Exchange Shop
Here you can Exchange Farmed Items and PvP Won items
PvP Reward System
- 1 pvp Point = 1 Red Crystal
Party PvP Reward System
- As healer/buffer you have a Special reward System when you Enagage in pvp whit a Party
- If a Party Member Kills Someone from in pvp mode you have chance to Recive Random items
we are still working on certain Features/NPC's
Website : L2Velocity.com
Forum : http://www.l2velocity.com/forum
Server is Online since 14.11.2010 20 pm GMt+1