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Everything posted by eKo

  1. i think there was smth like that shared on l2jserver community, protection/allowing only 1 client from the same Computer, search for that system on l2jserver and use it for your votereward system
  2. Sup, looking for the Faction mod by Laikeriz that has been shared here : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=102727.0 would be cool if someone got the diffs still on his disk.
  3. heh didnt know that :)
  4. think of a idea > make a concect detailed > Think of Similar system allready implanted or Shared > take similar system and mod them to the way you like it or code from scratch > if you stuck somewhere at methods or whatever you can always ask on l2j community such as l2jsever or here since you are allready Fimilar whit coding lanuages "html,php,csss,javascript" as you said above it should be not a big task to learn java, the basics(if,else,case,switch,boolean and so on) are simple there many methods on the source you can get to use, you should be able to read how the code works since your fimilar whit coding lanuages. Instead of asking someone to work whit you, you should learn java yourself always instead of counting on someone you dont even know, and you save yourself a few bucks
  5. you are not better.. Mr.gotta complain everywhere about l2j even tho i know a fuck
  6. didnt talk about acis too..but its as i said the best project atm out there you can get your hands on free. tryskell does a wonderful job. The only problemm is that all wannabe dev start nowdays a project, just take a look on trade section 95% of the topics are made by wannabe dev that share full stacked packs whit useless custom codes
  7. another random project l2jacis is the best project atm, instead of starting 10 random project help supporting one project to get shitlude finally done
  8. yeey claps claps your the 99999th server shitlude server like the rest out there
  9. i like the Engine just the price is for my taste high and a monthly payment sucks too..sooner or later its gonne be crack*ed anyway. as leluche said. Its the best Event engine out there for l2j imo
  10. yeey another fully trashed pack whit all sort of shares that has been shared here GJ!...
  11. noobish people talking about a noobish pack :D i think we are all tired about such random old crap interlude custom made packs. we got enough of them allready so why dont someone of you start coding something unique...? than you can sell it instead of c/p every shit you find on mxc and put it together in a crapy pack. my 5 cents
  12. dont bug on me, you need it for ingame or a website?
  13. well its a l2j help section, Anyway top 10 pvp/pk on a website is done whit a simple php code. it does not require c++ or VB, just look for a top pvp/pk website script(php) example : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=197764.0
  14. use search buttom...
  15. well i havent seen such a faction system shared( with flags/java based teleporter etc)
  16. ill think they have been leeched allready
  17. c3 and c5 where the best Chornicles imo..c4 lol mage chronicle
  18. lol.... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=search2
  19. there is a magical buttom above its called search its a mighty tool wich only Selected user can use. type AIO Buffer in it and activate the magic buttom whit a mouse click, if you are Strong enough it will lead you to the Right path. i wish you good luck on your Journey young Adventurer!
  20. why you are bumping such old crap?
  21. comes from a guy whit zero java knowledge.
  22. exactly. and files will be useless
  23. i meant if your Dedicated server has Windows server installed you can use Remote else you gotta use putty for example as quinia said, but there wont be a Inferface like Windows, i suggest you to ask if you can get windows on your dedicated server wich costs usually 25~ euro more the month but else you will need some help and reading guides
  24. lol!....serious you buy you a server and you dont even know how to connect. depens on your os how you connect for example on Win Win = remote desktop
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