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Everything posted by l2destino

  1. Hello everyone as the title says I cannot open these file I think they are locked. Do you know how can I unlock them? Here are the files https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tYQ-dyZJxVLwoZj9AzbQKfMYh8U1PSb_ And here the errorhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1IqMioQJk6d6z-_k0IZc2m2K6DBfSMf3d
  2. Hello there Iam looking to buy Community board for Classic Client. Something like the one from server L2Lionna
  3. Thank you very much for your share!
  4. I chancge condition for VIP's but id doesnt go -1 it goes directly to 0 do you know why? here is the code http://prntscr.com/fn7xpl
  5. Hello iam trying to adapt l2party teleporter to l2jfrozen but i still have those 2 errors. Do you know how can i fix them?
  6. How can i actually make this work with the teleporter and the zone ? http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/145845-clan-war-zone-l2jfrozen/ Thank you in Advance!
  7. Hi everyone, When iam trying to hit an npc or a minion i get this error. do you know how can i fix it? Thank you in advance!
  8. What about the enchant and augmentation? How can i move them to the new skin?
  9. Hello everyone, I saw a Nice feature in a server that people can donate and get custom skins to weapons. Fro example I have a draconic bow +16 and with this feature the skin change to a custom weapon with the same enchant and stats like draconic bow. Do you know if i can find that code or give some instruction how to do it? Thank you in advance!
  10. why i cant see the avalon server on the list?
  11. So the date has been changed to 25?
  12. Features looks good! I will totaly join!
  13. Recently i Desided to sell my account because i got bored of lol and i started playing heroes of the storm. If someone is interested let me know by adding me on skype alexandrospa Skins: http://www.elophant.com/league-of-legends/summoner/eune/24592722/skins http://prntscr.com/96cmvd
  14. Does it has backdoors?
  15. What Client Would You Like To Play?
  16. Is it possible someone make this for C4? http://pastebin.com/adEJsQjR
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