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Everything posted by dem0x`

  1. I have a problem with my server. If a player make a char.He login and he dont have any items :S He must get a item in inventory and relogin to get all items(adena,no-armor) plz help me.... thx
  2. i downloaded it again and i check all multisells...but i dont know what are you talking..all multisells are in and works good...
  3. go to database.Open table custom_npc or npc....then press on the keyboard Insert and then just insert the numbers/etc.
  4. i was playing with HTMLing... so i made this beatiful(^^,) GMShop Just for MxC xD.... Noting special^^ Chronicle:Kamael,Hellbound,Gracia........If the sql file dont want go in just make it manualy IMG: http://shrani.si/f/3S/DS/2HC5NJmC/screen01.png http://shrani.si/f/3d/Vr/49c63ttW/screen02.png Download Links: RapidShare 4Shared
  5. 1-TH 2-AW 1-Elemental Master 1-SR + 2-HE ___________ 7
  6. i need a gracia geodata for 64bit.....windows 2003...plz im trying to edit but dont know how....
  7. here...just add this in L2Server\Gameserver\data\faenor YOU MUST JUST EDIT IT A BIT its simple! Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/149979576/Medals.zip.html EDIT: You must have it in .rar file
  8. Quake 2 and 3 arena...
  9. we all know it will be nice...but plz some1 lock this topic....3 sites with spam(not all)
  10. lol nice share.....xDD You can fly with them omg....crazy man
  11. wow man...The are great like the share...i love them...thx for share^^ but i miss itemname-e,any sql file and xml files...
  12. lol funny...but how you hit with them(like a sword?)
  13. 1st wrong section as mafia said.... 2nd it was posted already : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22877.0
  14. its good by useless i think... you can ask the winner what wep he want and you give him...... but for TvT good
  15. if u use l2emu you must go to->Gameserver\config\main->then click on custom->and fine: # -------------- # Section: Items # -------------- # Allow usage of mana potions AllowManaPotions = true
  16. who cares if l2 copy some things of wow.......wow copy 1st so why l2 cant? we all know that l2 is better^^ xD
  17. q2w3e546767holkjhdsfghji767ddd77adsfghztrsdfghj
  18. if i am in wrong section move it!!i dont know in what setion i must post it..... so here is the problem: I am makeing a forum for my future server.....i have phpBB 3.0.2....... i install the db(i mean the forum)... and now it says me that: Warning Please delete, move or rename the install directory before you use your board. If this directory is still present, only the Administration Control Panel (ACP) will be accessible. so plz help me .....i need advice and plz tell me what progs i need...i have only MySql 5.0 :) thx
  19. omg look the topic name -beep-! only spaming i will try it when i get gracia :S
  20. nice share but i cant use right mouse button too....plz can you fix it...it looks great but it suck if you can use the right buttom!
  21. he dont mod it in client.....but in server.....
  22. wrong Section...
  23. i really dont know what you want......Topic name: L2 vs WoW vs Aion vs CS......... When we vote you write Warcraft.... i reallly dont know if you mean World of Warcraft or dota..... L2 4 ever
  24. what when the GM delevel a player?
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