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Everything posted by dem0x`

  1. my favorit was fable 1 cuz i never played fable2...
  2. When i started on l2world...i made a gladaitor 42 level...and then i said to my friend i wanna be archer...so i was gladiator with bow xD..... And 1 friend talked with NPC(plz buffs)....
  3. It will be a free game cuz privat server will come :D.... the game is really good.L2 and WoW mixed...I really like it.
  4. ahahhaha thats so -beep-ing funny dude.All vs you and nobody can kill you...ahahahah. i looked a bit on forum...just crying babys..xD..you were all thoes guys (DesT,mpoumpou)?
  5. FPS like CoD2 and 4.... cod 2/4 pcw server off. xfire: floky99
  6. hmmm...I agree with you guys.Pre-conf servers are just for testing not to make a server with it. I just started with killers_007 pre pack just to try how to be a gm.For me it was really cool.I never wanted to open a server cuz i dont wanna wast my money and i dont have a good network at home xD. i suggest to delete all the preconf-server topics.
  7. here is the fix if you have a 64bit windows: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=4237
  8. here is my desktop....just a normal win_vista with my favorit guitars (ESP :D).... 24" :D for bigger pic: http://www.shrani.si/f/44/8e/OqczFRH/brez-naslova.jpg @Zero You are playing guitar? :D
  9. my favorit is phpbb....for me its simpley the best...for me it is really easy...here my tests: http://real-network.freehostia.com/index.php
  10. Question....I really dont belive this company cuz yeah great machine and only 49€ lol....So is this scam or not... And is this company scam or not...i m really confused... Please if some1 can advice me about the companys... So what is better to buy...WorldStream or hetzner ...zunix i see your really smart guy..can you advice me somthing? And i see by hetzner...the setup costs + 149€...so in a mounth you give 200€...and the every mounth just 50 right?
  11. I have a question.The hack can just connect on thoes ports?... So if a server have a GS port like 3843 then the hack can't connect(dont work on the server)?
  12. lets see :DD.... EDIT: m8...great share...Thx!
  13. hmmm...i agree what you said...But now Gracia Final have much bugs.And some of them i cant fix....And i dont have Gracia part 2 client. So now i just trying C5 :D..and later i will make a Gracia Final.
  14. Im just asking if som1 know any code for anti-phx. I will try to make a c5 serverbut if i will not found anti-phx i will not make it. i tried the code for interlude but it dont works... I already use search and i already tried to make it myself.But my java knowlange is to low. Im using L2J. And if some1 know if it already have a anti-hlapex protection. Sorry for my bad English.
  15. omfg this pack sucks...Why the hell all making IL...We already know that L2Dot and Archid is da best!! and yeah cobra have right...i would never have this pack for a serius server. totaly c/p of L2Dot...just some lame addons. //i dont recommend this pack(better u use Dot or Archid)
  16. omg again reply to the topic... EDIT: Good job...
  17. ehh hahah...i must reply on the topic.... The topic is now just a spam topic :P xDD EDIT: Great job m8 :DDD..Its really usefull!
  18. You post it in the wrong section.And use search before you post.... [sLO] Narobe si povstov....pa se preden bos odpru topic probej to kar isces najdi s searchom(levo zgoraj) Ce rabs pomoc me dej na msn: cenko9@hotmail.com Here you have some..for more search it: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=37656.msg482431#msg482431 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=39199.msg267073#msg267073 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=40543.msg275962#msg275962 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28291.msg192356#msg192356
  19. can you make just same races? or is there any way to make diffrend races xD....
  20. I voted other. Cuz when i played all lowz said to me "br?" or "rus?". xD
  21. Lord Crown,Hero Circlet and ofc AFRO HAT!!
  22. wadsd asd asd aSD as dasd L I N E A G E II WIASMDFđpMASĐDFOM sašdfk krweopkrsđodfkđsao,q LETS GO COD2 CB!!!!!!!!!!WAAAAAAUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII::: jsfnpsiuhrp2398rhš'weijr
  23. F1=SoulShots F2=mostly noting . . . . F12=Attack :D I play with F10,F11,F12(higher buttons)
  24. Thx for share...Great job dude... I have a question....Where can i change Links.... P.S. I dont think that this is your work cuz i give you the question like 1 week, I saw that you looking the topic but you dont answer me. So i think that this is not your work!
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