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Everything posted by dem0x`

  1. Hello...i hope you can help me.....How can i change the respawn time of a mob/raid boss.... plz help me
  2. for me it works fine.. try to get another system or reinstall :=)
  3. i try it on my server and i dont see any errors in gs and ls...so i think its safe to play :P :)
  4. if i will you this program...can the gm know thet i use it?...coz i dont wanna get jail or ban... and i think its not for normal mana pots...its only for elexirs right?
  5. omg spamer... the post is old like the earth......LOCK IT!
  6. i know thet L2emu have a buffer in for pet buffs....
  7. i know it was possible to instant kill raids......but only in C4 with C5 skills...lethals were added in C5 so...C4 server had C5 skills and the skills were not fixed.....but now the lethals are fixed and nobody can instant kill a raid....
  8. man you rox.....beautiful shield...i really like it... great share thx a lot!
  9. it was shared only for CT1.5....but i think you can add it in il...try it
  10. im trying to add a -beep-ing buffer to server...on IL it was easy i get zero errors....but in hellbound i get it... so here we go:i add a buffer in html....then i go to scripts i add the files in....if i add in gameserver/data/scripts.cfg the info like: custom/9999_buffer/__init__.py when i run gs i get a error ...it says thet there are not details or somting...i go ingame,i press buff me and it says to me: http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=57428185uv8.png when i delete in sctipts.cfg: custom/9999_buffer/__init__.py then it is the same sht.... plz can somebody help me....i need really help thx
  11. the buffer dont works.......the 2gm shop dont works good(if you press dyes,SS/BSS....i knbow i can change it)... but i hate when buffer dont works...and l2emu buffer is not so good...i m trying to add a buffer but i get all the time a error in scripts....and if i go ingame then the buffer dont works.....
  12. can some1 tell me how it works....i mean how can i hack yahoo,etc!
  13. Can some1 tell me how can i make if you agument a weapons then the weapons have normal glow.I try to found it in weapongrp..or how can i make thet you cant agument the weapon.... pl0x help
  14. omg man.. Awesome share... you rox and the share ROXX
  15. EDIT:Ok i fint the proble..dnt need help any more....
  16. you are great...omg funny face xD
  17. yeah can any1 tell this how to do that....thx
  18. great man.....GREAT SHARE! i will try all of them...hope it works...;)
  19. thx it works...hehe..nice bug
  20. i need help with buffs.... how can i change the buff time on 1h(i mean all buffs coz now the time is 19 min and dances/songs 1min) ...Must i change all in gameserver/data/stats/skills? or its another easy way? plz help...
  21. best gk m8...!! nice job!thx for share..love you for this xD
  22. If i make only ties on olympiad and i m the 1st on the list...i will be hero then?
  23. the name you can change in database and then you must change it too in itemname-e for text you can change it in itemname-e too!
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