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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. if u read my previous answers i pointed out some. As i see , you clearly don't know what an "opinion" really is. All you do is flame. If i was truly hating warland , i wouldn't reply to ur nonsence. I wouldn't even talk. Instead i would take different actions. Anyway , no point to reply further. Keep talking with ur bullshit and destroy this server image even more.
  2. a. Define success. I wouldn't consider myself "successfull" if i had warland. Server with that amount of bugs , isn't even close to sucessfull. I don't give a crap about longterm. b. You're in no place to judge others real lifes. c. Learn to accept other's opinions. Believe me there are people here that there are far more sucessfull than l2 warland. It's really sad for a grown man like you , to use words like "cry/cryer's" Be a bit mature , and learn the difference of "cry" & "opinion" P.S Community is the image of a Server. If the community is dead , the server is dead. If the community is retarded , so is the server. And so on.... You can clearly see what Warland is all about.
  3. bruh... everyday i log in mxc , i see someone attacking or arguing with kara. I mean... c'monn. Aren't you bored yet? Downvotes and upvotes , hate , ego vs ego. Idk what you are actually trying to prove... I don't try to defend Kara or anyone but it feels like the whole forum is against him. Everybody point out his flaws but never the good things his done. I've known him for years now ( not personally ) back when he was a little Wolf :] and in general all i can tell is his done more good than "bad" Everyone makes mistakes , nobody's perfect. Keep that in mind.
  4. Lemme talk about this long-term concept warland uses as a header. Warland is lucky. It started with almost no people and slowly increased it's numbers by time because the administrator granted everyones wishes , which made this server pure garbage. Exactly what i said. Greek's and Spanish people stuck around for all these years just for that reason. I can name you servers that had plans to actually go long-term in the past 2 years(With f*cking countless hours spend working and devloping) but failed. They closed right after the last player logged out. When Zeus (admin of warland) is known for his uselessness and boredom of fixing things. Anyway , if you people choose this server because of it's longterm concept then it's actually really sad.
  5. You actually suggested to a MxC member to use a rivalry forum?
  6. And? So what if im Greek? I invested so much time because i was blinded by the lies of the admin and didn't want to let my people down.
  7. https://www.athensvoice.gr/viral/viral-now/576918_poios-alitheia-kyniga-ton-sin-boy-aka-lil-jesus
  8. This server overall is trash. and let me get in detail, Bad files ( frozen?) , unbalanced classes ( i've never seen worse) , poor geodata , unbalanced economy , not working quests , overpowered enchant rates ( 76% bless scrolls = +16 weaps on the first month) , unbalanced / stupid event's(rewards such as epics , etc) , stupid donations , implemented bot / clicker? ( lmao) , admin's marketing and managment skills are below average. Good things? Long term. I played on this server for a year and half. I don't really know and care what he changed on this season. Server used to be really bad. Another thing is , it's flooded by retarded Greeks that also keep this server alive. Anyway, Not recommended for casual people or the ones who try to spend their free time playing into this server. P.S @misiek11 fix your topic's title according to the forum or rules , or it will be junked. Thank you.
  9. Justice γυρνα να σωσεις το forum
  10. Μόνιμα στο drip, πάντα pretty boy G-Eazy Τέσσερις κωλάρες για να με κρατάν busy
  11. sad me no privs to fix ur karma i saw ur report :\
  12. i don't really skype anymore , it's soooo.. 2k12
  13. sad it's an abandoned client nowadays. Personally it's the client i love the most. I've been working on my own freya server for couple months/year? now and i think it's time i should implement geodata xD Sadly , my java knownledge is not something i could be proud of , but im getting there day by day , but still i got a long way ahead of me so... what's ur skype?
  14. not completly true tho but it's ok i'll make mine
  15. AHA i was curious about taking h5 geo but places like dragon valley which are completly different places stopped me , but i will try since i get no luck finding any freya ones.
  16. Title. most links are dead and i can't find any so please, Enlighten my blindness.
  17. sttop cry nobody cares about u anymore go play dark elmore
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