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Everything posted by markwil

  1. Register on our forum : http://forum.lineage2azure.com/ and vote for Dance/Song Duration : http://forum.lineage2azure.com/showthread.php?7-Song-and-Dance-Duration-Poll&p=7#post7 Enjoy ! Help us spread the word, enjoy a larger community and get rewarded:
  2. Live 26 June - Open Beta 12 June http://lineage2azure.com/promo/ http://forum.lineage2azure.com/ https://www.facebook...zurecom?fref=ts http://www.twitch.tv/lineage2azure
  3. Everything about obtaining Dynasty recipes can be found here: http://forum.lineage2azure.com/forumdisplay.php?22-L2Azure-Wiki also you can share your opinion about Song and Dance duration : http://forum.lineage2azure.com/showthread.php?7-Song-and-Dance-Duration-Poll&p=7#post7
  4. If you're using Interlude system try to edit questname with an Gracia Final File edit and save it 413. Don't forget, the last line should remain empty.
  5. To be in step with the world we created too a promo: http://lineage2azure.com/promo/ http://www.twitch.tv/lineage2azure
  6. Thank you ! Follow and support us on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/lineage2azure
  7. One Advertising Event has been created on the forum. Help us spreading the word about Lineage 2 Azure and you will can be rewarded with prisez in Donation Coins. ----> EVENT <----- One Donation Coin is one euro. These are the rewards: 1. 50 Donation Coins 2. 25 Donation Coins 3. 10 Donation Coins
  8. Hello guys, Welcome to Lineage 2 Azure: Official, we plan to launch on 03 July, a very well built Interlude PTS (Official Files) Server, we plan to launch a server that alot of players asked us since years to do and now we are ready to go for it. Here you can find full description about our server & here you can find info how to connect in our server. Welcome to Lineage 2 Azure: Official, we plan to launch on 26 June, a very well built Interlude PTS (Official Files) Server, we plan to launch a server that alot of players asked us since years to do and now we are ready to go for it. Here you can find full description about our server & here you can find info how to connect in our server. Planned Schedule: Open BETA: 1 July 20:00 Grand Opening: 03 July 20:00 Official Links: http://lineage2azure.com/promo/ http://forum.lineage2azure.com/ https://www.facebook.com/lineage2azurecom?fref=ts http://www.twitch.tv/lineage2azure Azure 15x Rates: XP: 15x SP: 15x ADENA: 10xADENA DROP RATE: 70% DROP: 8x SPOIL: 8x Materials: 3x Max - Amount, 1x Chance How it Works ? Click here ! QUEST XP: 5x QUEST ADENA: 5x QUEST DROP AMOUNTQuests Changed: Click here ! SEALSTONES: 5x PARTY EXP: retail Azure 15x Features: FILES: PLATFORM: INTERLUDE [OFF] We are using our own scripts,largely developed in-house. Everything works like it should,retail-like. All Quests Works All Skils Works Geodata Full ( no bugs found yet ) Augmentation System Full Duel System Herb System Full Interlude Olympiad System Interlude Clan System Death Penalty Shadow Items Cursed Weapons Interlude Freight System Hero Skills Interlude Quest Slots Offline Shop System Client/Server side protection system checking client version and preventing dualboxing and hacking Antibot Protection ( We know that there is no antibot protection that can block all bots but we promise that we will not accept botting and will use the "banhammer") And the list can continue... DUAL BOXING POLICY: Maximum amount of characters that can be in game from one computer, at the same time is limited to three ( it is per Hardware ID, not per IP ). ADJUSTMENTS: The adjustments are made to create a nice and unique game-play. If something is not written here,it means that it's unchanged, examples are the Subclass, Noblesse, Class III quests, they are retail. Dynasty Craft System: We wanted to increase the life time of the server, so now players can craft Dynasty Armors and Accessories. Added two new high level Quests ( for Dynasty Recipes ) The Quests names are: "Slay the Dragon !" and "Dragon's Legacy". In the first quest you will need to slay the Ancient Dragon Balerion, as a reward will be granted "access to the second Quest" ( Willow's Letter ). In the second one you will need to hunt Dragons and bring their "Dragon bones" to Willow, as a reward you will receive Dynasty Armors or Accesories Recipes ( randomly or selective ). Dynasty Craft 1. Quest - Slay the Dragon ! Dynasty Craft 2. Quest - Dragon's Legacy Added Dynasy Armors and Accesories items ( recipes, parts, sealed, full items )Fully Client and Server Side Retail Events Class I & Class II Buyable Team vs Team Manager GameMasters Events ( Hide and Seek, Clan Tournaments etc ) Support Ticket from the Website Support directly using our chat from the Forum Friendly Administration Autoloot On ( you can manually disable it if you wish so ) We are not thinking of adding Gm Shop, Global Buffer,etc. Server Hardware and DDoS Protection: Dell PowerEdge R810 | 4x HexaCore Xeon E7540 | 48x 2,0 GHz | 256 GB RAM DDoS Protection: 500 Gbps ( Netherlands, Romania, America )
  9. Searching on my archived files I found this : http://pastebin.com/u7cFJA8G "L2Tales vs L2Agony" You'll find there some words like "DDoS other servers, hiperfilter, files ..." Many servers fault because of his arrogance....example: "[14:54:32] Lineage 2 Tales Server: first of all [14:54:39] Lineage 2 Tales Server: dont spend more time on midrates [14:54:43] Lineage 2 Tales Server: u wont success [14:54:50] Lineage 2 Tales Server: cuz we will be enemies and u cant win [14:55:08] Lineage 2 Tales Server: we have built 5k euro ddos attack botnet" Have a nice day everyone ! P.S: Let's be clear, I don't even know Stalone or anybody else, I posted this only to clarify some...
  10. Outlaw, get the f*uck out from this forum you romanian - "english" whore, you're only an romanian gipsy goes in England. Why I call you gipsy ? Because you're a stupid scammer who don't know nothing and is trying always to scamm people. What about the HB extender stoled from mcbigmac because he kicked you off from his project ? That's exactly what you told me. :P You told me that you want to trade your "HB mcbigmac extender" with my INT files. You tried to scamm me too, why don't you try to respect Romania as a country and go to school, graduate a faculty and come back here. First, as a romanian guy, learn how to write correctly in romanian language. Second, wash your face ! I want to see mcbigmac reaction. P.S: Who want proofs about this thief just add markwilbertl2@hotmail.com
  11. Hosting24, GoDaddy, Bee2host...are many :P
  12. Just send images with ID Card and Bank statement and wait 2-3 days, they'll activate it.
  13. They're using my files, enjoy playing on the most fixable files arround the L2 World. For the first time you'll have possibility to finish some quests that was never finished before.
  14. Yes, using OVH seems to be a smart move. Time of activation is few minutes ( they include DDoS protection ). If you're thinking to make a powerful server, use Dedicated Server.
  15. The price is 80 euros. Comes with extra tests arround the scripts.If you would like to hear some opinions about these Scripts, we can make a conversation @ Skype. Add my contact : markwilbertl2@hotmail.com
  16. Thank you guys, I'll come with more !
  17. Hello everyone, I saw that many are searching for a "instant" Class/Subclass/Noblesse npc. I would like to share my npc script. NPCDATA : npc_begin citizen 25540 [class_manager] level=70 acquire_exp_rate=0 acquire_sp=0 unsowing=1 clan={} ignore_clan_list={} clan_help_range=300 slot_chest=[] slot_rhand=[] slot_lhand=[] shield_defense_rate=0 shield_defense=0 skill_list={@s_npc_prop_race_humanoid;@s_full_magic_defence} npc_ai={[class_changers];{[fnHi]=[lin2world_manager001.htm]};{[MoveAroundSocial]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial1]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial2]=0}} category={} race=human sex=male undying=1 can_be_attacked=0 corpse_time=7 no_sleep_mode=0 agro_range=1000 ground_high={120;0;0} ground_low={80;0;0} exp=429634528 org_hp=2444.46819 org_hp_regen=7.5 org_mp=1345.8 org_mp_regen=2.7 collision_radius={5;5} collision_height={25;25} str=40 int=21 dex=30 wit=20 con=43 men=10 base_attack_type=sword base_attack_range=40 base_damage_range={0;0;80;120} base_rand_dam=30 base_physical_attack=100000 base_critical=4 physical_hit_modify=4.75 base_attack_speed=253 base_reuse_delay=0 base_magic_attack=470.40463 base_defend=295.91597 base_magic_defend=216.53847 physical_avoid_modify=0 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 hit_time_factor=0.72 item_make_list={} corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={} hp_increase=0 mp_increase=0 safe_height=100 npc_end NPCPCH : [class_manager] = 1025540 AI ( decompiled ). You must compile the NASC and copy the ai in ai.obj. item_name must be edited by you, you can create a new item (example: donation_coin). Editing item_name,you should edit and the HTM : lin2world_manager001 You'll can edit easily the adena amount. class 1 class_manager : citizen { parameter: string fnHi = "lin2world_manager001.htm"; string getoccupation = "lin2world_manager003.htm"; string class_error = "lin2world_manager004.htm"; string human_fighter = "lin2world_manager002a.htm"; string human_mage = "lin2world_manager002b.htm"; string elven_fighter = "lin2world_manager002c.htm"; string elven_mage = "lin2world_manager002d.htm"; string darkelf_fighter = "lin2world_manager002e.htm"; string darkelf_mage = "lin2world_manager002f.htm"; string orc_fighter = "lin2world_manager002g.htm"; string dwarf_fighter = "lin2world_manager002h.htm"; string human_fighter_02a = "lin2world_manager002aa.htm"; string human_fighter_02b = "lin2world_manager002ab.htm"; string human_fighter_02c = "lin2world_manager002ac.htm"; string human_mage_02a = "lin2world_manager002ba.htm"; string human_mage_02b = "lin2world_manager002bb.htm"; string elven_fighter_02a = "lin2world_manager002ca.htm"; string elven_fighter_02b = "lin2world_manager002cb.htm"; string elven_mage_02a = "lin2world_manager002da.htm"; string darkelf_fighter_02a = "lin2world_manager002ea.htm"; string darkelf_fighter_02b = "lin2world_manager002eb.htm"; string darkelf_mage_02a = "lin2world_manager002fa.htm"; string orc_mage = "lin2world_manager002ga.htm"; string ShopName = ""; string fnSell = "msell.htm"; string fnUnableItemSell = "muib.htm"; int ItemOccup = 57; int Amount = 10000000; property: BuySellList BuyList0 = {}; handler: EventHandler TALKED(talker) { myself::ShowPage(talker, fnHi); } EventHandler MENU_SELECTED(talker, ask, reply) { if ( ((ask == -900) && (reply == 1)) ) { if ( talker.level >= 20 && myself::OwnItemCount(talker, @adena ) >= 100000) { if ( talker.occupation == 0 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ShowPage(talker, human_fighter); } if ( talker.occupation == 10 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ShowPage(talker, human_mage); } if ( talker.occupation == 18 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ShowPage(talker, elven_fighter); } if ( talker.occupation == 25 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ShowPage(talker, elven_mage); } if ( talker.occupation == 31 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ShowPage(talker, darkelf_fighter); } if ( talker.occupation == 38 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ShowPage(talker, darkelf_mage); } if ( talker.occupation == 44 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ShowPage(talker, orc_fighter); } if ( talker.occupation == 49 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ClassChange(talker, 50); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 53 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 100000); myself::ShowPage(talker, dwarf_fighter); } } else { myself::ShowPage(talker, class_error); } } if ( ((ask == -900) && (reply == 2)) ) { if ( talker.level >= 40 && myself::OwnItemCount(talker, @adena ) >= 1000000) { if ( talker.occupation == 1 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, human_fighter_02a); } if ( talker.occupation == 4 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, human_fighter_02b); } if ( talker.occupation == 7 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, human_fighter_02c); } if ( talker.occupation == 11 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, human_mage_02a); } if ( talker.occupation == 15 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, human_mage_02b); } if ( talker.occupation == 19 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, elven_fighter_02a); } if ( talker.occupation == 22 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, elven_fighter_02b); } if ( talker.occupation == 26 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, elven_mage_02a); } if ( talker.occupation == 29 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ClassChange(talker, 30); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 32 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, darkelf_fighter_02a); } if ( talker.occupation == 35 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, darkelf_fighter_02b); } if ( talker.occupation == 39 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, darkelf_mage_02a); } if ( talker.occupation == 42 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ClassChange(talker, 43); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 45 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ClassChange(talker, 46); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 47 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ClassChange(talker, 48); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 50 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ShowPage(talker, orc_mage); } if ( talker.occupation == 54 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ClassChange(talker, 55); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 56 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 1000000); myself::ClassChange(talker, 57); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } else { myself::ShowPage(talker, class_error); } } if ( ((ask == -900) && (reply == 3)) ) { if ( ((myself::OwnItemCount(talker, ItemOccup) >= Amount) && (talker.level >= 76)) ) { if ( talker.occupation == 2 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 88); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 3 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 89); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 5 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 90); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 6 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 91); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 8 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 93); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 9 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 92); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 12 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 94); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 13 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 95); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 14 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 96); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 16 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 97); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 17 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 98); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 20 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 99); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 21 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 100); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 23 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 101); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 24 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 102); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 27 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 103); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 28 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 104); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 30 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 105); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 33 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 106); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 34 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 107); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 36 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 108); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 37 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 109); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 40 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 110); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 41 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 111); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 43 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 112); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 46 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 113); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 48 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 114); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 51 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 115); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 52 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 116); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 55 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 117); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( talker.occupation == 57 ) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, ItemOccup, Amount); myself::ClassChange(talker, 118); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } else { myself::ShowPage(talker, class_error); } } if ( ask == -91 ) { if ( talker.level >= 20 ) { if ( talker.occupation == 0 ) { if ( reply == 1 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 1); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 2 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 4); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 3 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 7); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 10 ) { if ( reply == 4 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 11); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 5 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 15); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 18 ) { if ( reply == 6 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 19); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 7 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 22); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 25 ) { if ( reply == 8 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 26); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 9 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 29); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 31 ) { if ( reply == 10 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 32); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 11 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 35); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 38 ) { if ( reply == 12 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 39); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 13 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 42); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 44 ) { if ( reply == 14 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 45); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 15 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 47); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 53 ) { if ( reply == 16 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 54); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 17 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 56); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } } } if ( ask == -92 ) { if ( talker.level >= 40 ) { if ( talker.occupation == 1 ) { if ( reply == 1 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 2); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 2 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 3); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 4 ) { if ( reply == 3 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 5); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 4 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 6); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 7 ) { if ( reply == 5 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 8); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 6 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 9); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 11 ) { if ( reply == 7 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 12); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 8 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 13); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 9 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 14); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 15 ) { if ( reply == 10 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 16); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 11 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 17); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 19 ) { if ( reply == 12 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 20); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 13 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 21); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 22 ) { if ( reply == 14 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 23); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 15 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 24); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 26 ) { if ( reply == 16 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 27); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 17 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 28); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 32 ) { if ( reply == 18 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 33); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 19 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 34); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 35 ) { if ( reply == 20 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 36); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 21 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 37); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 39 ) { if ( reply == 22 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 40); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 23 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 41); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } if ( talker.occupation == 50 ) { if ( reply == 24 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 51); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } if ( reply == 25 ) { myself::ClassChange(talker, 52); myself::ShowSystemMessage(talker, 1308); myself::ShowPage(talker, getoccupation); } } } } if(ask == -900 && reply == 4 ) { if(talker.level >= 75 && talker.subjob_id != 0 && myself::OwnItemCount(talker, @item_name ) >= 100) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @item_name, 100); myself::GiveItem1(talker, @nobless_tiara ,1); myself::SetNobless(talker); myself::ShowPage(talker,"noble_success.htm"); myself::SoundEffect(talker,"ItemSound.quest_finish"); } else { myself::ShowPage(talker,"noble_cannot.htm"); } } if(ask == -900 && reply == 5) { if(talker.level >= 75 && talker.subjob_id != 0 && myself::OwnItemCount(talker, @adena ) >= 50000000) { myself::DeleteItem1(talker, @adena, 50000000); myself::GiveItem1(talker, @mimirs_elixir, 1); myself::GiveItem1( talker, @scrl_of_ench_wp_a, 1 ); myself::SetOneTimeQuestFlag( talker, 235, 1 ); myself::SoundEffect( talker, "ItemSound.quest_finish" ); myself::ShowPage(talker,"subclass_finish.htm"); } else { myself::ShowPage(talker,"subclass_no.htm"); } } } } Here are the HTMs : http://www.4shared.com/archive/51_MtMKtba/html.html? I'll try to bring more shares like this because I see that L2OFF section is death.Hope I was helpful, have fun playing with it.
  18. Your screen provide what ? It's your key for your hardware id ....
  19. The updates are added to the SVN. Check it out !
  20. Hello guys, Yea, I'll try to be more active on the skype. Seandeagle, I'm thinking to something, I sent you some messages, take a look on them.
  21. Just because I was operated in hospital because of one malformation that doesn't mean I can do sh*t. I'm waiting your apologize just because I got many customs that are satisfied. And about the errors, I'll come in 2 days with l2npc errors fix.L2server errors already fixed and uploaded to svn.
  22. Do you know what means to offer support to 50+ customs ?
  23. markwilbertl2@hotmail.com - Skype
  24. Sold already to one custom and he's not disappointed :P
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