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Everything posted by markwil

  1. Apologise then :P
  2. For Moderator: Delete me old topic which name is L2Off Interlude Completly Pack. Thank you ! What's up guys ? I'm gonna sell my project that I worked several months for it. It is a Interlude L2Off pack, using Vanganth extender. I fixed all quests (examples: Attack Sailren ! or The leader and the follower ). All P.I quests works like it should - retail, Pagan etc. The skills,items are the same,fixed. For more information or acces to the test server (and dedicat), just e-mail me or add my contact on the skype : markwilbertl2@hotmail.com At command I can make a custom server and sell it like he wants. I'll add one small preview of some what I done: I'm using different names of AI than Vanganth. Added the missing quests in P.I,added new npcs ai useful for quests (ex: ulu_kaimu,balu_kaimu,chuta_kaimu), improved the quests already existed. These changes was in: ai.obj,npcdata,npcpos,npcpch,quest_pch,quests_pch2,hatmls ai.obj: Added the AIs of all missing quests.Added the missing AIs of all npcs-> now all npcs have AIs (ex: velociraptor,tyrannosaurus),fixed and improved. I'm using different names of AI than Vanganth files. (my files,ex: velociraptor : party_private_primeval - Vanganth files : velociraptor : warrior_universal ). npcdata: added the missing npcs,changed the names of some npcs. npcpos: changed all npcs positions to retail, consulting all Lineage2 community stuff. (ex: files,db etc ). npcpch: changed the names of some npcs,added missing ones. html: added all htms of all npcs,retail ones. Defeat the Elrokian Raiders! Meeting the Elroki The Name of Evil - 1 Attack Sailren! The Name of Evil - 2 Pagan Tempe: Added,changed, fixed the whole Pagan - npcs ( all npcs working very well ). Improved the geodata. Changes was in: ai.obj,npcdata,html,geodata. Changes about quests,npcs ( Added - Fixed ), now works like it should : Changes in ai.obj,html,npcdata,npcpos,npcpos,quest_pch2 The Leader and the Follower Aiding the Floran Village Added the Schuttgart parts (ex:Path of the Artisan) To Lead and Be Led Beyond the Hills of Winter Seekers of the Holy Grail Grave Robber Annihilation Walk of Fate Ghosts of Batur Guardians of the Holy Grail The Other Side of Truth An Ice Merchant's Dream Seductive Whispers A Game of Cards Rather Be Collecting Fairy Breath About skills,fixed knowed bugged skills (ex:Sand Bomb). Changes: skilldata This isn't the whole list,these are only some examples.The whole pack is still available. Have a nice day everyone, Mark.
  3. Hello there, I have an L2Off Interlude Pack using Vanganth extender, Everything is done, all quests are done,I worked on this pack from 2012. I can perform a live test to see and test the files. We can speak more on skype: markwilbertl2@hotmail.com
  4. Hello everyone, I'm going to sell my scripts separately from my pack ( L2OFF Vanganth Extender ) because of one of my friends suggestion. Are completly, that mean missing AIs,skills,npcs are added - fixed - improved. The scripts will come with all HTMs. Comes with all events : heart,medeal, gate regen. etc. I'm selling them RETAIL, untouched drop rate - amount of ai.obj, npcdata 1x. About testing them, yes, I can perform a live server, so you'll can test the files directly and indirectly. More information about test can be found on my e-mail/skype markwilbertl2@hotmail.com Price: 100 euros via Paypal I'll add one small preview of some what I done, it's a copy from the pack topic: I'm using different names of AI than Vanganth. Added the missing quests in P.I,added new npcs ai useful for quests (ex: ulu_kaimu,balu_kaimu,chuta_kaimu), improved the quests already existed. These changes was in: ai.obj,npcdata,npcpos,npcpch,quest_pch,quests_pch2,hatmls ai.obj: Added the AIs of all missing quests.Added the missing AIs of all npcs-> now all npcs have AIs (ex: velociraptor,tyrannosaurus),fixed and improved. I'm using different names of AI than Vanganth files. (my files,ex: velociraptor : party_private_primeval - Vanganth files : velociraptor : warrior_universal ). npcdata: added the missing npcs,changed the names of some npcs. npcpos: changed all npcs positions to retail, consulting all Lineage2 community stuff. (ex: files,db etc ). npcpch: changed the names of some npcs,added missing ones. html: added all htms of all npcs,retail ones. Defeat the Elrokian Raiders! Meeting the Elroki The Name of Evil - 1 Attack Sailren! The Name of Evil - 2 Pagan Tempe: Added,changed, fixed the whole Pagan - npcs ( all npcs working very well ). Improved the geodata. Changes was in: ai.obj,npcdata,html,geodata. Changes about quests,npcs ( Added - Fixed ), now works like it should : Changes in ai.obj,html,npcdata,npcpos,npcpos,quest_pch2 The Leader and the Follower Aiding the Floran Village Added the Schuttgart parts (ex:Path of the Artisan) To Lead and Be Led Beyond the Hills of Winter Seekers of the Holy Grail Grave Robber Annihilation Walk of Fate Ghosts of Batur Guardians of the Holy Grail The Other Side of Truth An Ice Merchant's Dream Seductive Whispers A Game of Cards Rather Be Collecting Fairy Breath About skills,fixed knowed bugged skills (ex:Sand Bomb). Changes: skilldata This isn't the whole list,these are only some examples.The whole pack is still available. At command I can make a custom server ( L2OFF Vanganth Extender ) and sell it like it is. Someone who want that kind of stuff, contact me markwilbertl2@hotmail.com Have a nice day everyone, Mark.
  5. HolyNova, add my contact for support : markwilbertl2@hotmail.com
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