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Everything posted by markwil

  1. All I can say, we're providing a professional & friendly development team, we will do our best !
  2. To be honest, I conversed today with Skylord...yea, if you look around you will see that we are "enemies" but this doesn't matter... and I made a conclusion...available for everyone who trash talk about him or his team...he's a friendly guy and helpful. First words was a little "arrogant" but after several minutes, changed his "brute face" to a friendly one. So, I wish good luck to his project and all the best !
  3. I spoke with Dawid. For the updates you will have to speak with Advext ( licenses etc ). Until the last update of Vanganth (old pack ), Dawid will send the keys. So, stay chill :) PS: Gracia Final source remains to Dawid.
  4. Zi-mi mail-ul tau, iti trimit eu...daca merge.
  5. Sa moara dusmanii mei !
  6. good luck to this server.
  7. Vand cartofi...
  8. Check the inbox please, hope you will find something useful there :)
  9. Good luck there, friendly Administrator and the features looks great.
  10. Trusted person, good luck my friend !
  11. 150 unique right now
  12. Tonight events like "Roll the Dice" and "Hide and Seek" has been runned. Of course, I got more events in my mind but I'm interesting of knowing your suggestions. You have an idea about an event ? Share it with us ! http://forum.l2ecliptic.com/index.php?/topic/147-events/&do=findComment&comment=1019
  13. Can one moderator move my topic ?
  14. L2Ecliptic x25 is Live - www.l2ecliptic.com

  15. We are Live, enjoy !
  16. The Grand Opening is approaching, real quick, 5.30 hours left ! Prepare for it, make a Game Account: http://panel.l2ecliptic.com/register Check the forum for News: http://forum.l2ecliptic.com/ See you there !
  17. Yes, editing the scripts doesn t require any IDE tools. Long time ago I was helping Dawid with fixes. You don t need a lot of knowledge abou c++ and assembly. That doesn t matter, the important thing is that our scripts are.made by me. 1 day left till Grand Opening !
  18. L2Ecliptic x25 - Interlude - Official Platform - Live: 20th August http://l2ecliptic.com/

  19. The Grand Opening is approaching, 2 days left ! Prepare for it, make a Game Account: http://panel.l2ecliptic.com/register Check the forum for News: http://forum.l2ecliptic.com/
  20. I don't know if it was irony but if you would like to see my files just contact me, all I can say is that itemdata, npcdata, ai.obj, multisell, skilldata and so on are made by me. I will send you a message with my contact.
  21. Well, let me explain a little. At the first start wasn't any Autopickup or Auto learn skills in the server features. I don't really know why but when the server starts players was something like "hey, where is autopickup!?" ( autopickup was activated in Open Beta ). About my experience ( the files are totally made by me - scripts), autopick up is something like "activate = 1, dezactivate = 0" :) And no, we will not have problems at Live, is a promise. Thank you and welcome to you and your clan !
  22. Thank you ! 3 days left until Grand Opening ! Check our Forum for Updates: http://forum.l2ecliptic.com/ Follow these steps to connect to the server: 1. Create Game Account and download the Client from our Website: 2.Download the Patch 3. Install the client and replace the files already installed with ours ( from Ecliptic Patch V1.zip ) 4. Open the game from System folder -> L2.exe, enter the username and password created from the website.
  23. Check our Forum for Updates: http://forum.l2ecliptic.com/ Follow these steps to connect to the server: 1. Create Game Account and download the Client from our Website: 2.Download the Patch http://l2ecliptic.com/download/Ecliptic%20Patch%20V1.rar'> 3. Install the client and replace the files already installed with ours ( from Ecliptic Patch V1.zip ) 4. Open the game from System folder -> L2.exe, enter the username and password created from the website.
  24. Cannot be some mistakes in skillname ? Like...empty lines and things like these ? If you make these mistakes in itemname or etcgrp you will see like: Black icons, Random icons, NoItemName and so on...
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