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Everything posted by z0ul0u

  1. ban gt variese ne kaneis kanoniko reply.... ke ego vasika quick kano
  2. vasika exei xana ginei post http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15009.0;topicseen
  3. z0ul0u

    Smoke WEED ?

    Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! some times :P
  4. nice picks.. if u paint them then u have talent
  5. first noway that this button exist second Third u can free bot on official..if u pay a fee first so...
  6. mmm nce share bit it seems like the l2 is going to be for 15- years old too kiddy
  7. se kano ban gt ine down o server p pezo ke varieme
  8. oooo thunks my friend if i was donator u would have +1
  9. hey m8 nice gk and first time seen a menu like that keep up
  10. hey nice share(collection) keep up gw m8
  11. ok maybe its sound newby question but i see somewhere that i can make my server accessable by other client.. if anyone know how other players can access my hellbound server from gracia client plz write a guide... Dont tell me to use search button... there is nowhere such a guide...
  12. ok if i hear stupidility like "this was easy to make but thunks" or "its easy just do that or that" etc.. i am going mad.... what in hell u have on ur mind guyz...if it was easy why u didnt just make it and share it??? ok maybe its easy but some of us in this forum dont know coding so wtf stop saying it was easy.. if u dont like it just create ur own and dont use the premaded shared by: magaki13
  13. bassicaly the idea came fro IA it said be4
  14. thunk.. i tried to do smthing like this be4 but in the end... i summoned vallaks but was monster tho.. i couldnt command it...
  15. omg thunks a lot i was scary cause if i was on holydays who ginna keep my server (cause in island noone paly l2 and vcant play l2 from my grandpas pc:P if i try to it gonna die(the pc) now i can manage it.. in a way thunk again....
  16. den thimame na s po apekso gt den exo kapio pack auti tin stigm (logo Format) ala an xereis ligaki apo navicat psakse stin "droplist"
  17. trws bun gt to sign s leei mlkies 1on den exeis camera:P 2on exo xp ala tora ime me mozila.. oxi opera....
  18. i am the last Wihaaaaaaaaa
  19. se kano ban gt teleftea fora ekana ban stin selida 15
  20. i use this... bu be aware it u must be on pc o stop it manually ior u gonna break your items
  21. sas kano ban gt ne to mono moros(topic)p exo tin dinami na to kano
  22. ok he maybe!! but that was not an answer!! i cant tell u my real technic!! eleoc dld
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