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Everything posted by z0ul0u

  1. its not so enthusiastic but its good... *EDIT: omg i didnt saw the the date sry... and somebody plz lock it
  2. c4 was the best client for pvp servers!!!
  3. ok its nice share... but someone lock this topic plz its look like a a spam topic
  4. ok here is smthng easy to do... but difficult to think, good work m8
  5. ty xreiazotan kati tetoio
  6. ti to diskolo iparxei apla pata to search button ke grapse search ke oti thes ena koumpaki ine re file eleoc!!!! ke to topic edo den ine gia request help... ine mono gia share READ THE RULES!!!!
  7. omg what else we gonna see!!!!!
  8. its safe for official???
  9. its really nice but...its onecolored if it had tow colors would be better... thing
  10. nice job... but i dunno why i like the blues and red...(original)
  11. great job
  12. i like it but... i f\dont like green color:( but nice work
  13. it very nice GR:apla mamaei
  14. *Error Corrected anybody tested on official??? if yes. worked???
  15. didnt work on official :)
  16. pes ta re filaraki ke su... ne men tosa xronia l2 pezo... ala edo ke 2 mines p xekinisa wow vlepo oti exei poles omiotites me to l2 ke apo oti ksero tis pio poles ti exei antigrapsi to l2 apo to wow px:sto hellbound/gracia mexri ke to proxorima me num lock exoun valei
  17. cause i just started wow i use carbonite ots a q helper http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33297.msg225895#msg225895 check it out
  18. Bleach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. -z0ul0u says: this is an addOn that show u the q,i mean u take a quest and is telling u were is the place that the q asking u to go or if u must kill monster its show u where the monsters territory is. just like a gps,the only (prob) not really a problem.. is that when u place the addon in ur game i it will get confused for the task that u have already taken before u place the addon -... says: first of all is this illegal??? -z0ul0u says: no not at all i am using it in officiall -... says: ouaou c00l.. just stop spamming and share the prog -z0ul0u says: ok ok ok the proggram it called carbonite. -... says: link it n00b -z0ul0u says: ok ok ok here it is http://www.curse.com/downloads/details/11233/download/60747/ -... says: make a guide how to install n00b!!!!!! -z0ul0u says: if u download the program u will find a guide just stop spamming my topic -... says: ok man sorry... can u plz make a guide how to use??? -z0ul0u says: ok for now just take the program. anyway its easy to use just click the q that u want from carbonites bar and then tick the show q on map if i have some free time ill try to make a guide cya guyz... -... says ok guyz i think this was usefull,, plz click the signature to thnk him...
  20. ok old but usefull especially if anybody didnt know it
  21. its nice anyway
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