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About maximus303

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  1. L2Gracia Final 1x is OFICIAL OPEN... LOG IN AND HAVE FUN
  2. new server 1x no donations just Play To Win https://l2gracia.com/
  3. new server 1x no donations just Play To Win https://l2gracia.com/
  4. u can bot here ..if u can https://l2gracia.com/
  5. https://l2gracia.com/
  6. Website: https://l2gracia.com/ 20 March: Grand Opening We are pleased to invite you to our Line][age II Gracia Final Server. - Best 1x Server | NO Donation system of any kind | NO Customs | Buffer 2H - On our server is play to win no pay to win - Items can be acquired only by Craft, Spoil, Drop, Quest, RaidBoss - Experience/SP Rates are retail x1. - Drop/Spoils/Adena rates are retail x1, - Gear up to C-grade can be purchased with adena. Visit the GMSHOP to purchase gear. - Weapons are sold clean, SA's need to be added normally with crystals. - Shots still C grades and consumables can be purchased from GMSHOP but B/A/S Shots by crafting - Top s84 items are retail like ...craft/drop/quest/RaidBoss - 65% success rate for gear enchantment, safe enchant +3, max enchant armor +16/weapon +20 - Augmentation chance to get a skill - Mid Stone: 30%, High Stone: 45%, Top Stone: 60%. - Skills are auto learned. - Normal buffs still 74 lvl have 2 hours duration NPC Buffer - Max buff slots, 24+4, 12 Dance/Song. - Prophecies from 3rd class (like COV) have 4 minutes - Forgotten Skills need their proper books to learn. - 1st and 2st Class quest not required, - Quest will be required for 3rd class. - Subclass quest required. - Noblesse quest required. and much more.. visit our website, www.l2gracia.com !
  7. fixed u can clouse this topic
  8. wtb l2 web site +forum
  9. fixed thx to MaGa...u can clouse it
  10. K so I have this goddess suits on my h5 server we manage to add them some stat like elegia armors but when we equip this suits we cant equip a weapon we have and .dressme on server but that option allow u to choose just from the existing armors from server any one can help us to fix this? 1) to fix equip weapon with suits 2)add this suits like aprearance on server I think the beter wey is to add this suits to .dressme command
  11. Hi guys I ned some server dev work on my server is about some goddess suits
  12. Trusted seller and very god person... lately is very hard to find members like MaGa on this forum I mean trusted and skilled and always there to give u a hand when you need...THX Again MaGa ...good luck with your sales
  13. I already do that so if I make some mestake I don't know where It is...I mean I do all what my knowledge allow that why I ask for help but thx anyways
  14. Hi guys some 1 can help me to add some dragon weapons on my homemade h5 test server pls?I already add them but when I spawn i cant see them in my inventory money can be involved to i think I ned a loot of dev work for my server and maybe for the web site to... my Skype is l2gladiator {maximus Toledo}
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