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Everything posted by ericvini

  1. And the ig packets arent bugged as hell? I know only of a project like this - russian - for c4.
  2. 1 = min quantity 1 = max quantity 100 = chance for it to drop within the group 70 = chance for the group to drop. Check it with bigger tables and u ll understand, the explanation above is perfect.
  3. That is cool =o Wish there was something like this for c4/gf too lol
  4. No daemons available - doesnt matter anyway.
  5. Also on OP, I believe the mxc extender (made by mac) corrected all known bugs and all well known exploits.
  6. Related to ur OP, I d check attributes/skills enchants, as they are always bugged on the first try when using a newer client. Edit: if you want to have a newer client running, just to have it 'pretty', then by all means go ahead, but if you like things retail-like, without any daemons anything higher than HF is pure speculation (and even HF - advext- itself isnt even close to correct in many things). If I had the ability and time, I d make a GE/Freya public release just to have something pretty close to perfect done. If you went the HF route, u d have people interested, but there is already advext and the rumors of the retail files being leaked (so, if they ever did leak, would mean ur work was wasted). There is a half-baked HF ext, with not even all hooks done, made by rival, but as always he didnt deliver after this initial burst +" lack of time" (aka he couldnt get past the skill barriers needed to be successful at it like dawid, james, mac, fred etc did) - RCE is hard.
  7. GE is close enough to GF to be literally perfect (some areas with new mobs, bishop/ee/se skills system and mail). Sadly almost no one cares about that version (I'm ignoring advext's GE version as they based scripts totally on Freya, not GF, and that made a lot of the npcdata inexact - it sohuld have been 'hybrid', just adding what is different). Freya would also be almost perfect as there are even the scripts available, but it seemed no one really liked it/wanted HF only. If I m correct Mac had made a freya version long ago that is not available anywhere. Anything above HF is extreme guesswork imo.
  8. Try this, made by Fyyre (I don't have his original link anymore) http://www.filedropper.com/gfrev83w10fix Be a pal and upload it to mega if it works please as this link will short stop working.
  9. I may be completely wrong but, just remind me, does the game automatically put the , or was it you? Like you typed 1000 and it became 1,000?
  10. Sorry to ask as I cannot download these atm and check for myself. Are these real leaks or written on java/c by ppl?
  11. Wont different IDs in the client compared to the server (items mainly) fuck shit up quite often? Even GF - H5 has quite a few differences. (unless the server files are reviewed and matching the client, which I doubt - or none of the items used in C1 changed - which is possible =p)
  12. It is harder, try to get a Korean acc to check it. Regen times are terrible, xp given is lower, try to farm solo = kill 3 mobs and wait for mana/hp for 10 minutes. It is exactly like c1 and that is their marketting point. Even on their Korean ads that was the point. You simply have a newer client (ofc with new daemons on their side, but still the point stands) now to make it prettier/compatible with nowadays software (e.g: interlude works in 4: 3 aspect ratio only, anything wider = your screen gets cut). Check l2off c1 files and compare the values that you get there, xp is slower, kill speed is terrible, regen is terrible etc - "more hardcore" then. If I am still correct, the highest level guy in retail is still level 63 or so (and it is korea we re talking about). L2 has never been hard, it is simply time consuming.
  13. Should be 0.8 by comparison. I also don't see the point that you are trying to argue, it seems like arguing for the sake of it alone.
  14. Then you played something different from everyone else, because classic rates (I played in Korea too) are even lower than x1, aside from the no A grade, slow hp regen etc. The fact that it uses a newer client doesn't change the fact that it is truly hardcore, even more than the prelude-c1 version.
  15. I didnt know W7 ran c1
  16. I don't have the final version anymore, gonna see if some1 still has it. If not, I will do it again (I have the pre final version lol). edit: http://pastebin.com/u2bj3hMZ Click raw - copy-paste - replace ur herbdata.txt data. edit2: updated file without mystic/warrior herbs: http://pastebin.com/Kgnb8Qda
  17. Even when not down, that forum doesn't seem rly active =/
  18. Well, first you need an account to login.
  19. please speak in Portuguese so that I can translate it edit: check your sql settings, firewall, account, client set to connect to said ip etc
  20. CE having to prove that? lololol
  21. Sounds good, specially if its tested and doesn't alter anything else
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