Related to ur OP, I d check attributes/skills enchants, as they are always bugged on the first try when using a newer client.
Edit: if you want to have a newer client running, just to have it 'pretty', then by all means go ahead, but if you like things retail-like, without any daemons anything higher than HF is pure speculation (and even HF - advext- itself isnt even close to correct in many things).
If I had the ability and time, I d make a GE/Freya public release just to have something pretty close to perfect done.
If you went the HF route, u d have people interested, but there is already advext and the rumors of the retail files being leaked (so, if they ever did leak, would mean ur work was wasted). There is a half-baked HF ext, with not even all hooks done, made by rival, but as always he didnt deliver after this initial burst +" lack of time" (aka he couldnt get past the skill barriers needed to be successful at it like dawid, james, mac, fred etc did) - RCE is hard.