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About heisen

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  1. The only person making something bad to L2Mid is you CorruptionLord. Today I will log-in bot and broadcast this topic link to all the few players left on your dead servidor.
  2. LOL are you kidding me? fucking insane bro! Thank you for letting the community know who SkyLord is and how hungry he is. You have to be retarded to continue play on L2Mid.. when will you niggers learn?
  3. This is true, I remember this happening and him scamming users in past too. Admins should really ban this guy. As said, once a scammer, always a scammer!
  4. Update: Selling also S grade weapons (6 euro each)
  5. agree, bad project runned by kids.
  6. Herra, has also another skype: emanuel.noguera88 Herra new username on forum is Meth, so be carefully!
  7. Hello, I have high stocks on L2MID of adena, I deliver fast and prices are cheap considering its new server. PM me how much you need and I can do discounts if big orders.
  8. L2Mid is awful, it seems they lost half of players already. Server is empty almost... not recommended!
  9. DONATE PAGE? are you kidding me? hahaha so basically what DonateLord suggest is "create an account because you cannot donate else, and then donate". PS: server full of lag, ovh hosting with cheap ddos protection. gl
  10. Want to sell adena on dragon-network.net 10kk - 4 euro
  11. Fail server, no offence.. I don't recommend playing on a ghost serbar.
  12. I wrote you in PM:)
  13. I am selling all my items on L2EOLA - Full boss jewels set +10 - Draconic armor +10 - Draconic Bow +18 - Eola coins - ~1000 left Pm me if interested, accessible prices and fast delivery
  14. Server is fail and corrupted by bad administration team, SKYBALLS go on L2Mid and open again please
  15. This is the biggest corrupted server in 2k17, GayLord inc.
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