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pirama last won the day on July 9 2017

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Community Answers

  1. make one program how can get Hwid from your customer pc and after use the Hwid hard code on your program
  2. all this rework you add it on your main project without work correct ... that show only one people how is not perfectionist ...realy i don't care if your pack is 7 or 17 years project or if is you are have it for hobby or not ... just don't use titles how you can't support " perfectionist " lol
  3. wrong ... if is perfectionist never can add feature without work 100% and give it on updates for live servers ... as i have said and on past is one beta project ... no one big rework work correct ... "maybe as thinking" but after leaving Hasha i think this team no have skills for end the job and i think before end 2020 this project is unstable for used on live server " as all shared project " better use l2off for live servers
  4. Kali xronia !!!
  5. wrong .... aCis before 1-2 years is more unstable from today .... but if you think how is more stable get 340 or 330 rev and test it :P they has successful server because work on this files 1-2 years ... never one normal "on mind" people can share source from one stable pack
  6. as GeoEngine i think is better the aCis as performance but need big rework ( for give better performance and stable game play ) has good code style ( " code thinking " ) L2Sunrise has more update from L2j then if you are developer better see how work ( the acis geoengine as thinking ) and make one better ... L2Sunrise is best choice
  7. leader.setParty(party); player.setParty(party); this don't needed on code on new Party(leader, _players.get(1), LootRule.ITEM_RANDOM); they set leader.setParty(party); and on party.addPartyMember(player); has set for player.setParty(party); this method can create max 1 party because new party is up of for try this // create party players public void createPartyOfTeam(int teamId) { final List<PcInstance> _players = new ArrayList<>(); for (PcInstance p : players.keySet()) { if (getTeam(p) == teamId) { if (p.isInParty()) p.getParty().removePartyMember(p, MessageType.EXPELLED); _players.add(p); } } int i = 0; PcInstance leader = null; Party party = null; for (PcInstance player : _players) { if (i == 0) leader = player; else if (i == 1 || party == null) party = new Party(leader, player, LootRule.ITEM_RANDOM); else if (i < 9) party.addPartyMember(player); else { i = 0; leader = player; } i++; } }
  8. http://l2exteam.com/?_fromLogin=1 you can test it if you want ... is only for interlude server ( at this moment ) if you join try to bot
  9. Test Server is online The ExGuard now is more safe and clean for more info you can join on official forum
  10. this is one simple share ( for see some new dev how work the java part ) is only for interlude after interlude i think i go to H5
  11. StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " "); String comnd = st.nextToken(); if (comnd.equals("MatchingInvite")) { String targetName = st.nextToken(); String type = st1.nextToken(); System.out.println("Main Command is " + st); System.out.println("Command is " + comnd); System.out.println("TargetName is " + targetName); System.out.println("Type is " + type); switch(type) { case "FKeepers": RuleSet = 1; System.out.print("im here " + RuleSet); break; case "Random": RuleSet = 2; System.out.print("im here " + RuleSet); break; case "RanSpoil": RuleSet = 3; System.out.print("im here " + RuleSet); break; case "ByTurn": RuleSet = 4; System.out.print("im here " + RuleSet); break; case "ByTurnSpoil": RuleSet = 5; System.out.print("im here " + RuleSet); break; default: return; } PcInstance receiver = World.getInstance().getPlayer(targetName); } java read automatic the st.nextToken() on the call step and you call it on system.out
  12. good morning about blowfishkey error you never give report for this ... ( and this bug can exist in first rev but only you useit .. all another customer use the last rev and no one has problem ) your pc has problem on your raid 0 ... stuck on different files ( all debug on this hdd ) has different stuck every time you test it and on hdd without raid ( and no stuck on protection ) but l2 can't open ... without error or something . just don't open and as you told me you have the same problem and with script guard protection . i send you and one server who use vanganth protection and you have again problem . maybe your pc stuck ? i have lost many time for i'm trying to find what happened with your pc ( because this problem is only for you ) ... yes i missing for some days but i have send you the ExGuard forum and i have add you as customer . but you never have write nothing and you don't ask help ... so the support is not over from the moment you think you have done right ( this posts , delete the protection and this is the end ) i think i can i delete you and from customer now ( you don't need it )
  13. first of all you talk for what happened before 2 months +- and is not for 10 minute is about 4-5 hours as i remember from server log and is not stable bypass , after first bypass need 5-10 minute from trys for 1 correct join but after that many have try without correct results and i don't talk for 1-2 trys i talk for 6-7 hours with trys and that happen on all protections so don't flame more about for what happen before 2 months
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