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Posts posted by Rootware

  1. 1 hour ago, Dev said:


    Ok then tell me if you find right or wrong my arguments in that reply then and don't take it personal cuz that was not my point.


    Your words totally wrong, because you tried to protect admins. Admin it's owner of project, don't confuse with GMs and Moderators. All depends on the administrator what quality his project will be. It is he who hires or saves on programmers, the quality of server's concept and other technical issues.


    We are all observing an era the cheap projects with budget in 100-300 euros.


    P.S. I respect the player well enough to provide him with low-quality service.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Dev said:

    Perhaps you can try be a creator and let the other creators judge your ugly creation then.


    Everyone talks about admin faults whilst in the era of it's peak you didn't even know if an admin existed in that game. You logged played never asked GM help never knew if anything like that ever existed. In today's communities player logs first thing he does is not to search the game but to send petition to Admin/GM and start talking about irrelevant things.


    In addition, there's a whole business to l2, I mean it always used to be but now it's more than ever : Adrenaline, bots, anti-bot systems, interfaces and stuff, stupid advertisements everywhere not exluding this forum and so on and so forth.


    Everyone makes good money except for the Admins nowadays.




    My opinion was written from player's side. That the main reason why my private project not published yet. And i have excellent experience with talking and working with many admins for judge about admin's side.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Ave™ said:

    anyone can help me about this?


    You already got the answer. Just take another S grade weapon and check the difference between this 2 weapons. In end of properties line you find glow effect and him position. Glow effect setup as property in weapongrp.dat.

  4. 59 minutes ago, BloOdDiamOnD said:

    @Tryskell @Rootware

    No unfortunately i checked and changed the whole validate posititon code , tried the l2j's one, mobius one also but still nothing , this issue is very strange 

    What could be another possibility for this?


    At first try compare speeds what uses server and what was sent to client in CharInfo packet. After check movement task.

  5. If during the movement of the character he is periodically thrown back, then this means that there is a lot of desynchronization between the client and server speeds.


    Now you knows the reason. Now try to fix it. Assume, what next question will "where i can find this problem place".

  6. Missed param "LongRangeGuardRate" for NPC templates what uses in Quest/Script. Check templates for all registerend NPCs in script RangeGuard.


    About GlobalLoader - it's very rarely and exotic method for loading all other loaders. Save this and shown for all beginners in Java how "by no means worth doing".

  7. Too many words. The main problem in the death of this game is greedy and stupid admins. The last 10 years they kills a wish to play in this game. And player it's secondary reason. A cheater was in all times. Percent of cheaters depends from project quality.


    I do not know the server on which I would like to play. They are all equally ugly, as is the intelligence of their creators.

  8. Try this but check the IP adress method in your sources.

    public static void AutoReward()
    	List<String> ips = new ArrayList<>();
    	Collection <L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers();
    	for (L2PcInstance p : pls)
    		final String ip = p.getConnection().getInetAddress();
    		if (ips.contains(ip))
    		p.sendMessage("AutoReward: You got " + Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT + " " + Config.NAME_ITEM_REWARD + " by being online");
    		p.getInventory().addItem("", Config.AUTO_REWARD_ID, Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT, p, null);


  9. On 4/16/2020 at 3:50 PM, Frank said:


    Yeah, it's not a hard task, just time consuming and that's why I need a second developer.


    This is not a hard task if you have enough knowledge. A lot of subsystems must be reworked fully. E.g. skill enchant system, geo engine for supporting instance system (pointless use H5 client w/o instances), etc.


    And the cost of work not cheap even for "secondary developer hands".


    Try to do it self step by step. The first stage will upgrade packets with "dummies" for entering into the world and after you will do the hard work for drop all dummies and implement necessary features.


    As basis use L2J Server H5 and NetPro packet sniffer.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Important said:

    Is it possible to make a button to send you at Facebook Page / Site / Youtube Channel on community board at Gracia Final l2j server?


    Try to use this:


    <button value="Facebook Page" action="url !2265" width=160 height=25 back="l2ui_ct1.button.button_df_small_down" fore="l2ui_ct1.button.button_df_small">

    where, !2265 string from sysstring-e.dat

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