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Posts posted by Rootware

  1. 2 hours ago, jtos said:

    There's people answering here that never tried or have no access in Mobius forum and they want to "help" you.

    I don't know about Interlude but Mobius H5 files work like a charm and are complete.


    In fact every mobius chronicle I have tested up to Fafurion is one of the top around.

    Hope that I helped.


    Your knowledge in Lineage 2 are sucks. Do not take this as an insult, just a fact.

  2. 15 minutes ago, PARADISE said:

    Ok, one more time. Even though pdo_sqlsrv is listed in phpinfo() it doesn’t work on the majority of shared plans. Because their servers don’t support or they don’t have the correct extensions needed. Also you don’t have the permission to add extensions, so you can’t make it work. Now if you do it from IIS where you can actually install the extensions yourself it will work. Do you understand ?


    Check https://paradised.icu/test.php


    As i said it's your problem and this script useless. In your case you tried to fix all limitation of plans for virtual hosting. Ans as i said before, the PHP Info enough for check compatibility between installed PDO driver version and your target database because all plans uses universal own stable versions of PHP and don't cares about correct configure not declared features in hosting plan. And you are lucky man if it's works now, cause the hosting company could just block all ports on the stage for prepare software for providing virtual services.


    I always thinked before (around 15 years) what this is a well-known fact, but no. Exists people who believe what they can trick the hosting sellers. First of all, need to read fully description of hosting plans before payment. Otherwise you will always wasting own time for nothing and after will talk about your bad experience based on fatal mistakes on selection hosting stage. But it will hidden and published as hosting company problem.


    Have a nice day!

  3. 1 hour ago, PARADISE said:

    You don't really get what i just said, or you try to prove your mental disability? I said even-though PDO is listed in phpinfo() it doesn't actually work. Now why you post about pdo_mysql, I don't really know.


    PDO (PHP Data Object) it's universal interface for connection from PHP scripts to any database using special driver for specified database. All installed drivers for PDO and PDO as extension aswell available in PHP Info function.


    So, you want to say even if you have installed php_pdo extension and pdo_dblib/pdo_sqlsrv drivers in PHP you will have problems with connection  to MS SQL server like your?


    And in this case, what need more for configure from PHP for resolving connection issues? Give me please free of charge lesson for upgrade my glamour knowledge. Possible exists some hidden configurations (what can't be known for people like me) what in default disabled and restrict normal usage PDO for MSSQL connections except for driver compatibility with server version. Feel free to just teach me something new.


    In generally, i guess you has fault with connection because your DB version isn't supported PDO driver. All describes here. Did you read this before contact to support of your Namecheap?

  4. 12 minutes ago, PARADISE said:

    In the beginning I thought the same thing @Rootware, that it’s useless because you can use phpinfo() or check the configuration through cpanel/plesk. I currently have some hosting plans on Namecheap. Even thought they mention php7.x I had to use this particular script to figure out that pdo_sqlsrv is not working under their servers. Even their support wasn’t aware of that either. 


    If you don't have knowledge for correct reading PHP Info table, then it's your problems.


    Mine VPS PHP 7.0 properties from phpinfo() fuction.



  5. 1 hour ago, Anarchy said:

    bro ... not using old as shit insecure sql injectable functions which the fucking maker of discontinued AND REMOVED because they are shit and insecure is not "Enterprise rules" wtf you smoking holy crap


    I guess you know some exotic injections in PHP 5.x or you talking about simple POST/GET unsafe data exploits in SQL queries?

  6. 52 minutes ago, Anarchy said:

    actually it's extremely useful for if you're doing work for someone else who doesn't actually own the webserver or know anything about web shit at all, you ask any of those idiots "which module do you have enabled for mssql connections?" you're gonna get a blank fuckin stare as if you just asked them to build the space shuttle.... and  "php_mssql.dll" ... no one in their right mind should be using that module anymore and EVERYONE should be using PDO in this day and age. Besides, both mssql_* and mysql_* function modules were deprecated in php since 5.5 and are removed completely in 7.0 so yeah no one should be on that shit anymore.


    I think you were mistaken by the forum when you wrote this. Please, stop to recommend "Enterprise" rules the deploying and configure of frontends.


    I use as PHP 5.x, and PHP 7.x too. Not matter the choice of version if the result satisfies you completely.

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