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Hello, hello, I need help to compile the pack. I have jdk 17 but eclipse does not compile. Is necessary something more than jdk17 subclipse and environment variables because other packs compile them for me ok
Source L2JDev Rev 12 Source + Pack Free UPDATE NEW VERSION
lordeze replied to Lowness's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
Is there any cumulative sub class option? -
I am looking for PawnViewer of GF final EN
lordeze replied to lordeze's topic in [Request] Client Dev Help
when translating the l2.ini I get it in Korean as in the image, know where the option is i n the l2.ini for English -
I am looking for PawnViewer of GF final EN hello I'm looking for GF PawnViewer final in EN as I show in the images. or if you know how to translate this menu. Thank you.
I buy key vangath GF final price options and warranties and be recommended in the forum please.
I want to configure this lin2panel for my server but I have an error. some help or guide to configure it. LOG [09-Oct-2017 19:33:25 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect() in www/lin2panel/index.php:18 Stack trace: #0 {main} <?php // Start output buffering ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); // Set error storing ini_set ( "track_errors", true ); // Start session include_once ( "includes/session.php" ); // Load configuration include_once ( "includes/config.php" ); include_once ( "includes/functions.php" ); include_once ( "includes/l2atl.php" ); include_once ( "includes/stats.php" ); // Open databases $link_panel = sqlsrv_connect ( $sql_ip, $sql_user, $sql_password, true ); mssql_select_db ( $sql_db_panel, $link_panel ); $link_db = sqlsrv_connect ( $sql_ip, $sql_user, $sql_password, true ); mssql_select_db ( $sql_db_db, $link_db ); $link_world = sqlsrv_connect ( $sql_ip, $sql_user, $sql_password, true ); mssql_select_db ( $sql_db_world, $link_world ); // Check logout if ( isset ( $_GET [ "logout" ] ) && $_GET [ "logout" ] == 1 && isset ( $_SESSION [ "account" ] ) ) { $_SESSION [ "logged" ] = "OUT"; header ( "Location: " . $_SERVER [ "PHP_SELF" ] ); exit (); } // Destroy logout session if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ) && $_SESSION [ "logged" ] == "OUT" && isset ( $_COOKIE [ session_name () ] ) ) { setcookie ( session_name (), '', time () - 42000, '/' ); } // Check login if ( isset ( $_POST [ "login" ] ) && $_POST [ "login" ] == 1 && isset ( $_POST [ "account" ] ) && ! empty ( $_POST [ "account" ] ) && isset ( $_POST [ "password" ] ) && ! empty ( $_POST [ "password" ] ) ) { $_SESSION [ "account" ] = preg_replace ( "/[^a-z]+/", "", strtolower ( $_POST [ "account" ] ) ); $query = "select top 2 * from account (nolock) where account='" . $_SESSION [ "account" ] . "' and password=0x" . md5 ( $_POST [ "password" ] ) . " order by uid"; $res = mssql_query ( $query, $link_panel ); $array_account = mssql_fetch_array ( $res ); if ( mssql_num_rows ( $res ) == 1 ) { $_SESSION [ "logged" ] = "OK"; $_SESSION [ "uid" ] = $array_account [ "uid" ]; $_SESSION [ "lang" ] = $array_account [ "language" ]; log_msg ( date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . " " . $_SERVER [ "REMOTE_ADDR" ] . " " . $_SESSION [ "account" ] . " \"logged-in\"\r\n" ); } else { $_SESSION [ "logged" ] = "ERR"; } mssql_free_result ( $res ); header ( "Location: " . $_SERVER [ "HTTP_REFERER" ] ); exit (); } // Check privileges for page if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ) && $_SESSION [ "logged" ] == "OK" ) { $query = "select top 2 * from account_privileges (nolock) where uid=" . $_SESSION [ "uid" ] . " and page='" . str_replace ( "'", "''", $_SERVER [ "QUERY_STRING" ] ) . "' order by uid"; $res = mssql_query ( $query, $link_panel ); $array_privileges = mssql_fetch_array ( $res ); if ( mssql_num_rows ( $res ) != 1 ) { $_SESSION [ "privileged" ] = true; } mssql_free_result ( $res ); } // Write logs if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ) ) { switch ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ) { case "OK": log_msg ( date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . " " . $_SERVER [ "REMOTE_ADDR" ] . " " . $_SESSION [ "account" ] . " \"" . preg_replace ( "/[\n\r]/", "", $_SERVER [ "REQUEST_URI" ] ) . "\"\r\n" ); break; case "ERR": log_msg ( date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . " " . $_SERVER [ "REMOTE_ADDR" ] . " " . $_SESSION [ "account" ] . " \"error-login\"\r\n" ); break; case "OUT": log_msg ( date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . " " . $_SERVER [ "REMOTE_ADDR" ] . " " . $_SESSION [ "account" ] . " \"logged-out\"\r\n" ); break; default: } } else { log_msg ( date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . " " . $_SERVER [ "REMOTE_ADDR" ] . " unknown \"" . preg_replace ( "/[\n\r]/", "", $_SERVER [ "REQUEST_URI" ] ) . "\"\r\n" ); } // Set and load language if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "lang" ] ) ) { $lang = $_SESSION [ "lang" ]; } if ( ! isset ( $lang ) ) { if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" ] ) ) { $array_language = preg_split ( "/[,;\s]+/", $_SERVER [ "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" ] ); foreach ( $array_language as $language ) { if ( array_key_exists ( $language, $array_pages_language ) ) { $lang = $language; break; } } } if ( ! isset ( $lang ) ) { $lang = "en"; } $_SESSION [ "lang" ] = $lang; } include_once ( "lang/" . $array_pages_language [ $lang ] . ".php" ); // Check for page return if ( isset ( $_GET [ "ref" ] ) && $_GET [ "ref" ] == 1 ) { ignore_user_abort ( true ); if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "referer" ] ) && ! empty ( $_SESSION [ "referer" ] ) ) { header ( "Location: " . $_SESSION [ "referer" ] ); unset ( $_SESSION [ "referer" ] ); } else { header ( "Location: " . $_SERVER [ "HTTP_REFERER" ] ); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title><?php print ( $_text [ 0 ] ); ?></title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <?php if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ) && $_SESSION [ "logged" ] == "OK" ) { ?> <div class="menu"> <?php foreach ( $array_pages as $i => $val ) { $query = "select top 2 * from account_privileges (nolock) where uid=" . $_SESSION [ "uid" ] . " and page='p=" . $i . "' order by uid"; $res = mssql_query ( $query, $link_panel ); $array_privileges = mssql_fetch_array ( $res ); if ( $i == -1 || ( ( $array_privileges [ "privilege" ] & $array_page_privilege [ "read" ] || $array_privileges [ "privilege" ] & $array_page_privilege [ "write" ] ) && ( $array_privileges [ "privilege" ] & $array_page_privilege [ "no_menu" ] ) == 0 ) ) { ?> <div class="menu-<?php print ( $i == ( isset ( $_GET [ "p" ] ) ? $_GET [ "p" ] : -1 ) ? "selected" : "unselected" ); ?>"> <a class="menu" href="<?php print ( $_SERVER [ "PHP_SELF" ] ); ?>?p=<?php print ( $i ); ?>"><?php print ( $_text_menu [ $i ] ); ?></a> </div> <?php } mssql_free_result ( $res ); } ?> </div> <div class="strona"> <br /> <?php if ( isset ( $_GET [ "p" ] ) && array_key_exists ( $_GET [ "p" ], $array_pages ) ) { $query = "select top 2 * from account_privileges (nolock) where uid=" . $_SESSION [ "uid" ] . " and page='p=" . str_replace ( "'", "''", $_GET [ "p" ] ) . "' order by uid"; $res = mssql_query ( $query, $link_panel ); $array_privileges = mssql_fetch_array ( $res ); mssql_free_result ( $res ); if ( $_GET [ "p" ] == -1 || ( $array_privileges [ "privilege" ] & $array_page_privilege [ "read" ] || $array_privileges [ "privilege" ] & $array_page_privilege [ "write" ] ) ) { if ( $array_privileges [ "privilege" ] & $array_page_privilege [ "no_menu" ] ) { if ( isset ( $_GET [ "f" ] ) && ! empty ( $_GET [ "f" ] ) ) { $query = "select top 2 * from account_privileges (nolock) where uid=" . $_SESSION [ "uid" ] . " and page='p=" . str_replace ( "'", "''", $_GET [ "p" ] ) . "&f=" . str_replace ( "'", "''", $_GET [ "f" ] ) . "' order by uid"; $res = mssql_query ( $query, $link_panel ); $array_privileges = mssql_fetch_array ( $res ); mssql_free_result ( $res ); if ( $array_privileges && ( $array_privileges [ "privilege" ] & $array_page_privilege [ "read" ] || $array_privileges [ "privilege" ] & $array_page_privilege [ "write" ] ) ) { $part = $directory_parts . $array_pages [ $_GET [ "p" ] ] . "/index.php"; include ( $part ); } else { ?> <table class="center" width="50%"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="center"><span class="error"><?php print ( $_text [ 336 ] ); ?></span></td> </tr> </table> <?php } } else { ?> <table class="center" width="50%"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="center"><span class="error"><?php print ( $_text [ 336 ] ); ?></span></td> </tr> </table> <?php } } else { $part = $directory_parts . $array_pages [ $_GET [ "p" ] ] . "/index.php"; include ( $part ); } } else { ?> <table class="center" width="50%"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="center"><span class="error"><?php print ( $_text [ 336 ] ); ?></span></td> </tr> </table> <?php } } else { $_GET [ "p" ] = -1; include ( $directory_parts . $array_pages [ $_GET [ "p" ] ] . "/index.php" ); } ?> <br /><br /> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="login"> <form method="post" action="<?php print ( $_SERVER [ "PHP_SELF" ] ); ?>"> <input name="login" type="hidden" value="1" /> <table class="center" width="50%"> <?php if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ) && $_SESSION [ "logged" ] == "ERR" ) { unset ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ); unset ( $_SESSION [ "account" ] ); session_destroy (); ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="center"><span class="error"><?php print ( $_text [ 294 ] ); ?></span></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" height="4"></td></tr> <?php } elseif ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ) && $_SESSION [ "logged" ] == "OUT" ) { unset ( $_SESSION [ "logged" ] ); unset ( $_SESSION [ "account" ] ); unset ( $_SESSION [ "uid" ] ); unset ( $_SESSION [ "lang" ] ); session_destroy (); ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="center"><span class="logout"><?php print ( $_text [ 313 ] ); ?></span></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" height="12"></td></tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="center" width="50%"><?php print ( $_text [ 292 ] ); ?></td> <td class="center" width="50%"><input name="account" type="text" class="center" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center" width="50%"><?php print ( $_text [ 253 ] ); ?></td> <td class="center" width="50%"><input name="password" type="password" class="center" /></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" height="4"></td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="center"><input class="accept" type="submit" value="<?php print ( $_text [ 293 ] ); ?>" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ document.onload = function () { document.forms [ 0 ].account.focus (); }; // ]]> </script> <?php } ?> </body> </html> <?php // Close cached link l2_cached_close (); // Close databases mssql_close ( $link_panel ); mssql_close ( $link_db ); mssql_close ( $link_world ); // Flush data ob_end_flush (); ?>
thanks again already almost jajaj but now I have compilation error. thanks for all the help. Generation log Compilation Version: Project started: MyExt64, Configuration: Release | x64 Command lines Creating temporary file "d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \ x64 \ Release \ RSP000007198015996.rsp" with content [ / O2 / I "d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \\" / D "_WINDLL" / D "_UNICODE" / D "UNICODE" / FD / EHsc / MT / Fo "x64 \ Release \\" /Fd"x64\Release\vc80.pdb "/ c / TP". \ Server \ L2SkillFunc.cpp " ". \ Server \ CSkillOperateCondition_op_check_abnormal.cpp" ". \ Server \ CSkillEffect_t_hp.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @" d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \ x64 \ Release \ RSP000007198015996.rsp "/ nologo / errorReport: prompt" Creating temporary file "d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \ x64 \ Release \ RSP000008198015996.rsp" with content [ / O2 / I "d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \\" / D "_WINDLL" / D "_UNICODE" / D "UNICODE" / FD / EHsc / MT / Fo "x64 \ Release \ CNPC1.obj" /Fd"x64\Release\vc80.pdb "/ c / TP". \ NPCd \ CNPC.cpp " ] Creating command line "cl.exe @" d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \ x64 \ Release \ RSP000008198015996.rsp "/ nologo / errorReport: prompt" Creating temporary file "d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \ x64 \ Release \ RSP000009198015996.rsp" with content [ / O2 / I "d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \\" / D "_WINDLL" / D "_UNICODE" / D "UNICODE" / FD / EHsc / MT / Fo "x64 \ Release \ CCreature1.obj" /Fd"x64\Release\vc80.pdb "/ c / TP". \ NPCd \ CCreature.cpp " ] Creating command line "cl.exe @" d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \ x64 \ Release \ RSP000009198015996.rsp "/ nologo / errorReport: prompt" Results Window Compiling ... L2SkillFunc.cpp (CCreature *, CObject *, const CSkillInfo *, const double, const int, const (const), const (const), const int, const bool) 'a' double (__cdecl *) (CCreature *, CObject *, const CSkillInfo *, double, int, int, bool) ' None of the functions with this name in the scope match the destination type (CCreature *, CObject *, const CSkillInfo *, const double, const int, const (const), const (const), const int, const bool) 'a' double (__cdecl *) (CCreature *, CObject *, const CSkillInfo *, double, int, int, bool) ' None of the functions with this name in the scope match the destination type (CCreature *, CObject *, const CSkillInfo *, const double, const int, const (const), const (const), const int, const bool) 'a' double (__cdecl *) (CCreature *, CObject *, const CSkillInfo *, double, int, int, bool) ' None of the functions with this name in the scope match the destination type CSkillOperateCondition_op_check_abnormal.cpp (CS_CreateCondition_op_check_abnormal * (__ cdecl *) (const size_t) 'to' CSkillOperateCondition_op_check_abnormal * (__ cdecl *) (size_t) '. None of the functions with this name in the scope match the destination type CSkillEffect_t_hp.cpp (C: \ Program Files \ CSkillEffect_t_hp.cpp (11): error C2664: 'FnPtr': Can not convert parameter 1 from 'CSkillEffect_t_hp * (__ cdecl *) (const size_t)' to 'CSkillEffect_t_hp * (__ cdecl *) (size_t)' None of the functions with this name in the scope match the destination type Generating code ... Results The generation record was saved in the "file: // d: \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ l2shrine-extender-public-8690f2aa668a \ MyExt64 \ x64 \ Release \ BuildLog.htm" MyExt64 - 5 errors, 0 warnings
Disculpa mi inisistencia y mi falta de conocimientos pero esto empezando en VB y gracias por tu ayuda y rapidas respuestas. ESTE ES EL ERROR EN VB2005: el proyecto consta en su totalidad de configuraciones que necesitan soporte para plataforma que no estan instalafas en este equipo . el proyecto no se puede cargar.