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About pqTeSTpq

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  1. No interlude clan interested in this server? :O
  2. Since russians will gather in big numbers on Eternal.ms , a well-advertised server on all media,i decided to come back on interlude chronicle and try find a worthy clan to have some great fights with there.My main role is Cardinal,but i can play also DD(nuker/archer),i got Assist/Follow/Kite knowledge, mic+headphones so i can use any communication program..Further more infos on PM/Skype : pi2de.2010 .
  3. Keep it up!
  4. it's useless to tell him things about balance that need to be improved when the big java clans that join this server won't play it for too long. If 1 good clan leaves,no matter the reason,all are leaving immediately..It's a stupid domino effect on this high rates and i'm sick of it honestly.That's why High Five chronicle is the best,there is no such thing there and that's not the criteria that determins a server's life period like on Interlude.
  5. This isn't custom? Wake up please!
  6. 2k18 now and people still can't understand why they fail opening Custom servers.. Look in clan section on their forum,1 pots only from a guy who is also looking for a group to join.And you wonder why servers like Cartel/Sanity had tons of people and clans...Try build something balanced and with real objectives and reward using non-custom things..Servers with customs will never be populated by stong clans,i discussed with some of the leaders and they consider this type on server a joke and they won't ever join on it. But it's just me...
  7. For this server exclusively,i will reinstall Interlude and start L2 . #worthed
  8. Hello community ! I was wondering if anyone here is willing to share with me some clan+ally crests. I don't want topzone/hopzone trash crests,i am asking if someone has some unique crests made by themself that i cant find anywhere on internet.I can edit the letters,i just wanned to see some creative backgrounds on them.Waiting for some cool ones,i`ll repay u with a like :)
  9. Hello community ! We are a group of friends that played together on many servers and now we want to join on L2Damage.com at the opening on the 29th of December. Depending on the number of players we manage to gather,i will decide if we will make our own clan or if we join other clan as a CP. To make a better opinion about us,take some time to view our clan videos from previous seasons of L2Damage on our channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/pqTeSTpq Few things that we are looking for from you guys : 1) Basic assisting/positioning knowledge . 2) Headphones + Microphone ON for Teamspeak 3 . 3) Having the posibility of donating ( we will play archers setup,since all of us will donate and without auguments archers hit low damage ) 4) We will speak English language in PvP , since we are from different countries At this moment , i am looking for people who master the cardinal/archer/warlord classes.Feel free to contact me at Skype adress : pi2de.2010 if you have questions or if you want to find out more informations about us.
  10. Hello MXC community members ! My name is Madalin , im 25 years old ,i am from Romania and i am creating this post to let you know i'm offering my video editing services for the right price. I can create intros,promotional videos or Clan pvp videos.I can say i'm still a beginner,even tho i worked with many programs(now i am trying Sony Vegas).Feel free to contact me to Skype adress : pi2de.2010 or leave me an private message here on forum.I will check daily the inbox/Skype.
  11. Hello to everyone! My real name is Madalin, i'm 24 years old and i'm originary from Romania.I'm a high-rate servers player and i recently decided to start playing L2 after a long break. I am looking for a clan/group to join since i'm a big fan of massive population servers and i know for sure judging by the clans which will join Eola that there will be non stop pvp and action in boss zones.What i'm lookin for is a good clan with experienced members,that individually know what they need to do during a fight,a clan with a worm atmosphere. Classes that i know to play at max potential are Cardinal/Nukers(any)/Archers(usually GS cause it's the best for mass pvp)/Warlord. I mention that i can use any speaking program(Skype/Raidcall/Teamspeak/etc) and i can play arround 5h/day now.If i consider your clan it's good,i can follow it on more servers,not just this one. Contact : Skype - pi2de.2010 Forum L2Eola - private message In-game nick : pqTeSTpq
  12. #morecancerousspam2k17
  13. #failsetup #learnsomemoretactics
  14. mate,it's not your business how and why i dismissed him,you don't know the whole truth,and please stop off-topic.
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