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About SherniKhall

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  2. There is possibility to do a 3 profession without doing a quest. Through Donate Coins that can be traded InGame you can reactivate the 3 profession without quest. Thx.
  3. Thanks for your suggestion, Euphoria is designed to have excellent gameplay, with 10x rates, it's not difficult nor easy, it's just nice! Thank you.
  4. Yes. The Xp and SP bonus is only one of the prizes per vote. We have other items that are purchased through voting on top sites.
  5. GRAND OPENING TODAY! Dear player, we are glad to see you! We are pleased to present to you a short description of our server. Our server was tested many times and worked out to bring the maximum balance as for low level game, as well as for high level. We know that Lineage 2 - High FIve is not a new chronicle anymore and many of you already know everything about them, but we tried to make the game as fun as possible and still keep some difficulty in the game, so you could feel every aspect of it. ~ Server Description: Rate XP/SP: x10. Rate Adena: x7. Drop: x7 (Chance: Increased or decreased drop amount depending on item chance. Aka Asofe, Animal Bone...). Quest Reward/XP/SP: x5 (Many quests have amount of drops increased). Buff Time: Retail Like, according to official data. Class and Subclass: ​1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Transfer: ​1st Class: 250.000 Adenas (250k). 2nd Class: 1.300.000 Adenas (1.3kk). 3rd Class: Retail Like or by Euphoria Coin. Sublass: Retail Like. Noblesse Quest: Retail Like. ~ World Features: Newbie Helper: Retail like. Cursed Weapons: A bit of drop chance is increased. Grand Olympiad: Start on April, 01. Seven Signs: Start on April, 01. Number per Client HWID/IP: 04 Skill Learn: Retail Like. Loot: Olny Adena are Auto Loot. Offline System: Create your store and type .store command. Duration: 30 days; Price: 1.500 Adenas; Minimum Level: 10. First Sieges: Without definition from now on. Party System: Increase XP/SP depending of amount of players in party. (More details ASAP). Raid Boss and Epic Boss Spawn: Retail Like. ~ Game Commands: Turn on/off XP/SP: .expmod Set Offline Shop: .store Repair your another char: .repair Trade Refusal: .traderefusal Block Soulhost/BSShot Anime: .blockshotsanime ~ Server Interface: Classic Bag: Classic Experience Bar and Commands: ~ Protection (Client and Serverside): The grand opening is scheduled for the next day April 1 at 16:00 GMT GMT-3 SITE: http://lineage2euphoria.com/ FaceBook fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/euphoriahi5/
  6. Hello, Yes bro. Drop and Spoil is 3X
  7. The Lineage 2 Euphoria It's a Java based server with Retail Like! We aim to bring our players to the best of Lineage 2, we have a dedicated team to correct errors, take care of the players and to perform a service with quality, our perfect structure against any type of attack, bots, or hacks! It is a 100% Retail Like server, aiming to bring the best of Linegae 2 to our players with the best team, 100% protected against bots, hacks and so on. [RATES] • EXP RATE: 10X • SP RATE: 10X • ADENA RATE: 7X / 75% • SPOIL / DROP RATE: 3X [OTHER INFORMATION] • ENCHANT: RETAIL LIKE • KARMA: RETAIL LIKE • DEATH PENALTY: 20% RETAIL LIKE • VOTE REWARD: WITH BONUS OF XP/SP AND OTHERS • PROTECTION: LOGIN SYSTEM WITH 100% ANTIBOT • FARM AND CRAFT: RETAIL LIKE Do not miss out, call your clan, your friends and even your girlfriend! Great Adventures await you at Lineage 2 euphoria The grand opening is scheduled for the next day April 1 at 16:00 UTC-3 SITE: http://lineage2euphoria.com/ FaceBook fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/euphoriahi5/
  8. Hello, I need somebody to perform a service in the Helios client interface. 1. Add bars Extras 2. Add macros Bar 3. Add some shortcuts. Thanks All !
  9. Lineage 2 Valfenda Farm/PvP Server 100x http://lineage2valfenda.com http://forum.lineage2valfenda.com/index.php?/topic/4-server-details-conquer-x100/ https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2Valfenda/
  10. Lineage 2 Valfenda Farm/PvP Server 100x http://lineage2valfenda.com http://forum.lineage2valfenda.com/index.php?/topic/4-server-details-conquer-x100/ https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2Valfenda/
  11. Lineage 2 Valfenda Farm/PvP Server 100x http://lineage2valfenda.com http://forum.lineage2valfenda.com/index.php?/topic/4-server-details-conquer-x100/ https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2Valfenda/
  12. Lineage 2 Valfenda Farm/PvP Server 100x http://lineage2valfenda.com http://forum.lineage2valfenda.com/index.php?/topic/4-server-details-conquer-x100/ https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2Valfenda/
  13. Lineage 2 Valfenda Farm/PvP Server 100x http://lineage2valfenda.com http://forum.lineage2valfenda.com/index.php?/topic/4-server-details-conquer-x100/ https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2Valfenda/
  14. Welcome to the World of Lineage 2 Valfenda - Conquer x100. The world of Conquer x100 provides an experience like no other. With fresh features and unique gameplay, we are the best High Five PVP/Farm Server at the moment. OBT Details: Starting at April 02, 2.016! (20:00h UTC-3) Fresh Start: Starting at April 09, 2.016! (20:00h UTC-3) Registration and Downloads released on March 30 Community Board Gallery General Information Rates: Subclass: Buffs: Enchant: Stones: Character Creation ServerEvents Custom Coins and Farm Areas Enjoy on this new HISTORY Enjoy LINEAGE 2 VALFENDA!!! Visit our website- http://lineage2valfenda.com/ Forum- http://forum.lineage2valfenda.com/ Fanpage- https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2Valfenda/
  15. The launcher will be made based Lame Updater and can be easily modified your settings, without being required to have the soucer.
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