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ZaNteR last won the day on October 15 2024

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About ZaNteR

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  1. Theres horrendous micro-stuttering happening. Im pretty sure it has to do with the drivers and/or the RDNA3 architecture vs the client but i thought i could try my luck here. I have tested C4, Interlude, Classic and Essence clients and theres no problems with those, performance is excellent. I also tried using dxvk (dx9 to vulkan) but there was no change so im sure theres something in the client causing the problem. I ruled out the server side after trying both L2JServer's H5 and L2jMobius, micro stuttering persisted with both. I guess i should either wait for AMD to do more driver optimisations or just forget about Epilogue and High Five if there isnt something that can be done client side about it.
  2. Is it worth it listing on any of them? Or its better if i just buy ads on fb/forums/google etc.?
  3. Could be the client is overriding the server in this. Try lowering the tries before ban to 3, try again and if the account gets banned my assumption would be correct and you will have to blame the client.
  4. Check the Warlord self-buffs
  5. Game might be fine but the monetization will most certainly not. You see when we first started playing Lineage 2 it had the subscription model so the developers focused on adding content in a way that made sense and it was fun but now this game is build around monetization which is almost always detrimental to the gameplay experience.
  6. The forum recently forced everyone to update their password with a password reset. Do password recovery.
  7. I think you should do away with the party restrictions. It will just confuse the players and cause you a lot of support questions for no reason. Good luck with the new server.
  8. The date is only important for how much time you want to give yourself to fix bugs or problems that arise after the opening. This is why big video games release either on Tuesday or on Thursday ahead of the weekend where its the most busy time.
  9. Just do facebook ads byyourself, you will get way more clicks than any other place (topsites are a scam nowadays). Hell i even found some nice servers to play on myself from facebook and i barely use the site.
  10. As the title says, im wondering, since everyone is so cynical towards L2 in this forum the last few years. To answer my own question i am mostly playing single player stuff after building a decent gaming rig a few years back and i occasionally help the L2JServer team with testing things.
  11. Honestly when i was trying Essence, Classic etc. the more i played the more i missed the freedom C4 or Interlude gave the player. Essence for example plays like a single player game, you just talk to an npc that gives you a fetch quest and then rewards you with several levels, gear and support items like pots and shots. You rarely engage with the economic and social systems since everything is "gifted" to you. If i wanted to sound like smartass i would say Essence is more instant gratification based while HF and older are more delayed gratification based. The new versions of the game are tailored to people that want to have a solo and guided experience (hand holding), which in my opinion is completely antithetical to what Lineage 2 started as. I dont hate it but its not as fun.
  12. Thats too bad, well good luck with whatever you do next.
  13. what happened? lol My guess is someone just bought everything for a hefty sum.
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