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Everything posted by FightToTheDeath
hehe nice i liked the 2nd :P
kainourios einai p na kanei search na vlepei mhn tous apopernete >.<
ok ok relax i didnt know it ;D
http://www.xat.com/web_gear/chat.php#top , You should see something saying this "Click a picture below to change the background:" Click ur back round you wont for it and then click Update & Get Code click it, and then scroll down alittle and you should see something that looks like this "Look Bellow" http://www.xat.com/web_gear/chat.php#top First Click that link, Then you should see something like this "Click a picture below to change the background:" Pick ur back round you would like and then Click ur size you wont it small,medium,huge , i pefer medium. Then Click "Update & Get Code" And then scroll alittle Down you should see something like this. <embed wmode="transparent" src=http://www.xatech.com/web_gear/chat/chat.swf quality=high width=540 height=405 name=chat FlashVars="id=15329284" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.xat.com/update_flash.shtml" /><br><small><a target="_BLANK" href="http://www.xat.com/web_gear/?cb">Get your own Chat Box!</a> <a target="_BLANK" href="http://www.xat.com/web_gear/chat/go_large.php?id=15329284">Go Large!</a></small><br> <img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/CIMP/Jmx0PTExOTIwNzI1NTAxMjUmcHQ9MTE5MjA3MjYzOTMyOCZwPTUzMTUxJmQ9Jm49. Click on copy and then go to ur Forums Click Admin>ManageStyles> Then click on Edit Headers/Footers Click on Footers if you wont it on the bottem or headers if you wont that chat box on top and then Copy the code you got and paste it in there and click Save and there! Try that.
no you arent :/ sry
kamael L2 Satisfaction Demons VS Angels Kamael
FightToTheDeath replied to Sуѕтємƒяєαк's topic in Private Servers
Very nice server . It remembers me L][uW old faction server :P -
kolofardoi -.-
Life mporeis na stamathseis na kaneis tetoia reply opws ( ... ) ? kai na kaneis double post?
http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=18863.0 Life4twister is spamming....
emeis psinomaste sth rodo ase p exoume na doume xioni apo to 86 ;D
[Share]Hair accessory of Valakas [CT1]
FightToTheDeath replied to CriticalError's topic in Client Development Discussion
if you want to red this share try to farm the posts without spam . and why you reply when you cant see it? :-\ -
Welcome and pls avoid spam because i saw you spam a lot ;)
kane edit kai grafto kai se english mporei kapoioi p dn einai apo greece na 8eloun na voi8isoun :P
Client Side Commands fps_max Frame rate limiter. cl_allowdownload <0/1> Client downloads customization files. Default: 1 cl_allowupload <0/1> Client uploads customization files. Default: 1 cl_autowepswitch <0/1> Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful) Default: 1 cl_c4dynamiclight <0/1> Draw dynamic light when planted c4 flashes. Default: 0 cl_c4progressbar <0/1> Draw progress bar when defusing the C4. Default: 1 cl_cmdrate Max number of command packets sent to server per second. Default: 0 cl_updaterate Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server. Default: 20 cl_crosshaircolor Color of crosshair. 0=green, 1=red, 2=blue, 3=yellow, 4=skyblue Default: 0 cl_crosshairscale Size of the crosshair. Lower value=Larger, Higher value=smaller Default: 768 cl_crosshairusealpha <0/1> Make crosshair translucent against similar colors. Default: 0 cl_customsounds <0/1> Enable customized player sound playback. Default: 0 cl_demoviewoverride <0/1> Override view during demo playback. Default: 0 cl_drawhud <0/1> Enable the rendering of the hud. sv_cheats must be enabled to disable hud. Default: 1 cl_showtextmsg <0/1> Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen ================================================================================================================ Server Side Commands hostname The name of the server. sv_password Set server password. Leave blank to disable. mp_friendlyfire <0/1> Turn on/off friendlyfire. Default: off mp_footsteps <0/1> Turn on/off footsteps. Default: on mp_autoteambalance <0/1> Force clients to auto-join the opposite team if they are not balanced. Default: on mp_autokick <0/1> Kick idle/team-killing players. Default: off mp_flashlight <0/1> Turn on/off the ability for clients to use flashlight. Default: off mp_tkpunish <0/1> Punish TK'ers on next round? Default: on mp_forcecamera <0/1> Force dead players to first person mode, effectively disabling freelook. Default: off sv_alltalk <0/1> Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions. Default: off sv_pausable <0/1> Can the server be paused Default: 0 sv_consistency <0/1> Force cleints to pass consistency check for critical files before joining server? Default: 0 sv_cheats <0/1> Allow cheats on server. Default: 0 sv_gravity <0/1> World Gravity Default: 800 sv_maxvelocity Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis. Default: 3500 sv_unlag <0/1> Enables player lag compensation. Default: 1 sv_voicecodec Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.. Default: vaudio_miles sv_allowupload <0/1> Allow clients to upload their custom decals to the server. Default: 1 sv_allowdownload <0/1> Allow clients to downnload files. Default: 1 sv_maxspeed Maximum speed a player can move. Default: 320 mp_limitteams <0-20> Max # of players 1 team can have over another. Default: 2 mp_hostagepenalty <##> How many hostages a Terrorist can kill before being kicked, 0 to disable. Default: 5 sv_voiceenable <0/1> Allow clients to use mic. Default: 1 mp_allowspectators <0/1> Allow spectators on the server. Default: 1 mp_chattime <0-120> amount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over. Lower value = faster map load change. Default: 10 sv_timeout <##> After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped. Default: 65 Rcon Cvars rcon_password Set rcon passsword. Leave blank to disable rcon sv_rcon_banpenalty <mins> Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication. Default: 0 sv_rcon_maxfailures <0-20> Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned. Default: 10 sv_rcon_minfailures <0-20> Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned. Default: 5 sv_rcon_minfailuretime <1-seconds> Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications. Default: 30 Round Cvars mp_freezetime <0-60> Time in seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts. Default: 6 mp_roundtime <1-9> How much time in minutes does a round last. Default: 5 mp_startmoney <800-16000> Amount of money each player gets when they reset (16000 max) Default: 800 mp_c4timer <10-90> The amount of time in seconds before bomb explodes after planted. Default: 45 mp_fraglimit <##> Amount of frags a player can exceed before changing maps. Default: 0 mp_maxrounds <##> Amount of round to play before server changes maps. Default: 0 mp_winlimit <0-20> Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes maps. Default: 0 mp_playerid <0/1/2> Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names. Default: 0 mp_spawnprotectiontime Time in seconds to Kick players who team-kill after round restart. Default: 5 Bandwidth Rates sv_minrate <0-25000> Min bandwidth rate allowed on server. Default: 0 (unlimited) sv_maxrate <0-25000> Max bandwidth rate allowed on server. Default: 0 (unlimited) decalfrequency Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal. Default: 10 sv_maxupdaterate Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60 sv_minupdaterate Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10 Server logging log <on/off> Enable server logging? Default: off sv_logbans <0/1> Log server bans in the server logs. Default: 0 sv_logecho <0/1> Echo log information to the console. Default: 1 sv_logfile <0/1> Log server information in the log file. Default: 1 sv_log_onefile <0/1> Log server information to only one file. Default: 0 sv_logsdir Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored. SourceTV tv_enable <0|1> Activates SourceTV on local game server, SourceTV bot will appear as spectator client after next changelevel (master only). tv_name <name> Sets SourceTV name as it appears in server browser and scoreboard (master only). tv_title <text> Sets a SourceTV broadcast title shown in the spectator GUI tv_maxclients <0..255> Sets maximum client number for local SourceTV server/proxy (default 128). tv_stop Stops broadcasting the game via SourceTV. tv_status Shows SourceTV specific information. tv_clients Shows a list of all spectator clients connect to local SourceTV server tv_msg <text> Send a HUD message to all connected SourceTV spectator clients tv_retry Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy to last known address (relay only). tv_autoretry <0|1> If enabled, SourceTV relay proxies try to reconnect to last known server after connection was lost. tv_timeout <seconds> Sets SourceTV relay proxy connection timeout in seconds. If a connection times out, the relay proxy tries to reconnect automatically. tv_delay <seconds> Source TV broadcast delay in seconds (master only). tv_delaymapchange <0|1> Delays the map change on game server until rest of buffered game has been broadcasted tv_port <port> Set the SourceTV host port (default 27020). Must be set as srcds start parameter. tv_maxrate <bytes> Sets the maximum bandwidth spend per client in bytes/second (default 5000) tv_snapshotrate <n> Sets world snapshots broadcasted per second by SourceTV (master only). tv_password <password> Sets required password for connecting spectators. tv_relaypassword <password> Sets required password for connecting relay proxies. tv_record <filename> Starts a SourceTV demo recording that records all entities & events (master only) tv_stoprecord Stops SourceTV demo recording (master only) tv_autorecord <0|1> Automatically records every game, demo file name format is auto-YYYYMMDD-hhmm-map.dem tv_debug <0|1> Shows additional debugging messages tv_dispatchmode <0|1|2> Sets Source client dispatch mode for connecting clients: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always tv_overrideroot <0|1> Overrides the master IP broadcast to spectators with a local IP. tv_relayvoice <0|1> If enabled, allow player voice chat if broadcasted (master only) tv_transmitall <0|1> By default entities and events outside of the auto-director view are removed from SourceTV broadcasts to save bandwidth. If tv_transmitall is enabled, the whole game is transmitted and spectators can switch their view to any player they want. This option increases bandwidth requirement per spectator client by factor 2 to 3. tv_chattimelimit <seconds> Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds tv_chatgroupsize <n> Set chat group size to n spectators. Only spectators in the same chat group can speak to each other. Chat groups are turned off with "tv_chatgroupsize 0" and everybody can speak to everybody. Setting chat groups helps reducing chatter noise and saves some bandwidth. tv_chatgroup <name> Allows spectators to choose their chat group. If no name if given the current chat group is shown (client only) tv_nochat <0|1> Disables other spectators chat lines (client only) tv_allow_static_shots <0|1> Allows auto-director to choose fixed camera shots (master only) tv_allow_camera_man <0|1> Allows spectator clients on game server to become SourceTV camera men (master only) -nohltv (Command Line Variable) -tvdisable Disables all SourceTV features on this game server. (Command Line Variable) -tvmasteronly SourceTV can only serve one client and can't be used as relay proxy. (Command Line Variable) Operation sv_lan <0/1> 0=Public/LAN, 1=LAN Default: 0 sv_region Geographic location of the server. -1 World 0 US East coast 1 US West coast 2 South America 3 Europe 4 Asia 5 Australia 6 Middle East 7 Africa sv_contact Contact email for server sysop
If you login as your gm or admin account "min account lvl 3" and type ingame: .command It will list what commands you can do, or.... All users commands .acct Display the access level of your account. .commands Display a list of available commands for your account level. .dismount Dismount you, if you are mounted. .info Display the number of connected players. .gmlist Display a list of available Game Masters. .help $command Display usage instructions for the given $command. .showhonor Display your honor ranking. .save Saves your character. .start Teleport you to the starting area of your character. .taxicheat #flag Hide or reveal all taxi routes for the selected character. If no character is selected, hide or reveal all routes to you. Use a #flag of value 1 to reveal, use a #flag value of 0 to hide all routes. Moderator's commands .announce $MessageToBroadcast Send a global message to all players online. .gmoff Disable the <GM> prefix for your character. .gmon Enable the <GM> prefix for your character. .goname $charactername Teleport to the given character. Either specify the character name . or click on the character's portait, e.g. when you are in a group .gps Display the position information for a selected character or creature. Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id .modify $parameter $value Modify the value of various parameters. Use .help modify $parameter to get help on specific parameter usage. Supported parameters include hp, mana, rage, energy, gold, level, speed, swim, scale, bit, bwalk, aspeed, faction, and spell. .modify aspeed #speed modify aspeed Modify all speeds -run,swim,run back- of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50. .modify bit #field #bit Toggle the #bit bit of the #field field for the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your character. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50. .modify bwalk #speed Modify the speed of the selected player while running backwards. .modify energy #energy Modify the energy of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your energy. .modify faction #factionid #flagid #npcflagid #dynamicflagid Modify the faction and flags of the selected creature. Without arguments, display the faction and flags of the selected creature. .modify money #amount in copper Add or remove money to the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your money. #amount can be negative to remove money. .modify hp #newhp Modify the hp of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your hp. .modify mana #newmana Modify the mana of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your mana. .modify rage #newrage Modify the rage of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your rage. .modify scale #newscale 1-3 works 1 is normal 3 is bigest .modify speed #speed Modify the running speed of the selected player. If no player is selected, it will modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50. .modify spell !!! Need informations here !!! .modify swim #speed Modify the swim speed of the selected player. If no player is selected, it will modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50. .namego $charactername Teleport the given character to you. Either specify the character name or click on the player's portrait, e.g. when you are in a group. .recall $place Teleport you to various towns around the world. $place defines the target location. Available places include sunr, thun, cross, ogri, neth, thel, storm, iron, under, and darr. .whispers on|off Enable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting. .goobject #object_guid Teleport your character to gameobject with guid #creature_guid .searchtele $substring Search and output all .tele command locations with provide $substring in name. Gamemaster's Commands .addmove [#waittime] Add your current location as a waypoint for the selected creature. And optional add wait time. .addspw #creatureid Spawn a creature by the given template id of #creatureid. .changelevel #level Change the level of the selected creature to #level. #level may range from 1 to 63. .delete Delete the selected creature from the world. .demorph Demorph the selected player. .displayid #displayid Change the model id of the selected creature to #displayid. .factionid #factionid Set the faction of the selected creature to #factionid. .guid Display the GUID for the selected character. .item #guid #amount Add the given amount #amount of the item with a GUID of #guid to the selected vendor. .itemmove #sourceslotid #destinationslotid Move an item from slots #sourceslotid to #destinationslotid in your inventory Not yet implemented .itemrmv #guid Remove the given item with a GUID of #guid from the selected vendor. .kick $charactername Kick the given character from the world. .name $name Change the name of the selected creature or character to $name. Command disabled. .random #flag Enable or disable random movement for the selected creature. Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable random movement. Not yet implemented. .npcflag #npcflag Set the NPC flags of the selected creature to #npcflag. .ticket on .ticket off .ticket #num .ticket $character_name on/off for GMs to show or not a new ticket directly, $character_name to show ticket of this character, #num to show ticket #num. .delticket all .delticket #num .delticket $character_name all to delete all tickets at server, $character_name to delete ticket of this character, #num to delete ticket #num. .prog Teleport you to Programmers Island. .run #flag Enable or disable running movement for a selected creature. Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable running. Not yet implemented. .subname $Name Change the subname of the selected creature or player to $Name. Command disabled. .gocreature #creature_guid Teleport your character to creature with guid #creature_guid. .targetobject [#go_id|#go_name_part] Locate and show position nearest gameobject. If #go_id or #go_name_part provide then loacate and show position of neares gameobject with gameobject tempalte id #go_id or name included #go_name_part as part. .delobject #go_guid Delete gameobject with guid #go_guid. Administrator's commands .addgo #id Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current location using the #id. Note: this is a copy of .gameobject. .addgrave (any|alliance|horde) Add a graveyard at your current location for any or specific faction. If in radius 50f already exist graveyard then instead creating new this graveyard coordinates, orientation and faction updated. Current zone automaticly linked to created graveyard. .additem #itemid [#itemcount] or .additem 0 #itemcount $itemname Adds the specified number of items of id #itemid to your or selected character inventory. If #itemcount is omitted, only one item will be added. With the second syntax you can add an item with exact (!) name $itemname. .additemset #itemsetid Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory. Will add by one sample each item from itemset. .addsh Add a spirit healer to your current location. Not yet implemented. .addspirit Spawns the spirit healer for the current location, if there is one defined for the current location. Command disabled. .addweapon Not yet implemented. .allowmove Enable or disable movement for the selected creature. .anim #emoteid Play emote #emoteid for your character. .aura #spellid Add the aura from spell #spellid to your character. .bank Show your bank inventory. .createguild $GuildName $GuildLeaderName Create a guild named $GuildName with the player $GuildLeaderName? as leader. .die Kill the selected player or creature. If no player or creature selected, it will kill you. .distance Display the distance from your character to the selected creature. .emote #emoteid Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id #emoteid. .explorecheat #flag Reveal or hide all maps for the selected player. If no player is selected, hide or reveal maps to you. Use a #flag of value 1 to reveal, use a #flag value of 0 to hide all maps. .gameobject #id Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current position using the #id. .getvalue #field #isInt Get the field #field of the selected creature. If no creature is selected, get the content of your field. Use a #isInt of value 1 if the expected field content is an integer. .go #position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map. .hidearea #areaid Hide the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, hide this area to you. .hover #flag Enable or disable hover mode for your character. Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable hover. .learn #parameter Selected character learn a spell of id #parameter. A GM can use : .learn all, if he wants to learn all default spells for Game Masters .learn all_lang, to learn all langauges .learn all_myclass, to learn all spells available for his class (Character selection in these cases ignored). .learnsk #skillId #level #max Learn a skill of id #skill with a current skill value of #level and a maximum value of #max for the selected character. If no character is selected, you learn the skill. .levelup #numberoflevels Increase the level of the selected character by #numberoflevels. If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1. If no character is selected, increase your level. .linkgrave #graveyard_id Link current zone to graveyard. This let character ghost from zone teleport to graveyard after die if graveyard is nearest from linked to zone and accept ghost of this faction. From instance ghosts teleported to nearest linked graveyard with ignoring ghost faction. .loadscripts $scriptlibraryname Unload current and load the script library $scriptlibraryname or reload current if $scriptlibraryname omitted, in case you changed it while the server was running. .Mod32Value #field #value Add #value to field #field of your character. .morph #displayid Change your current model id to #displayid. .neargrave [any|alliance|horde] Find nearest graveyard linked to zone (or only nearest from accepts any, alliance, horde faction ghosts). .NewMail? #flag Send a new mail notification with flag #flag. .npcinfo Display a list of details for the selected creature. The list includes : * GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID * Level, - Health (current/maximum) * Field flags, dynamic flags, faction template * Position information * and the creature type, e.g. if the creature is a vendor. .npcinfoset TODO: Write me. .object #displayid $save Add a new object of type mailbox with the display id of #displayid to your current position. If $save is set to 'true', save the object in the database. .QNM #flag Query next mail time with flag #flag. reload Not yet implemented. .revive Revive the selected player. If no player is selected, it will revive you. .security $name #level Set the security level of player $name to a level of #level. #level may range from 0 to 5 (even if no command exist for levels 4 and 5). .setvalue #field #value #isInt Set the field #field of the selected creature with value #value. If no creature is selected, set the content of your field. Use a #isInt of value 1 if #value is an integer. .showarea #areaid Reveal the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, reveal this area to you. .standstate #emoteid Change the emote of your character while standing to #emoteid. .transport Not yet implemented. .unaura #spellid Remove aura due to spell #spellid from your character. .unlearn #startspell #endspell Unlearn for selected player the range of spells between id #startspell and #endspell. If no #endspell is provided, just unlearn spell of id #startspell. .unlearnsk #parameter Unlearn a skill of id #parameter for the selected character. If no character is selected, you unlearn the skill. .update #field #value Update the field #field of the selected character or creature with value #value. If no #value is provided, display the content of field #field. .wchange #weathertype #status Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensitiy of #status. #weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand. #status can be 0 for disabled(light, e.g. light rain), and 1 for enabled(heavy, e.g. heavy snow). .worldport #map #position_x #position_y #position_z Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified continent (map). .shuttdown seconds .cshuttdown Cancels shuttdown .reset stats Resets all stats of the targeted player to their orginal values at level 1. Please unequip all items and debuff all auras from the player before using. .reset talents Removes all talents of the targeted player. .maxskill Sets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum values for its current level Its c/p so dont spam with ohh you c/p them from there or there
05-10 (Alliance) Goldshire, Farms south of town -- Boars 09-12 (Horde) Tristfal Glades, Scarlet Tower(54,68) -- Scarlet Humanoids 10-16 (Alliance) Loch Modan, Thelsamar(33,39) -- Boars, Bears and Spiders 12-15 (Horde) Outside X-Roads -- ?? 15-20 (Horde) South of Stagnant Oasis near Raptor's nest -- Raptors? 18-22 (Horde) The Barrens, Camp Taurajo -- Bristlebacks 18-22 (Alliance) Westfall, SouthWest Coast(25,62) -- Shore Crawlers 22-26 (Horde) Barrens, Razofen Kraul -- Razormanes 22-29 (Alliance/Horde) Hillbrad Foothills -- Bears, Spiders, Lions 23-28 (Alliance) Duskwood, West of Town -- Ravagers 23-28 (Alliance) Ashenvale, East Astranaar(48,54) -- Shadowhorn Stag 28-34 (Aliiance/Horde) Hillsbrad Foothills, River Area -- Snapjaw Turtles 29-37 (Alliance/Horde) Dalaran Ruins/Loramere Lake -- Turtles 37-42 (Alliance/Horde) Theramore -- Turtles(camped by alliance) 44-50 (Alliance/Horde) Tanaris, Steamweedle Port -- Steeljaw Snappers 48-51 (Alliance/Horde) Revantusk Village -- Turtles 51-54 (Alliance/Horde) Azshara -- Legashi Satyr 54-60 (Alliance/Horde) Winterspring -- Ghosts Credits to Cila
nice server i hope the community will be increased ;)
to keimeno ayto dn to eixe diavasei o Kouik sto alter kai dakrise an 8ymamai ? xD btw ayta dn einai tpt p na deite kati mlkismena na sbhnoun tsigara panw se adespota :/ eixa eksorgistei >.<
First Download MySQL : http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ MySQL Installation Download MySQL Setup and save it to your harddrive ,run it and select custom installation , continue until you get this image : Install it Choose Skip Sign Up and press next Now choose to configure MySQL Installation ended ;) ================================================================================================== MySQL Configuration If you choosed to conifgure it at the previous step you will get this image : choose Detailed Configuration and press next then choose Developer Machine and press next : Now choose the Multifunctional Database : Now you need to set up a directory where the InnoDB Data will be saved For example here it is situated at C://InnoDB DataFiles Now you need to set the approximate number of concurrent connections to your server : Now configure on what port will be the mySQL , the default is 3306 . In my opinion dont change it : Now select the default charater set, in this image the user is using UTF8 Now check Include BIN Directory in Windows Path ( dont forget to check it if you dont then you must do all from the start -_- ) Next goes the root password : Now you just let instance config wizard do its job ;D Now we must check that MySQL is runnung and if it can be accessed from command prompt so open it startmenu/accessories/Command Prompt then type likr the image below : If you dont have any problems when you type that , it means that MySQL is working properly on your PC , GZ ;D PS: Screenshots are not mine so dont spam with you c/p ss etc...
Class Leveling Guides Blood Elf Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/blood-elf-leveling-guide) Draenei Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/draenei-leveling-guide) Rogue Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/rogue-leveling-guide) Druid Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/druid-leveling-guide) Hunter Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/hunter-leveling-guide) Paladin Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/paladin-leveling-guide) Priest Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/priest-leveling-guide) Warrior Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/warrior-leveling-guide) Mage Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/mage-leveling-guide) Warlock Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/warlock-leveling-guide) Shaman Leveling Guide (http://www.almostgaming.com/wowguides/shaman-leveling-guide) Alliance Alliance Leveling Guide (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/920) Alliance leveling Guide 20-30 (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/604) Burnstuff's Alliance Leveling Guide (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/805) Caelestis's Alliance Leveling Guide 12-20 (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/819) Elro's level 30-40 anti-STV guide, part A (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/775) FinaL.FreeDoM's 1-60 Grinding Guide (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/638) Haunted's Alliance Leveling Guide (1-60) (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/605) Joan's Leveling Guide, Chapter 1 Part 1 - Human lvl 1-12 (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/658) Joanas Alliance Leveling Guide Chapter 2 Alliance level 13-20 (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/852) metapickachus human leveling guide 1-6 (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/964) Night elf leveling guide 1-10 (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/813) Poker's Alliance leveling guide - Chapter I (Westfall) (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/654) Robert's Alliance Leveling Guide (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/955) Taralom's Night Elf 1-12 Guide (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/960) Grinding Spot Level 17-23 (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/607) Youri's Level 20-30 Alliance Leveling Guide (http://www.wow-pro.com/node/899) I just found these guides and i want to share them with you ;D
tasis apofyge ta triple-double posts :)
i agree with the decision of iamhere why to post that now when some of you flame? think about that