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Everything posted by FightToTheDeath

  1. Yea you are right post to members who arent flaming you and i agree with that you said : This will get abused and become useless as soon as released. ;)
  2. speak more polite omfg you think that he can do that only if he is GM? lol man who would post something like that?
  3. y but for example the members in here are a lot A LOT :P i think that all will spam with pms and he will get bored to post them to so much users xD
  4. and he tried
  5. Very nice ideas ;D btw a pvp color system would be very good , some custom armors and weapons and server will obtain a big community A.S.A.P btw server will be IL or CT1?
  6. before some days server had low community but now community increased ^^
  7. hehe google translator huh? ;D
  8. but he couldn't
  9. i dont think that you are arguering you just discuss :P
  10. NPC Buffer =======> http://rapidshare.com/files/88519939/NPC_Buffer.zip I just found this buffer at 4shared . Buffs 1 h , buffer is quest based , it hasnt cast for no lag , It has : Mage Buffs : ( When you press it does to you all mage buffs ( pp buffs , dances , songs , chants) : Fighter Buffs : ( When you press it does to you all fighter buffs ( pp buffs , dances , songs , chants) : Full Heal Luxury GK =======> http://rapidshare.com/files/87928566/Luxury_GK.zip It is from l2j free , it has modified a lot. Gold Bank =======> http://rapidshare.com/files/87928565/Gold_Bank.zip It exchanges Adena for GoldBars and GoldBars for Adena. And here is a custom that deletes from spawn the Preacher And the Orator http://rapidshare.com/files/87926006/delete_preacher_orator_npc.sql.zip <==== for this credits to nekys These customs are for CT1
  11. all pll because
  12. As hackz0r and DemonicSoul said some of the gms are corrupted 1 had dusk weapon , a whole clan +15 weapons , and some guys are hitting for a crazy dmg and you just do to them 50-100 dmg i dont want to imagine how much + have their armors .... >.< name IG : Pwnz0r
  13. In game name Pwnz0r btw Hackz0r join ASAP >.< :P
  14. if you are not ready you and your server isnt better than the server you are flaming stfu ;D and dont flame... if you can.
  15. stop flaming , try to bring to your server the same communtiy btw ( 0 pll online to hellraiser ) , and dont double post.
  16. Servers got hacked stop spamming and telling that you like servers when you cant log in ....
  17. if i remember to your forum you c/p a lot of posts from here so just dont talk ;D
  18. ayto vsk dn einai MIA leksh :P
  19. katroulokanatiapaxiaskatiaklaniagamiamouniatriklopodiakareklopodaria O_____O
  20. if i remember demonic is gm in l2 ownage lol
  21. give credits to me? :O have you think that i have shared that and to other forums like deathsoft? :O
  22. if you cant see the post dont reply omfg your post is useless..
  23. In order to cast a resurrecting spell on an NPC, you need to replace a spell that can be cast, this works specifically well with priests because they have Mind Vision, witch can be cast on pretty much anything. To replace the spells download the Modified Version of WPE( http://rapidshare.com/files/86308073/WPE_PRO_-_modified.zip.html ) and set it up to target WoW. Once thats done download the attached filter and load it into WPE and tick the spell replacement for your class (priest, paladin, druid or shaman). Now the spell has been replaced, go to WoW and attempt to cast the replaced spell (rank 1) on a hostile NPC. PS: This works especially well with the death glitch as it allows you to do it without creatures attacking you. This does not work on ascent revisions above 3421
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