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Everything posted by NevesOma

  1. There is a possibility that the files are encrypted.
  2. Please upload the *.utx package of this armor, not *.ukx.
  3. Contacts: Skype: Support_La2-Pro ICQ: 634024371 Personal messages.

    My new work.


    My new work.

  6. NPC with effects & sounds. Available: server logo on NPC head. Contacts: Skype: Support_La2-Pro ICQ: 634024371 Personal messages
  7. Can we check the files?
  8. Locked. Reason: solved
  9. What was your solution to the problem?
  10. Try to save your logo in DDS ( DXT5 ) from PhotoShop.
  11. Does this happen only with the costumes that you have adapted?


    Fast preview of my work.

  13. Fast preview of my work. Animation of wings, effects, sounds. It's not adaptation from Lineage 2. My contacts: Skype: Support_La2-Pro ICQ: 634024371 Personal messages
  14. If your question is still relevant then try to use "L2PE". With "L2PE" you can edit some parameters Lineageeffect.u Official page: Click me
  15. Free client tools, free skills and NPCs - in my profile. Skills, NPC with effects, weapons, tools - it's free and you can download it now! : )

  16. Credits: Reptily Interface translated from Russian to English: NevesOma Chronicles: Interlude If you changed manually env.int lines ( the enchant colors ) then you can try to use this soft. Only change the color and copy to env.int new line. Example: [EnchantEffect] CubeTexName=LineageEffectsTextures.Etc.Enchant_Aur a001_Shader01 HeroWeaponTex=LineageEffectsTextures.Hero.Hero_Aur a001_Shader01 HeroAuraTex=LineageEffectsTextures.Hero.Hero_Aura0 00_Shader00 EnchantMeshShow=4 EnchantEffectShow=7 And after all save with L2FileEdit in 111 protocol. Download link: Click VirusTotal: Click
  17. XDAT Editor can edit interface.xdat Download link: Download me Official page: Click me Credits: acmi Github: Click me Chronicles: Interlude, Kamael, Hellbound, Gracia Part1-2, Gracia Final, Epilogue, Freya, HighFive, Awakening, Harmony, Tauti, Glory Days(not finished), Lindvior(not finished), Epeisodeon(not finished), Ertheia(not finished), Infinite Odyssey(not finished) It's not new share, but many people have problem and get error: Uploaded version is portable and working good. UNK description ( credits zefi ): For normal working you need a java library. 8u51 version! Screens: EXAMPLE what you can do. Info from zone-game ( acmi ): 1. Shortcuts Create a hotkey on WeatherWnd. The thing is functionally useless, but it will come down for pampering. Adding a new item to the GamingStateShortcut group Assign keys and specify the action Profit 2. Windows The main block of information about gui. WeatherWnd window in Korean, with default font text is not displayed. With the help of Google translate, you can lead to a more understandable look. 3. Fonts Information about loaded fonts. location: windows - searches in the system, with empty loads from the systems.
  18. It will works if Gam3Master use l2encdec, we already know what Gam3Master use l2encdec and after encoding with l2encdec we take the package with name enc-texturename.utx, then we can edit this to texturename.utx and it will works good. P.S Tested. P.P.S We need screen from Game3Master.
  19. No, for H5 it's a little different but it's not a problem.
  20. Can you show error text? Maybe you have an screen of error?
  21. Skill Lindvior attack for Interlude chronicles. Sounds: + ( don't need to use line for skillsoundgrp.dat ). ID: 16300 If you have questions, my contacts: Skype: Support_La2-Pro ICQ: 634024371 Personal messages. Link for downloading: download
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    New FREE work for all people. Available for downloading.

  23. This is a video of one person from the Russian community. To translate words use english subtitles on youtube. It's example how you can change glow in env.int + guide:
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