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Everything posted by NevesOma

  1. Developer: BITHACK Youtube channel: BIT hack VK page: https://vk.com/donpo
  2. Locked. Reason: solved.
  3. Updated by me ( If anyone needs to ) :
  4. Dear, Users, since many people requested about new icons I wanna just share it here. All chronicles. To view the icons you can use L2tool by Acmi, Umodel by Gildor, L2ViewUtx, UTPT or L2 Database ( web ). The names of the icons remained original. Download Link: https://l2j-mod.ru/download/All_L2_icons_upToFafurion.rar
  5. Read about l2tool and read about method how to make your *.utx package ( you can find guides on MXC ). You will be interested. Try it, I'm sure you will succeed. If something is not clear - ask, do not be shy.
  6. Yes, all of you can use these custom package with icons for Gracia Final, for H5 and etc. The enciding for the textures is the same. Just add texture to the client and use.
  7. Free skills; Free NPCs;
    Free Cursors; Check my profile for shares.

  8. When Adena is dropped, binding to the emitter is triggered, for example ( emitter when Adena is dropped ): class coins extends Emitter; defaultproperties { Begin Object Class=MeshEmitter Name=MeshEmitter1 StaticMesh=StaticMesh'LineageEffectsStaticmeshes.etc.coin01' RenderTwoSided=True Acceleration=(Z=-200.000000) ColorMultiplierRange=(X=(Min=0.900000,Max=0.900000),Y=(Min=0.950000,Max=0.950000)) MaxParticles=20 RespawnDeadParticles=False AutoDestroy=True Name="MeshEmitter1" StartLocationShape=PTLS_Sphere SphereRadiusRange=(Min=2.000000,Max=2.000000) SpinParticles=True SpinCCWorCW=(X=0.000000) SpinsPerSecondRange=(Y=(Min=3.000000,Max=6.000000)) StartSpinRange=(X=(Max=360.000000),Y=(Min=360.000000),Z=(Max=360.000000)) UseSizeScale=True UseRegularSizeScale=False StartSizeRange=(X=(Min=0.600000,Max=0.600000)) UniformSize=True InitialParticlesPerSecond=80.000000 LifetimeRange=(Min=1.000000,Max=1.000000) StartVelocityRange=(Y=(Min=-40.000000,Max=-20.000000)) Name="MeshEmitter1" End Object Emitters(0)=MeshEmitter'MeshEmitter1' Begin Object Class=MeshEmitter Name=MeshEmitter2 StaticMesh=StaticMesh'LineageEffectsStaticmeshes.etc.coin01' RenderTwoSided=True Acceleration=(Z=-200.000000) ColorMultiplierRange=(X=(Min=0.900000,Max=0.900000),Y=(Min=0.950000,Max=0.950000)) AutoDestroy=True Name="MeshEmitter2" StartLocationOffset=(Z=3.000000) StartLocationShape=PTLS_Sphere SphereRadiusRange=(Min=2.000000,Max=2.000000) SpinCCWorCW=(X=0.000000) UseRegularSizeScale=False StartSizeRange=(X=(Min=3.000000,Max=3.000000)) UniformSize=True StartVelocityRange=(Y=(Min=-40.000000,Max=-20.000000)) Name="MeshEmitter2" End Object Emitters(1)=MeshEmitter'MeshEmitter2' bNoDelete=False bTrailerSameRotation=True LifeSpan=40.000000 Mass=4.000000 }
  9. BNS is based on Unreal Engine 3 => we can try to export content, but if you want with animation like dropitem then it's impossible I think, we don't have any solution to attach animation to dropitem. We can do animation like frames / models, but we are not perverts to do as "animated" cloaks... effect can be maked like pseudo-effect. Animation can be maked if we will have it like NPC. Animation can be created by yourself.
  10. Locked. Reason: solved.
  11. According to user statements. The monster had a problem with height. Checked, really so. For those who have a problem - please visit this topic, there is a solution to the problem + updated files. Fixed by me ( check my message ):
  12. Hello. The solution for you: This monster ( monsters ) use default Lineage 2 script ( skeleton ), monster already have height coordinates inside the editor, but author of the monster use SizeScale in Unreal => We get a bad height... Solution: to reedit monster size ( yourself, then need to reimport ) or to make a new script for monster with height and etc values. I can help you. Fixed monsters: Please replace all new files ( *.ukx and add new *.u script to your system ). Collision_height and Collision_radius you can find in forDatabase.txt Link for downloading: https://dropmefiles.com/Lc6Zt ( link available 14 days, I will reupload if someone later asks ).
  13. Hello, use alpha channel. How to make alpha channel ( guide ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_wX4IBZIo4 Export format: DDS / TGA. if you want to make alpha channel for already existing icon, then use umodel for extracting, UTPT, L2Tool to convert the package ( you can then open in the editor ).
  14. We can make like dropitem without effects ( I can make with pseudo-effects too, it will works ), but without animation if you search for simple dropitem. Like NPC it is more easier to do with the effect.
  15. Locked. Reason: information was provided.
  16. @Finn already told you the solution. Check for L2Editor on MXC and try.
  17. Hello. Please upload your texture.
  18. Ok, when I have free time, I will make a small update for H5 chronicles ( in this topic ). Subscribe to this topic.
  19. My cursors ( tested on Interlude ). Your chronicles?
  20. What was the problem? Tell everyone. I do not delete the topic, it will remain for everyone (this can help everyone)!
  21. Locked. Reason: solver ( decided in PM ).
  22. Do you want to transfer only client part?
  23. class l2_10011_a_skill extends L2SkillEffect; defaultproperties { Desc="?????" SkillID=10011 Begin Object Class=L2EffectEmitter Name=L2EffectEmitter0 AttachOn=AM_LH bSpawnOnTarget=false bRelativeToCylinder=false EffectClass=Class'LineageEffect.d_kn_shieldshock_handca' SimpleEffectClass=LineageEffect.d_kn_shieldshock_handca_simple End Object CastingAction(0)=L2EffectEmitter'L2EffectEmitter0' Begin Object Class=L2EffectEmitter Name=L2EffectEmitter1 AttachOn=AM_Trail bOnMultiTarget=true ScaleSize=-1.0 EffectClass=Class'LineageEffect.d_kn_shieldshock_ta' SimpleEffectClass=LineageEffect.d_kn_shieldshock_ta_simple End Object ShotAction(0)=L2EffectEmitter'L2EffectEmitter1' Begin Object Class=L2EffectEmitter Name=L2EffectEmitter3 AttachOn=AM_Trail ScaleSize=-1.0 EffectClass=Class'LineageEffect.d_kn_shieldshock1_ca' SimpleEffectClass=LineageEffect.d_kn_shieldshock1_ca_simple End Object ShotAction(1)=L2EffectEmitter'L2EffectEmitter3' Begin Object Class=L2EffectEmitter Name=L2EffectEmitter2 AttachOn=AM_Trail offset=(X=2.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0) bSpawnOnTarget=false ScaleSize=-1.0 EffectClass=Class'LineageEffect.d_kn_shieldshock2_ca' SimpleEffectClass=LineageEffect.d_kn_shieldshock2_ca_simple End Object ShotAction(2)=L2EffectEmitter'L2EffectEmitter2' Begin Object Class=L2EffectEmitter Name=L2EffectEmitter4 offset=(X=3.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.2) bSpawnOnTarget=false ScaleSize=-1.0 EffectClass=Class'LineageEffect2.y_kn_judegement_attack_fen_ra' SimpleEffectClass=LineageEffect2.y_kn_judegement_attack_fen_ra_simple End Object ShotAction(3)=L2EffectEmitter'L2EffectEmitter4' ShotCameraEffectInfoClass=CameraEffectInfo.CameraEffectInfo_02s }
  24. *.dll ( nwindow.dll ). Example of my cursors ( transfer from Aion ):
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