Edit: finally i make .uax file with custom sound, but i don't get lineage2 client use that sound while i play.
I used .wav files with 22.05KHz, 16bit and mono, i modified systemmsg-e.dat and still doesn't work.
Any help?
Please modify time lapse for barakiel respawn, keep 4 hours between respawn but 1 hour more waiting for respawn is seriously ridiculous. People who play a lot are wasting each day 4 hours waiting the fucking barakiel respawn, for that you made x75 server?
I'm really interested in Raiderz, closed beta test 09/08/2012 - 29/08/2012, for now i'm testing it on private server. They told release date will be november-december 2012 more info here http://www.own3d.tv/FrogCastTV
i'm looking for a patch for use characters like "ñ", "´" in lineage 2 chat, i found fire.dll and unichat.dll modified for freya but don't work in Hi5
Thanks for help