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Crappy last won the day on December 15 2016

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  1. Crappy


    Thanks my friends. Previously we had some problems and it could not be opened well, but this time everything will be fine!
  2. Crappy


    remove this topic.
  3. Stynki, how can I send a private message?
  4. Hellou.. I have a clean interlude pack, without custom mods, totally working, tested with more than 1000 players. If you are interested you can send me a pm.
  5. Good afternoon everyone. I was out of it for a long time but I'm back. Anyone interested can write to me about the files.
  6. You buy pack or server ready to use?
  7. Server On? How many online ?
  8. Me apunto para el servidor que venga.. Activo! pd: Te agregue al fb, Aceptame!
  9. this is true. aggressive and irritating.
  10. Do you have something against me? Because you say "Themes with lies" if you want I show you to see that it is true ...
  11. What is the problem?... He just says it because I tried my files and saw that everything works perfect. Go suck the balls to tryskell :troll:
  12. add me you, myazzxd
  13. Are u stupid? why moderator will closed topic? just because you say so? Do you have any problems with me Or are you just jealous of not having a project like mine? :okey: This server files are impossible to be stable and good for live use ? You can check this. Stable server with more them 1000 ppl. I'm working on this project yet, many many bugs has been fixed, also u can test it.
  14. Thanks you mate! :troll:
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