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Everything posted by Myura

  1. well a guy was saying that he use same program like the one who linked the jewel , other guy was crying that he got account hacked and lost everything and GM give his items back , he was sayng "thk" to GM cuz he got all his items back...
  2. btw imbalanced classes ... sagi do 400 crits in robe same gear daggers and tanks OP like usual so 2 out of 30 playable classes if i am not mistaken.
  3. 1 guy was selling baium +100 , he linked in shout all server saw it ... i am not an enemy of this server so i dont need to make things up , i am just looking for a decent server to play and this one is far from decent .... dont know eighter about 1 k players , there was around 30-40 maybe with afk ...
  4. home made server for donations ! lag server made for 30 players max players have +100 items , in server is max +30 so hack/cheat programs work w/o problem rly bad community too many free "gifts" from server vote event , u get free stuff just bcz u are online almost all players play tank class Bot is working my personal opinion : there is no point to play there as it is , i didnt check anything else , all this after 1 h play and i left in a rush many buffs are missing from npc buffer and only 1 sub u can make ! u need to make a full acc with chars to have decent buffs for pvp/pve and dual box buffers [i dont see the point to use multiple boxes when u play on pvp server]
  5. page down !
  6. waste of time ....
  7. sounds intresting :D ... hurry up :P
  8. Autoloot All Skills Work All Instances Work Olympiad Work Offline Shop Custom Zones Custom Npc Custom Bosses & G.Bosses Unique Balance System 3 Hours Buffs Max Buff & Dance Amount : 35+12 Max Alliance : 2 Unique Community Board G.Bosses Custom Drops PvP Color System Killing Spree System Wedding Manager .vote (Open vote panel) .ccp (Open char menu) .changepassword (Change your password) .online Full info coming soon ! Unique Balance System > can u explain what this mean , how could u balance the game when noone else did ?! PvP Color System and Killing Spree System > what is the point of it ? so kids who pk or feed themselfs with pvps can see theyr names on announcement ? i doubt there is no corruption , it will be the first server in 10 years of l2 :D in rest nothing special about server , low enchant rates for donations .... and fulll info coming soon ? what is that more info ? all server owners say this : come there is more in game , join us bla bla ... thats why i am so curious what else is there , are we going to play lineage2 on this server ?! and 1 last thing : why to join ur server ? what is the difference between u and other servers who open and close every day ?!
  9. dude main page have 4 visitors ! eighter u involve completly in this project and make it work or dont waste our time (ours and urs ofc) everything is not rdy , take a break and finish everything , when u finish make a post here and announce everyone to join ... until now everything u made is just a rush , finish it and u will get the attention , gl with ur server P.S. : server features are fine , just make the farm a little harder ... give ppl a reason to stay more on server P.S 2 : make unique features for server , like who ever own a castle have unique benefits , like a buf for farm (10% pve dmg), a custom cloack ( 1-2 all stats + 30-50 all rezist and 5% pvp/pve dmg and rezist<pvp defense> or anything else to motivate ppl to play here) , if u are full in 1st day ppl will get bored in 2 weeks max and leave
  10. btw count me in :D
  11. everything looks too good to be true :D i hope this will have a huge succes , good luck with this project !
  12. site ?! server is online ?! can u give us more info or is just a project ?
  13. 10 players online , server endless farming ... u should call it farm server not pvp :) retail is easyer and server dont dissapear after 3 months :D ... waste of time !
  14. too many servers open every day every week and every month , all claim theyr server is the best but we all know that ppl are behind the game and our nature is to be greedy and corrupted and to lie so we can achieve our donations and fame :) so mr chaosnetwork u need to come up with smth better than a new logo and some promises of a "nice" server cuz ppl are already full with this trash . i respect ppl work behind a server cuz i was part of it and i know what it means to get there , but most of new server have few days of work behind the "grand opening" so need to compare with the years of work and a small army of paid devs and strict game mechanincs to fix things around from NC , when most of so called server owners have no clue about the real l2 and they customise everything in a personal way calling it retail like. so mr chaosnetwork are u up for this ?
  15. will check it , looks rly nice
  16. any link to check the server out ? it seems rly cool
  17. yea i see it now , my bad i didnt double check it :( dex is kinda stable atm , theyr server are know running for years not saying is the best , but most of private close after 3-6 months or are left to die by owners. searching also a stable server to myself but after 2 months nothing
  18. empty server ...
  19. Super Balancedo Free of Bugs Multi-Language yes i know the story already but no thk
  20. http://www.lineage2dex.com/ http://l2atlantis.com http://www.vindication.gr/ u can try this ones , about good or bad ... u can decide for urself , gl
  21. u got the wrong game amigo :D
  22. fail server :D
  23. seems nice , will try it gl with ur server p.s. nice site :)
  24. very nice , gl with ur server
  25. yea go cry in ur corner cuz u dont have money to "win" :))))) i am not a big fan of DEX server , but is best low rate serv atm and have off files .... 3+ k players + playing on all time zones and in all zones from 1 to 80 atm u played 2 days on server and already have a "fair" opinion w/o valid arguments ... pay to win is official server too , there u could buy safe enchants until +15 and for armor +6 ... so runes , accesoryes and potion are pay to win for u , uninstal L2 and go play tetris i dont agree with donate for offline shop too , but if u dont like it ... dont play on this server and thats it atm on off servers are not more than 5-7k players , on all servers if u dont count the rest of 15 k bots and this number is going down cuz ppl are tired of off trash. in private servers are not more than 10k players in all server not counting russian servers . in old times u got 5-800 players for Aden and 3-500 for other castles max so dex server is best option atm for L2 private (English)server p.s. i estimate this numbers based on my own experience in L2 off servers and privates that i was playing from C1 until now
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