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Everything posted by Myura

  1. http://i.imgur.com/F6bZlZq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/uihBPyr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/rcKCnp8.jpg can anyone help me with this ? cuz i dont get it
  2. Features • Totally classic and retail gameplay. remove mp potions ... optionally u can add mental elixirs S grade
  3. Up to S-Grade Weapons, Armors and Jewels only so this means Dynasty also ?
  4. yea , i saw the info after i logged on ur forum :D cant wait to join on server when it goes live :) if u want many players try advertise it everywhere u can , server looks rly nice . GL
  5. alt-b menu is f...ed up ,no mana potiodns(gm say he will fix it) 5 players online , didnt test anything else cuz empty server , donation is up (ihihihi)... no offence but this server is made by amators ! "If you are writing to us, get straight to the point. Don't just write 'hey', 'hello', 'you there' - it will be immediately ignored ! " this is copyed this from theyr main page ... rly rude towards the players ! p.s. save ur electricity brah and close it
  6. after 1 week we left server , reason 70 players online max ... 1200-1400 bots in towns logged from GM , after few days when server goes live Gm stop come online , no answer in petitions , geodata is 0 , many of the instances dont work proper and Gm insist that server is retail like .... retail like custom server :) all players make vote exploit and get tons of FA from fake vote reward . bosses and epics go into walls and remain bugged in there ... u cant do anything about just to reset instance with FA :))) if jump from any mountain or small hill u fall into textures and cant get out only if u soe . TVT is bugged like hell or any other event , u cant atack ppl even if u use ctrl ... u get stuck and cant get out from event , some dont work even with restart client :))) only if u end process from ctrl-alt-del. mobs and drop missing , for ex holy spirit cloak is removed from drop list , in catas if u get dimensional fragment quest drop get bugged and mobs dont drop seal stones anymore elpy event and chest event and all others event made by GM have drop from C4 with cristals D and B grade and bres for pets and nothing else usefull , just all events are just a waste of time w/o real rewards ! during beta test GM was rly nice and helpful but after server go live he dissapeard .... to work on next project of ertheia ... like that is although server have a lot of work behind it .... and i respect that as a player and ex GM , he literaly left server to die from 1st week and get the next job .... like there are not many comercial server outthere already ... for this reason l2 start dieing cuz everyone is tired of bullshits and fake promises , some ppl are too greedy and ruin everytihng :( for me this server is done ... 1st time and last time on it , thats why i feel the need to come back and post an "onest" rewiew and not a "bad" one
  7. Canceled/Stolen Buffs Return after 10 seconds. Max Enchant: +10 Safe Enchant: +5 Normal Scroll chance: 30% Blessed Scroll chance: 60% TETRIS SERVER !!!
  8. Players Online:0 Offline Shops:1 Noblesse Players:0 Accounts Created:12 Characters Created:8 Clans: GL
  9. if is the best server why dont u play there anymore ?
  10. why only Gm friends have smth nice to say about this server ?
  11. epic fail server , 1st days of server many chars with skills +30 from exploit ! 100 real players on server , most afk or bots in IT and fog and everyone farm with 3 boxes on fallow ... GM dont ban them cuz scared to lose players ! 1 main clan on server , 0 economy and 0 balance ... if anyone remember old Divinity server ... this server is just a cheap failed copy !!! btw ... how is possible to give full clan skills in first days of server ?! Gm was so stupid that he give to clan lvl 6 skills from clan lvl 11 instead of giving full lvl 6 clan skills :)))) so they end up on server with most of clans lvl 8 with full skills of clan lvl 11 :))) , then one of the GM got one of the clan liders and ask him how he got those skills :))))))) regarding this problem there is 0 comunication between Gm's :))) they dont even know what the other one did :)))) they only give skills and lvl up clans so they keep players on server :))))))
  12. i will join IPlay clan with my friends , at base is Romanian clan but i think they will recruit international players too :) atm i am testing with them in beta and we expect more ppl from other servers to join us[old friends] who want a fresh start
  13. and 1 more thing , server have premium account system wich make a big difference between premium and normal account ! u can buy this account with Festival Adena , wich can be obtained from donation or vote reward or instances in game , so in the end u dont need real money to get it ! just buy it from players or farm it urself .
  14. u dont need to belive me ... just come on test server and convince urself !
  15. post is from 19 july ... idk what was in the past on this servers , i can only say what i saw this far .... so far i tested with my cp ... everything is fine , i made a list with fixes and Gm fixed all. we killed zaken and 4 drops 1 vesper jewel , 1 cloak and 2 vesper parts , 2 nd time we killed zaken it dropped 3 items ... chimeras are fine with the drop , freya instance also
  16. not my server bro , i just advertise it :) will join here when it goes live with my clan .... like i said in a previuous post this server it looks rly good compairing to other servers . here Gm is rly active and work rly hard to fix things around ... about the instances what is wrong with them and what instance is not working ?
  17. it seems rly nice atm , comparing to most of comercial servers wich have 2-3 months life .... at least here i see hard work and many details behind server , not like others who say : "this is ur server , we worked hard" bla bla bla . i know most of servers have few days work until open and then they start to fix after serv go live ... and stop when they get donations
  18. open beta x20 is now live !
  19. Features Anius X20 [H5] RATES Rate EXP x20 Rate SP x20 Rate Party EXP x 2.2 Rate Party SP x 2.2 Rate Drop Items x15 Rate Drop Spoil x25 Rate Drop Adena x25 Rate Quest Reward x5 Rate Quest Reward XP x5 Rate Quest Reward SP x5 Rate Quest Reward Recipe x1 Rate Quest Reward Adena x5 Rate Grand Boss Items x5 Rate Grand Boss Jewelry x1 GAME STYLE Max Buff Amount: 24+4 Max Dance Amount: 14 Safe Item Enchant: +4 Max Armor Enchant: +20 Max Weapon Enchant: Retail Like Element Stone Rate: 50% Element Crystal Rate: 30% Auto Drop Loop: Enable Player’s Spawn Protect: 60 seconds Max Run Speed: 300 Max PCrit Rate: 500 Max MCrit Rate: 200 Max PAtk Speed: 1500 Max MAtk Speed: 1999 Max Evasion: 250 Max Subclass: 3 Max Subclass Level: 85 Subclass without quest Weight Limit: 10 Subclass certification working properly Olympiad Min Players: 6 Classed/Non-Classed Olympiad Min Players: 3 Party Spoil Blue Mobs - Yes Delevel decrease skills level also ! H5 FEATURES H5 Items,skills and quests. Frintezza, Freya, Zaken Olympiad Quests Working Dragon Valley and Lair of Antharas updated to H5. Nevit’s Blessing, Hunting Bonus working. Antharas , Valakas % Freya Hard drop Elegia 100 % x 1 item (custom) Normal Freya drop Elegia 30 % x 1 item (custom) OTHER FEATURES Hellbound works up to 11 lvl 7s quests work 7s instances work Nornils Garden instance Mithril Mine instance Steel Citadel Kamalokas Sel Mahum Training Ground- Retail Like Chamber Of Delusion Naia Tower + Beleth Seed of Anihilation + Raid Bosses Torumba/Taklacan/Dopagen – Retail Like Seed of Anihilation farming zone Crystal Cavern Talismans Seed of Destruction + Raid Boss Tiat – Retail Like Seed of Infinity + The Two Brothers instance – Retail Like http://l2anius.com/ open beta start 06/10 and ends in 10/10 when it goes live
  20. no ddos protection ! but nothing new ... server have huge lags from ddos attacks Gm says he put hard work for this server .. agree with that , but this doesnt matter if the server is down all time , gl with it :)
  21. currently under DDos , 700 online ...
  22. great .. that server was rly good :) cannot wait to join and try it :)
  23. is this the old divinity ?
  24. castles = uniques castle cloaks with stats and bonuses like GOD , also can add custom castle passive skills ... <> reason castles are useless in hi5 , then u motivate the ppl to leave 5 ppl clans and join a big one to get pvp bonus and stats or recruit and pvp to own a castle :) custom 85 raids with clan reputation/ items for clan skills , soo boring to make lvl 40 chars :))) custom farm zones and many not for 20 ppl like 90% of servers (if u want to stick to old zones make new ones custom ) <> optional ! clan halls only for high lvl clans (for ex 8+ and 20 members) custom cloaks , hats, accesorys extra stats added to armor sets and wepons ( for ex +1 str , 1 Int or 5% Pve/Pvp bonus ) optional ! and maybe i got more ideeas :D if u want to have a clean client hi5 ... just leave it as it is ... buffs time to 1 h from players not npc ... no mana pots Clan vs Clan events
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