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Everything posted by Myura

  1. god retail = pay/cheat to win will try ur server for sure , gl with it ... i dont rly like Dex eighter ... after it fail maybe all will move to ur server :D
  2. so u open this server for free , no donations ? u will be one of the 2-3 servers that i know since C1 until now even premium account affect the game play , and who will pay for "not affecting game items" ? i am not a fan of dex server but why should i play on this , cuz is not made for money or pay to win ?! off now is pay to win so why u will be diff ? have it ur way then i will come and play there if there are at least 500+ ppl on , no 4-5 boxes each personal buffer , bots or donations ... this will convince me ! p.s. if last server u opened was so great , why u close it ?
  3. like the title says i am looking for a hi5 low rate server 3-10x max ,substack or normal if possible no instant mana potions or not available in pvp or not at all no custom mambo jambo features ( mamons in town , custom npc buffers , global gk , etc) no box limit ( like some servers max 2-3 box) no 3rd party programs working (bots) active and experinced GM's ( not kids who played 2-3 months in a priv serv then they know everything) english buffs retail time or 1 h 700+ players old style :)
  4. server have max 1.2-1.3 k ppl or less , rest are shops , boxes .. usually server shows 2.3 k ppl online and is not fake cuz i made a test and it count boxes too , didnt check the offline shops , but i play with around 10-12 chars my self , ppl make zaken inst for example and u need 3 small pts , we use to log this in 2-3 ppl max server is ok ... but not for me , idk on how they recruit theyr GM but some are totaly idiots , based on my game play on this server and theyr l2world old server . but there are no better servers atm so many ppl still hang out in world of monkeys ... about corruption and op donation ... there is no server w/o this retail feature :D if the GM are offended by my post go check warlord OP class , go check mamon npc(retail-like) u need char lvl 85 to exchange aa not 61 , go check daggers blows , go check atributes , go check all classes cuz they are totaly unbalanced ... i stop playing there so gl to whoever want to try it
  5. trash server , trash staff (my personal opinion) played on old l2world for 8 months , then i left ... now i was playing for few weeks in this lol server i remembered why i left 1 st time ...nerf , ddos , bugs , bots , moneky admins who speak only 2 words in english "retail like" , u can ask anything u want or complain in forum u will get the same answer everytime. i played for 6 years in off with some breaks ... funny but i newver saw this "retail like" in off ... maybe in BG u play diff l2 o.O
  6. the server have very nice features ... but too "Star Wars" for me :D good luck with ur server :)
  7. no ddos protection , big lag ! 2 nd hand sever made for 50 players ( prob the gm didnt expect more) ! u get captcha in town doing nothing like 3-4 times in 1 min ! another wannabe l2 server ! server is fail !
  8. server looks rly cool , great features and a lot of work there :) i hope u have ddos protection cuz the "wolfs" are rdy for u ... atm are only trash servers .. nothing to deserve my attention , will try it for sure :) all servers are made for money , but ur look like is made for players also gl with server and see u inside :P
  9. try http://l2bloodysky.com - i am cheking it right now avoid http://www.l2crysis.com/ - 90% server is gladi / tyrant 150 players / small farm area - too many players / many bugs / gm is a kid most prob / DDos atacks every day - o protection !
  10. bored after 1 day ...very low population on server ... waste of time (my opinion)! maybe somewhere in the past u had a great server but now are different times , l2 lost a lot of players and started to die , u will see after few months ... many servers open every day ... many get closed and others are dying slow . anyway gl
  11. if u need players try to open a l2 server , not star wars ... gl
  12. i think they close it already ... dont find theyr page ! fak counter ftw !
  13. no one create a l2 server without thinking how much money it will bring to him off servers are pay to win and "free to play" for poor ppl who want to play "real" lineage . in private servers is different ... some ppl come and say my server is "retail like" bla bla bla ... after u join u realize is half custom half "retail". no one spend some much time and effort to create a perfect copy of official server , not even that is perfect . donations are affecting the game play and GM's are greedy , many times they dont even know basic things in game and act like some kids with "power" rdy to smash every1 who stay in theyr way . i have a nice memory about some private server in 2005-2006 , after some minor issues with the GM , pissed off cuz i was right he said : this is my server , i do what i like and when i like , i am god ... if u dont like it u can leave ! .... so imagine i saw almost on every server same story with different words lineage 2 lost a lot of players in last 2 years , ppl get tired and bored to try again and again and start over and get fuked up by greedy gm's btw ur server have 150 players max with shops and alts , after almost 10 days and trust me u will not get more , too bad u waste ur time with it , i log out after 5 min after i saw in giran 50+ afk shops and 2-3 players afk near gk , wondering where the rest from 550 players go !
  14. make server simple , ppl want to play l2 not star wars ... too many custom things will ruin it maybe i will try it too
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