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About NCsoft

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    United States

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  1. Bump
  2. + - online?
  3. Ye looks like dead.
  4. Is this project died already?
  5. There is nothing new as always.. *close - reopen* will pass.
  6. Still rememer that hell in Titan -.-
  7. Or lineage2gaming
  8. Check l2avellan
  9. NCsoft

    New Pc

    Bought yestorday for 390pounds. Thanks bb.
  10. NCsoft

    New Pc

    I have one and its 6 years old. So there is a link for you. I dont need monster just basic who can run some old games like L2 Interlude but thanks for ur help. https://pc-tec.co.uk/quad-core-gaming-pc-tower-with-wifi-8gb-1tb-hdd-1gb-graphics.html?gclid=CJSp0rbn7M8CFdIW0wodDLsMHA
  11. NCsoft

    New Pc

    Hello there. Thinking to buy new gaming PC that can handle games like Lineage 2 till H5. I dont need the super ones just some basic. Can some one please recommend me any? up to 300$ Thanks in advance.
  12. Auto? comeonnn.. Forget all the auto all the bots all the damn scripts etc. Feel the real game as it should be. Im sure i will try this server >:D "Beta testing period. 19 of October - 19:00 GMT +1"
  13. Upcoming 2016: lineage2gaming.com www.l2avellan.com
  14. x9000 = mortalcombat (just sayin')
  15. Just joined looks awesome. Alot ofppls = alot pvp and action. Looking for clan to join. pm ig: NCsoft Or msg me here private msg.
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