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Everything posted by iGroparu

  1. I try to download the system but it take's me to the home page..
  2. Please just stop starting those fail server's , if you cant even describe your own server with your own words why you even open? http://l2woa.org/community/index.php?threads/lineage-ii-woa-new-high5-server-x50.2966/
  3. Is there any server that start's today?
  4. No they aren't oppened yet.
  5. I see what u did there :not bad:
  6. Who care's about them ? At least be gratfull ul be playing with 1k players for more than 2 - 3 months , as long as there are new update's and competition the server will be just fine.
  7. I dont hate u at all my friend is just that u have a child behaivior , and evrybody is trying to tell u that u are goin to fail if u open that date but ur too ignorant to listen. What u think u are some kind of rock star :)), u aint famous at all my friend ur famous for beying the most ignorant kid on this forum.
  8. U know they aint gonna have more than 50 players if he opens on that date , but now adding this shit paying system is really lame ...Im wondering what other bullshits he gonna say to bring some more player's...
  9. Yes i agree with u better close all , there is nobody joining ur server anyway SUBLIMITY best eu interlude server.
  10. I wonder how many will join ur server when sublimity start's on the same date... Real imature administrator.
  11. Try changing name from l2phx.exe to something random add wildcard in your system folder .Run phx as administrator check in cmd (open as admin) when u login on server the port on wich the server runs ,use command netstat -n -b in cmd for this . And if the port is different from 7777 change it in the phx settings,
  12. What kind of BS is this now ... This sound like "Dear user's prepare to make money for us , we will put a bitcoin miner in our l2.exe and if u donate or not we still goin to make some money , and by the time u gather 0.00100 Btc , the server will close :))"
  13. Is it oppening today ot 3/15/2014? Cuz on their forum is see grand open 3/15/2014 same date as sublimity and we all know we aint goona play on this server :)) we all goin on sublimity :))
  14. Reborn with software problems , cuz dev doesent know to fix an error and ask on mxc for help :))
  15. Ok the problem is that if i try start l2.exe with phx running i get error. But that is not a problem i changed dsetup.dll and i dont get the problem now i can easily start l2.exe with phx running , but when i write my acc info and click login nothing happens . I have tryed with hide tools also , but when i hide phx and start l2 phx doesent catch any packet's , i also tryed with clean l2system and edite l2.ini but the same it doesent let me login . Any ideas on this? Edit : The problem was the port on wich the server runned , it was 4191 , o chenged this on phx . But the server is sending me encrypted packets . Can any1 help me on what should i do , or how do i decrypt them?
  16. Is this the first time u open it? Or this error popped up out of no ware.. Why dont u try to undo evrything you done today , if u say yesterday was workin dont u have back up or something?
  17. L2Appeal what could we expect from a lt server... cmon fix it me and my clan want to join till sublimity.
  18. Can't u bring something new , insted of resolving problems by makin your server the perfect copy of l2sanity?
  19. Where's the fun in Lineage 2 if u just click , and a robot play's for you?
  20. Selling in l2Sanity account with : Main Class : GhostSentinel Items: Draconic Armor +16 Rb Jwls Set +16 Draconic bow +16 - active duel might Draconic bow +16 - active celestial shild 3k Toplifestone's 200 CEAS Askin for 15 - 20 Euro's on paypal. Pm me with your skype details and your offer.
  21. Why is the website down?
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