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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. After a lot of requests and some people already working on Helios, I decided to add a Helios branch. As of now only login into the game works, in time I will work on it more. Underground remains as the main development branch.
  2. Server "owners", most of them been kids with zero funds to make a server, use whatever pack they find free. The lack of development and feature completion, of Interlude and HighFive made actual developers to be stuck with those Chronicles and drag the above people with them. And those people with their turn, make players be used to those chronicles and afraid to use any newer ones. New solutions tho are comming over the horizon. L2JUnity broke the L2JServer slogan "we finish HighFive" and definetely L2JMobius since my focus is to make a viable GoD pack for live servers. The saying that Goddess of Destruction is different that the older Chronicles is propaganda. Do some reseach on how the game has changed. Adding new player rewards, level cap, farm areas, quests, skills, NPCs, or even twiking some formulas, is not that different than making a custom PvP server. The game is still the same. P.S. Interlude is dead, use Classic.
  3. Many people miss the point here... Whoever wants to use it, use it.
  4. Not a protection. It runs client so that it connects to your server without need of modifications.
  5. Who uses OS prior to Windows 7? -edit- Even if they have, windows update would probably already installed .Net
  6. *References* If you want I can explain you why on Skype. ;D I am not suprised how the current education system has washed some peoples minds. You finished school during the past 5 years, right? You still think with your professors logic. FYI 2014 project https://github.com/mangosvb/serverZero AND BTW, why I need to make a program in a more complex way, since it only runs a shell command? More VB programs incoming... :troll:
  7. Un-fucking-believable... Calling shell to call cmd to run l2.bin... Yes, really cool. Elfo, learn what a compiler does and then come back to post your arguments.
  8. *cough* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_C_Sharp_and_Visual_Basic_.NET
  9. Already mentioned what is its purpose. -Avoid client modifications, in a proper maner. -Use latest untouched retail client to connect to your server. -Easy to use.
  10. My version of L2.exe launcher made with vb.Net Using this program you will be able to use the retail client without having to modify your game client. The default IP is set to for local testing. You can alternatively create a file named "connect.ini" in your system folder that contains your desired IP. Sources: https://github.com/MobiusDevelopment/L2 Release: https://github.com/MobiusDevelopment/L2/releases *You will need Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Windows 7 SP1 +) to be able to run it. *Tested on HighFive+ clients.
  11. You get detailed SVN changelog when you pay for a subscription. :D After the latest leak, changelog post was removed and precompiled revisions were introduced. Also I kept commits back for 2 months. >:D At the moment I am finishing what needs to be done to have a full Underground server. Some of the things done after the leak: -All critical issues reported on my forum, plus more. -Several server improvements I thought there should be made. -Skills engine taken from latest L2JUnity free revision. I don't share a changelog, because I don't want to report what needs to be done to leakers. If someone wants to have access to my detailed work should either help or subscribe. Sharing the latest precompiled files is more than enough for people that do not help.
  12. Back to the topic... All major issues fixed! I dare to say that this is the best Underground project! Get the latest free revision at http://l2jmobius.com/get/underground/ and test by yourselves.
  13. I mostly talk about old forum/inner team users. The ones you made a simple question, ike "How do I removed L2J welcome message", refused to help, and perma banned you because you asked on another forum. "You should not remove L2J welcome message." Hint: My original L2J forum account was created before 2005. The cancer started with their shit. Even I thank them for sharing the project, as Tryskel said, their logic on many matters kept the development back and even if they are long gone, L2J continues with their shit.
  14. I think you understand that I talk about making geodata by reading client files. That involves decrypt maps, read unreal maps, convert to L2J geodata. It seems you don't know even know the half of how well kept secret it is. I only mention that when back in the day someone shared on L2J forums Stazis geodata, some inner circle member shit his panties. You could check the forums for it, but I am sure all related posts are removed. So if it is already done; and only a bunch people in the world have acces to it, during the past five years. I'd say it's a very well kept secret. I remind you that the same people that kept it a secret sold geodata for 600 euros. On the other hand, inner devs on projects like Mangos, share similar tools since day one. At the end, if I had to make everything from zero, I would pick to emulate another game.
  15. Unlike L2J, other emulators share their tools to help people to finish the emulators development. As I have said before geodata is the most well kept secret on L2J development. You wont see any better solution because those who have vital information keep it private. -edit- Check TrinityCore... Map generation (geodata), Packet analysis and more... https://github.com/TrinityCore
  16. In this post I will explain why you do not want to move to Helios. :D Helios, as all new clients, has introduced new features. But also changed many existing stuff, like quests that need to be remade. Skills have changed, many new items added as well. The current Underground version is almost complete! -From important quests only two last SevenSign quests missing! -Skills just need to be checked for missing enchants and most items are done! -Four grandbosses missing, that can be made based on Tenkai scripts. Helios will miss these plus more! So from my prespective if Underground has the above missing features done, it will not only be good for PvP servers, but for low rate servers as well! If we move to Helios now, we will not only delay completing the server, but removing things that work and start making the Helios ones. As you seen in the last commits I focus on fixing critical bugs, Stayway and Gigi have their tasks as well. Given this opportunity I ask you to help as you can, even if you have no coding skills. Share small stuff, missing htmls, items... The faster we complete Underground the more likely it is to move to the next client.
  17. Seemed like stats are not updated. So far I cannot repeat it. Any ideas? :D
  18. It is Underground, Helios is the next update. For stability, we are still testing things after the last L2JUnity sync... so I can't really tell until we are done. There is only one major issue that came to my knowledge the last hour. I hope I will fix it in the next days. In general I try to fix what is reported on my forum. Private is the same as the compiled version, but you get access to the full forum and svn with full sources/changelog. So a test on your part with the precompiled files will be prety accurate on what I provide.
  19. Currently, I have solved all major issues reported on my forum. The one thing you might want to add manually is missing skills/skill enchants. I synced with latest l2junity free files, but I have a feeling that things might be missing. Anyway, even so, doable via XML additions. Atm I also miss four or so grandbosses witch I dont mind as critical and might work on it. I gave up on L2Scripts 2 years ago so I don't know the current situation. You can compare the leaked L2Scripts files shared on this forum and mine. :P
  20. I want to share an Ertheia branch for some time. Maybe you will see something from me... Other than that, I see no good for live Ertheia projects. I recomend to use my free Underground files. http://l2jmobius.com/get/underground
  21. From another post I saw he uses l2jfrozen. So an SQL query would do. DELETE s.* FROM spawnlist s INNER JOIN npc n ON s.npc_templateid = n.idTemplate WHERE (n.type = "L2Monster");
  22. That would work, but... What if he later wants to spawn his own monsters? >:D
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