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Everything posted by Versus

  1. 1st of all posts decreased to 400 and i'm still thinking if it deserves 400. I tried it, but i don't get it. You just interrupt the cast, but you hit the mob when the skill is done and not immediately. I don't see how you increase your casting that way.
  2. Bebaia o OTE kanei sinexeia anaba8miseis. A3exasto.. ka8e fora p eixe prob ekanan anaba8miseis! Apo tis toses anaba8miseis aporw gt t diktio tous einai toso xalia!
  3. Actually that's not really free. Since the seller is paying for the card. It's like stealing him. Even if you don't get caught by NcSoft if you get caught by the seller you will be in a really difficult position. Give proper credits to it's founder anyway.
  4. Ta eixa ta prob me ka8imerina dc ktlp.. gia auto ebala hol k brika tin ugeia m
  5. The bad thing with l2 these days it that it has no new players.. All the old players are there (people who were playing since c3-c4 or w/e). And that's bad.. one day they'll get bored. I don't like the clients after interlude and YES i've tried them intrepid. They just don't remind me l2 anymore!
  6. Could be prob of the hosting company. I guess they didn't pay..
  7. Ever wondered why that's there? If you put a really big html code you'll crash the client of everyone looking at it. Not so good to remove it. Also make a patch, what if someone has already made changes at this file, he'll need to remove his in order to put yours? Anyway, ok it's not shared before and it's annoying when you view such a message, so i guess it's cool ;D Thanks
  8. Versus

    [GR]Adena pl0x

    locked. btw why would you want 100 adenas? lol
  9. Msg coded, it was pretty big. Btw you can always make a patch, so you can make everyone's life easier and skip the explanation. Anyway thanks for sharing it with the community.
  10. Law Abiding Citizen also i don't agree with the one who said that american pie 7 sucks. All american pies pwn hard =)
  11. Mexri 100 an dn kanw la8os alla dn exoun k tin kaliteri fimi
  12. send this topic to junkyard http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=112688.0 a greek will understand why, or just read my reply which is on english.
  13. Lol this seems awesome. How you can even think of something like that. Also correct it, it's not Showdown lol, it's Shadow!
  14. Then you should not have windows 7 aswell. The guide pwns and the way you managed it, it's great. Thanks for sharing it with us =)
  15. That guy Rattyx pwns hard. The skills are PERFECT! Too bad NcSoft hasn't created such skills :'(
  16. Doesn't matter, it's an awesome idea and it's certainly great. Thanks for posting it!!
  17. 1st of all the admin can figure out, you need to be really dumb in order not to understand that. Also how the credits for the 1st trick go to me? Lol
  18. There are so many morons adding/decreasing karma with reason "1", does it really sound impossible for someone to take -1 with reason "lag"?
  19. 1) www.ngz-server.de 2) www.securesignup.net 3) Auto file prepei na to breis monos s...
  20. There's no dedi on cod6 because if you played the others (cod5 for example) you would see that there were people changing the stats. For example.. i was making a dedi server and i was changing the xp of each kill. By default it's 100, many people were making it 1000 or so. And that was ruining the game. It was the best available option and i'm glad they took it. Cod6 is an awesome game, try it and you'll love it, i guarantee that.
  21. Never played the game, but i've heard that it's awesome. I'm thinking of playing it when i'll finish Devil May Cry 4 ;D Then i'll see if i'll sign for a 2nd :P
  22. Bale ston titlo kai ena [Guide] san na rwtas fainetai.. wraios an k to exoume pei 1000 fores dn t exei kanei kaneis topic
  23. This prog doesn't even deserve 200 posts of hiding. 500 are WAY too much. It won't work.. firewall declines the "outer" connections, with this program you are trying to connect in order to disable the firewall(?). How that's even possible while firewall is not accepting your connection?
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