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Everything posted by Versus

  1. LOL! Sto kalitero simeio to kopses ;D
  2. 8a s stilw links se pm apo windows, diko m upload..
  3. The solution is only one, first take the money and then give whaterver you dealt to give. I got scammed only once in l2 by a clan member. He was in the clan about 3 months and then he just stole a baium's ring (low-rate server).
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=108035.0 move to request bots help [gr]
  5. Actually that's just a feature of the clan community board. Not the whole..
  6. Brika ena site p to xei k to pira apo to source t.. /* DHTML PNG Snowstorm! OO-style Jascript-based Snow effect -------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3.20081208 (Previous rev: v1.2.20041121a) Dependencies: GIF/PNG images (0 through 4.gif/png) Code by Scott Schiller - http://schillmania.com -------------------------------------------------------- Description: Initializes after body onload() by default (via addEventHandler() call at bottom.) Properties: usePNG --------------- Enables PNG images if supported ("false" falls back to GIF) flakeTypes --------------- Sets the range of flake images to use (eg. a value of 5 will use images ranging from 0.png to 4.png.) flakesMax --------------- Sets the maximum number of snowflakes that can exist on the screen at any given time. flakesMaxActive --------------- Sets the limit of "falling" snowflakes (ie. moving, thus considered to be "active".) vMax --------------- Defines the maximum X and Y velocities for the storm. A range up to this value is selected at random. flakeWidth --------------- The width (in pixels) of each snowflake image. flakeHeight --------------- Height (pixels) of each snowflake image. flakeBottom --------------- Limits the "bottom" coordinate of the snow. snowStick --------------- Allows the snow to "stick" to the bottom of the window. When off, snow will never sit at the bottom. snowCollect --------------- Enables snow to pile up (slowly) at bottom of window. Can be very CPU/resource-intensive over time. Also requires snowStick = true. followMouse --------------- Allow the mouse to affect the "wind", left-to-right. */ var snowStorm = null; function SnowStorm() { // PROPERTIES // ------------------ var imagePath = 'image/snow/'; // relative path to snow images (including trailing slash) var flakesMax = 128; var flakesMaxActive = 64; var vMaxX = 8; var vMaxY = 4; var usePNG = true; var flakeBottom = null; // Integer for fixed bottom, 0 or null for "full-screen" snow effect var snowStick = true; var snowCollect = false; var targetElement = null; // element which snow will be appended to (document body if undefined) var followMouse = true; var flakeTypes = 6; var flakeWidth = 5; var flakeHeight = 5; // ------------------ var zIndex = 0; // CSS stacking order applied to each snowflake var flakeLeftOffset = 0; // amount to subtract from edges of container var flakeRightOffset = 0; // amount to subtract from edges of container // --- End of user section --- var addEvent = function(o,evtName,evtHandler) { typeof(attachEvent)=='undefined'?o.addEventListener(evtName,evtHandler,false):o.attachEvent('on'+evtName,evtHandler); } var removeEvent = function(o,evtName,evtHandler) { typeof(attachEvent)=='undefined'?o.removeEventListener(evtName,evtHandler,false):o.detachEvent('on'+evtName,evtHandler); } var classContains = function(o,cStr) { return (typeof(o.className)!='undefined'?o.className.indexOf(cStr)+1:false); } var s = this; var storm = this; this.timers = []; this.flakes = []; this.disabled = false; this.terrain = []; this.active = false; var isIE = navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i); var isIE6 = navigator.userAgent.match(/msie 6/i); var isOldIE = (isIE && (isIE6 || navigator.userAgent.match(/msie 5/i))); var isWin9X = navigator.appVersion.match(/windows 98/i); var isiPhone = navigator.userAgent.match(/iphone/i); var isOpera = navigator.userAgent.match(/opera/i); if (isOpera) isIE = false; // Opera (which may be sneaky, pretending to be IE by default) var screenX = null; var screenX2 = null; var screenY = null; var scrollY = null; var vRndX = null; var vRndY = null; var windOffset = 1; var windMultiplier = 2; var pngSupported = (!isIE || (isIE && !isIE6 && !isOldIE)); // IE <7 doesn't do PNG nicely without crap filters var docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.oControl = null; // toggle element if (flakeLeftOffset == null) flakeLeftOffset = 0; if (flakeRightOffset == null) flakeRightOffset = 0; function rnd(n,min) { if (isNaN(min)) min = 0; return (Math.random()*n)+min; } this.randomizeWind = function() { vRndX = plusMinus(rnd(vMaxX,0.2)); vRndY = rnd(vMaxY,0.2); if (this.flakes) { for (var i=0; i<this.flakes.length; i++) { if (this.flakes[i].active) this.flakes[i].setVelocities(); } } } function plusMinus(n) { return (parseInt(rnd(2))==1?n*-1:n); } this.scrollHandler = function() { // "attach" snowflakes to bottom of window if no absolute bottom value was given scrollY = (flakeBottom?0:parseInt(window.scrollY||document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop)); if (isNaN(scrollY)) scrollY = 0; // Netscape 6 scroll fix if (!flakeBottom && s.flakes) { for (var i=0; i<s.flakes.length; i++) { if (s.flakes[i].active == 0) s.flakes[i].stick(); } } } this.resizeHandler = function() { if (window.innerWidth || window.innerHeight) { screenX = window.innerWidth-(!isIE?16:2)-flakeRightOffset; screenY = (flakeBottom?flakeBottom:window.innerHeight); } else { screenX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth||document.body.scrollWidth)-(!isIE?8:0)-flakeRightOffset; screenY = flakeBottom?flakeBottom:(document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight||document.body.scrollHeight); } screenX2 = parseInt(screenX/2); } this.resizeHandlerAlt = function() { screenX = targetElement.offsetLeft+targetElement.offsetWidth-flakeRightOffset; screenY = flakeBottom?flakeBottom:targetElement.offsetTop+targetElement.offsetHeight; screenX2 = parseInt(screenX/2); } this.freeze = function() { // pause animation if (!s.disabled) { s.disabled = 1; } else { return false; } for (var i=0; i<s.timers.length; i++) { clearInterval(s.timers[i]); } } this.resume = function() { if (s.disabled) { s.disabled = 0; } else { return false; } s.timerInit(); } this.toggleSnow = function() { if (!s.flakes.length) { // first run s.start(); s.setControlActive(true); } else { s.active = !s.active; if (s.active) { s.show(); s.resume(); s.setControlActive(true); } else { s.stop(); s.freeze(); s.setControlActive(false); } } } this.setControlActive = function(bActive) { // Y.D[(bActive?'addClass':'removeClass')](s.oControl,'active'); } this.stop = function() { this.freeze(); for (var i=this.flakes.length; i--;) { this.flakes[i].o.style.display = 'none'; } removeEvent(window,'scroll',s.scrollHandler); removeEvent(window,'resize',s.resizeHandler); if (!isIE) { removeEvent(window,'blur',s.freeze); removeEvent(window,'focus',s.resume); } // removeEventHandler(window,'resize',this.resizeHandler,false); } this.show = function() { for (var i=this.flakes.length; i--;) { this.flakes[i].o.style.display = 'block'; } } this.SnowFlake = function(parent,type,x,y) { var s = this; var storm = parent; this.type = type; this.x = x||parseInt(rnd(screenX-20)); this.y = (!isNaN(y)?y:-rnd(screenY)-12); this.vX = null; this.vY = null; this.vAmpTypes = [2.0,1.0,1.25,1.0,1.5,1.75]; // "amplification" for vX/vY (based on flake size/type) this.vAmp = this.vAmpTypes[this.type]; this.active = 1; this.o = document.createElement('img'); this.o.style.position = 'absolute'; this.o.style.width = flakeWidth+'px'; this.o.style.height = flakeHeight+'px'; this.o.style.fontSize = '1px'; // so IE keeps proper size this.o.style.zIndex = zIndex; this.o.src = imagePath+this.type+(pngSupported && usePNG?'.png':'.gif'); docFrag.appendChild(this.o); this.refresh = function() { s.o.style.left = s.x+'px'; s.o.style.top = s.y+'px'; } this.stick = function() { if (isIE6 || isiPhone || (targetElement != document.documentElement && targetElement != document.body)) { s.o.style.top = (screenY+scrollY-flakeHeight-storm.terrain[Math.floor(s.x)])+'px'; } else { s.o.style.display = 'none'; s.o.style.top = 'auto'; s.o.style.bottom = '0px'; s.o.style.position = 'fixed'; s.o.style.display = 'block'; } } this.vCheck = function() { if (s.vX>=0 && s.vX<0.2) { s.vX = 0.2; } else if (s.vX<0 && s.vX>-0.2) { s.vX = -0.2; } if (s.vY>=0 && s.vY<0.2) { s.vY = 0.2; } } this.move = function() { s.x += s.vX*windOffset; s.y += (s.vY*s.vAmp); s.refresh(); if (s.vX && screenX-s.x<flakeWidth+(s.vX*windOffset)) { // X-axis scroll check s.x = 0; } else if ((s.vX<0 || windOffset<0)&& s.x-flakeLeftOffset<0-flakeWidth) { s.x = screenX-flakeWidth; // flakeWidth; } var yDiff = screenY+scrollY-s.y-storm.terrain[Math.floor(s.x)]; if (yDiff<flakeHeight) { s.active = 0; if (snowCollect && snowStick) { var height = [0.75,1.5,0.75]; for (var i=0; i<2; i++) { storm.terrain[Math.floor(s.x)+i+2] += height[i]; } } s.o.style.left = (s.x/screenX*100)+'%'; // set "relative" left (change with resize) if (!flakeBottom) { if (snowStick) { s.stick(); } else { s.recycle(); } } } } this.animate = function() { // main animation loop // move, check status, die etc. s.move(); } this.setVelocities = function() { s.vX = vRndX+rnd(vMaxX*0.12,0.1); s.vY = vRndY+rnd(vMaxY*0.12,0.1); } this.recycle = function() { s.o.style.display = 'none'; s.o.style.position = 'absolute'; s.o.style.bottom = 'auto'; s.setVelocities(); s.vCheck(); s.x = parseInt(rnd(screenX-flakeWidth-20)); s.y = parseInt(rnd(screenY)*-1)-flakeHeight; s.o.style.left = s.x+'px'; s.o.style.top = s.y+'px'; s.o.style.display = 'block'; s.active = 1; } this.recycle(); // set up x/y coords etc. this.refresh(); } this.snow = function() { var active = 0; var used = 0; var waiting = 0; for (var i=s.flakes.length; i--;) { if (s.flakes[i].active == 1) { s.flakes[i].move(); active++; } else if (s.flakes[i].active == 0) { used++; } else { waiting++; } } if (snowCollect && !waiting) { // !active && !waiting // create another batch of snow s.createSnow(flakesMaxActive,true); } if (active<flakesMaxActive) { with (s.flakes[parseInt(rnd(s.flakes.length))]) { if (!snowCollect && active == 0) { recycle(); } else if (active == -1) { active = 1; } } } } this.mouseMove = function(e) { if (!followMouse) return true; var x = parseInt(e.clientX); if (x<screenX2) { windOffset = -windMultiplier+(x/screenX2*windMultiplier); } else { x -= screenX2; windOffset = (x/screenX2)*windMultiplier; } } this.createSnow = function(limit,allowInactive) { for (var i=0; i<limit; i++) { s.flakes[s.flakes.length] = new s.SnowFlake(s,parseInt(rnd(flakeTypes))); if (allowInactive || i>flakesMaxActive) s.flakes[s.flakes.length-1].active = -1; } targetElement.appendChild(docFrag); } this.timerInit = function() { s.timers = (!isWin9X?[setInterval(s.snow,20)]:[setInterval(s.snow,75),setInterval(s.snow,25)]); } this.init = function() { for (var i=0; i<2048; i++) { s.terrain[i] = 0; } s.randomizeWind(); s.createSnow(snowCollect?flakesMaxActive:flakesMaxActive*2); // create initial batch addEvent(window,'resize',s.resizeHandler); addEvent(window,'scroll',s.scrollHandler); if (!isIE) { addEvent(window,'blur',s.freeze); addEvent(window,'focus',s.resume); } s.resizeHandler(); s.scrollHandler(); if (followMouse) { addEvent(document,'mousemove',s.mouseMove); } s.timerInit(); } var didInit = false; this.start = function(bFromOnLoad) { if (!didInit) { didInit = true; } else if (bFromOnLoad) { // already loaded and running return true; } if (typeof targetElement == 'string') { targetElement = document.getElementById(targetElement); if (!targetElement) throw new Error('Snowstorm: Unable to get targetElement'); } if (!targetElement) { targetElement = (!isIE?(document.documentElement?document.documentElement:document.body):document.body); } if (targetElement != document.documentElement && targetElement != document.body) s.resizeHandler = s.resizeHandlerAlt; // re-map handler to get element instead of screen dimensions s.resizeHandler(); // get bounding box elements if (screenX && screenY && !s.disabled) { s.init(); s.active = true; } } if (document.addEventListener) { // safari 3.0.4 doesn't do DOMContentLoaded, maybe others - use a fallback to be safe. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){s.start(true)},false); window.addEventListener('load',function(){s.start(true)},false); } else { addEvent(window,'load',function(){s.start(true)}); } } snowStorm = new SnowStorm();
  7. And why actually would you do that? When you spawn a RaidBoss it's being added to raidboss_spawnlist table, so you are gonna fuck the table up and the bosses will keep spawning.
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=107959.msg754098#msg754098 warez discussion - needs lock
  9. Guys, remember that even warez discussions aren't allowed by the rules.. A mod should already have locked it.
  10. Check your internet connection. I had this one time, restarting the rooter didn't help, restarting my pc did.
  11. Let me know if he finds out anything. Btw the error doesn't even appear in l2jfree. The only problem in l2jfree is this OutOfMemory exception.
  12. It's not fixed on eminence, trust me! The crappy error that it appears in the begging it's fixed so server doesn't shutdown that way. But, if you let the prog send many packets eventually it will get "Out of Memory" exception and it will go down.
  13. What makes you think that it's fixed on eminence? There's no current fix. Actually.. there is, BUT! Even if you fix the error i posted, if you let the program send more packets in the end you'll get a nice Out of Memory Exception and login will go down.
  14. Your pack doesn't support the fuction, so you have 2 options. First => Learn java and make the core side by yourself. Second => Take a pack which has already the fuction implemented.
  15. Try to install them manually, a script won't be executed even if the slightest detail is wrong.
  16. psixraimia prwta apo ola.. sto mxc uparxoun polloi odhgoi gia na diabaseis, dn nomizw na bre8ei kaneis na ka8etai na se help re file..
  17. Analogos me to ti 8es na kaneis panta.. ola paizoun rolo Koita ta e3is L2AttackableAI.java, L2MonsterInstance.java
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=76825.0 junk it
  19. AHAHAHAHAHAHA this was just... so damn funny ;D
  20. Seems cool, but i think that when you attacked eminence there were some errors at LS console.
  21. Check the whole topic, it's just an addition to what HαRǾC« shared. He has already added the method after setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1); so activeChar == null is not needed and neither in enterworld is needed as they are already there =)
  22. Just tell us 1 thing, is it ddosing a server or not?
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