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Dubxsion last won the day on August 7 2024

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    Advanced GFX Designer

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  1. The claim about "Legacy" is false. Essence and Legacy share different set of interface source class files. Furthermore, these files are manual rework of a previous protocol version which leaves several unfinished classes and issues with 464 version due to some packet structure changes. They might or might not have been addressed so purchase at your own risk.
  2. The errors are showing if your syntax is incorrect and if you are issuing wrong commands with missing elements etc, the list is limitless. As I have told you in the previous post, try to read the lines and get the idea behind them. You have the starting point of getting it done, that's great but there's literally no function in your code that gets it running. CommunityBoardHandler.separateAndSend(html, activeChar); ^ there's a hint... PS: also look at your html side, you are still adding the semi-colon... action="bypass _testpage1;"
  3. Alright, you are making an effort which is a great start, however you are not paying attention to the lines you are adding, nor the ones I've marked above. I would strongly advise you to do your work inside any IDE (not a Notepad++). Otherwise you have no live code analyzer to point you where you messed up. First stage is displaying your HTML, which in your case is issued with: String html = HtmlCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/home.html"); CommunityBoardHandler.separateAndSend(html, activeChar); Your new bypass is *_bbcustom* <- there's no semi-colon and it is used for other purposes, yours is straight bypass command so stick to that. You are also not keeping the structure of the code by missing start/end of your code scope "{ }" Get an IDE for the structure and try and read the lines, otherwise you ain't getting anywhere.
  4. All I see is picture of some HTML's and the header of homeboard.java.. the rest I have to assume is that you want to get those HTML's and whatever they are holding, into your Community Board. This isn't StackOverflow, even if you ask straight about certain problem, you still may not get your answer - let alone not giving out any clues.
  5. If you find yourself troubled performing basic tasks such as clicking on download links, give up on L2 or computers in general. There's a Classic 1.0 in the forum I posted above, if you can't find it, don't expect someone to spoon feed this to you.
  6. Whatever you say pall
  7. https://mmore.club/threads/archive-of-game-clients-Архив-игровых-клиентов.335/
  8. There aren't any configs in the cfg files that will allow you to do that. You will have to implement methods in the source code and create config lines in the .cfg files.
  9. i did, it was successful but nothing was deleted, anyway i did it my method with notepad++
  10. I can give u another "grandma" noob method to do ur job. 1: Dump ur droplist sql table on ur desktop 2: Make a separate copy of it. 3: Open it with Notepad++ 4: Open Find menu (CTRL+F) 5: Navigate to "Mark" tab 6: Type '57' in the search field and check Bookmark line square 7: Press "Mark all" and u will see little dots appearing on the left side of all records containing the id '57' 8: Close search/find menu and navigate to Search tab in notepad++ 9: Go to Bookmark tab from the falling menu 10: Click "Inverse Bookmark" 11: Then go again to Bookmark and press "Remove bookmarked lines" 12: This will delete all the records beside the ones that have the id 57 13: Then save the SQL, empty the "droplist" table u already have in ur navicat and execute the SQL u just modified. 14: All records with only Adena in them will be set in the droplist and u have the thing u wanted. Hope that helped. Its not important how u made it, its important that u managed to do it!
  11. delete from droplist what? there's no point-out what exactly to delete, just condition :?
  12. RACE SUPREMACY OMG <333333333333333333333
  13. then i have something really special for you, dm me if you want :P
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