Alright, you are making an effort which is a great start, however you are not paying attention to the lines you are adding, nor the ones I've marked above.
I would strongly advise you to do your work inside any IDE (not a Notepad++). Otherwise you have no live code analyzer to point you where you messed up.
First stage is displaying your HTML, which in your case is issued with:
String html = HtmlCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/home.html");
CommunityBoardHandler.separateAndSend(html, activeChar);
Your new bypass is *_bbcustom* <- there's no semi-colon and it is used for other purposes, yours is straight bypass command so stick to that. You are also not keeping the structure of the code by missing start/end of your code scope "{ }"
Get an IDE for the structure and try and read the lines, otherwise you ain't getting anywhere.