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Everything posted by adrenalbooster

  1. screw c5:P c3/4 ftw! if you liked to play on interlude substack servers (midrate) - thats good, because we are making interlude server like that. maybe in one month or so we will run beta, now we are just checking stuff by ourselves.
  2. i have to agree that the point is not in chronicles. i used to spent hours (like.. HOURS) ingame, just chating with ppl, or fishing with friends. Even 1x was fun, we didnt care about equip but about quality time with nice ppl. there were jokes (tasty ones) on shouts, not just insults. instead of 'you stupid b*tch go fvck yourself' there were insults like... 'your boobs are small!' 'size doesnt matter, texture matters!' - dark elf chick argued with orc chick. i still have friends from ingame, all those many, many years. since 6 years we are traveling together, spending holidays together. even if we are from totally different cultures and countries. and what about now..? im going ingame for 5 mins, i see that there is noone i can talk with, so i log off..
  3. why you need dash when you have shadow step? most oly fights dagger should win after 1 backstab. if it wont land, you will be probably dead. you dont rly need dash on oly.. if you want to run away from opponent: if its tank or destro you can run away without dash. if its nuker - no need to run. if its archer - no need to run. if its dagger - yeah, show him his back lol. if its duelist/tyrant - no need to run. if its buffer - why the hell you wanna run?! if its wc/ol - no need to run, you are gonna be dead anyway.
  4. ropi, give a sign when it gonna be up again.
  5. use l2net. walker is easier to detect.
  6. if you want to play alone - adv. if you want to play in clan, and have specified tasks to do - take gh.
  7. plains walker! doesnt matter what char you take, all have good and bad sides. it all depends what game style do you like.
  8. i think i was playing with you on one or two servers. on different sides of barricade;) give a sign, if you want me there. i could help you a bit. but im afraid there is no such a thing like 'balanced classes'. i was playing since... c1 modded to c2, and i never saw well balanced server:) there are always ppl that are bitching that theirs classes are worse than others.
  9. PL (i had problems with last sentence - definite has too many meanings. whole t ranslation is not word by word, i did my best to make it sound good in polish. good luck with your project. (Server Name) Server Rules (Nazwa Serwera) Zasady Serwera I. STAFF Obsługa 1. Do not ask any staff members for items, adena, mobs, or exp. They are not allowed to give out anything. Nie pytaj nikogo z obsługi o przedmioty, adenę, moby lub expa. Nie mogą niczego dawać. 2. GM's will NEVER ask you about your account info! GM NIGDY nie zapyta Cię o dane Twojego konta! 2.1 If you'll get scammed, or whatever, it's your own problem and Staff won't take any action, except punishing the offender. Lost items WILL NOT be given back. Jeśli zostaniesz oszukany itp to Twój problem i nikt nic z tym nie zrobi poza ukaraniem oszusta. Stracone przedmiony NIE BĘDĄ zwrócone. 2.2If you abuse bug to get any Items Accounts or Adena u will get pernament BANN hwid. Jeśli będziesz nadużywał błędów gry w celu otrzymania jakiegokolwiek przedmiotu lub adeny dostaniesz pernamentny BAN. 3. Insulting anyone from GM Staff will be punished accordingly. Obraza kogokolwiek z GMów zostanie odpowiednio ukarana. 4. Pretending that your one of Majenta-Moon's Staff members is a bannable offense. Udawanie kogoś z zespołu Majenta-Moon jest karane banem. 5. Clans/alliances, or players are not allowed to have a GM crest or have anything to do with GM in their name. Clans/Alliances, or players caught doing so will be dissolved and the leader/players in question will be banned. Klany/sojusze lub gracze nie są upoważnieni do używania crestu GMów lub posiadania czegokolwiek z GM w nazwie. Klany/sojusze na tym złapane zostaną rozwiązane oraz lider/gracz zostanie ukarany BANem. II. USER ACCOUNTS Konta użytkowników 1. Players have to be responsible for their own account. If you share your account information with someone, know that you will be responsible. GMs will NOT give stolen accounts back Gracze muszą być odpowiedzialni za ich własne konta. Jeśli współdzielisz jakieś dane o koncie z inną osobą, pamiętaj, że sam będziesz za to odpowiedzialny. GM NIE ODDA żadnych skradzionych kont. III. SERVER AND PLAYERS Serwer i gracze 1. Using racial slurs or sexual harassment is forbidden, if you are caught doing this you will be chat banned for a period of time. Używanie jakichkolwiek form obrazy na tle rasowym lub seksualnym jest zabronione, jeśli zostaniesz na tym złapany dostaniesz chat bana na jakiś czas. 2. No private shops around the NPCs, doors and gateways. Any shop blocking this will be removed or punished. Zabronione jest ustawianie sklepów dookoła NPCów, drzwi, bram. Każdy sklep blokujący drogę będzie usunięty lub ukarany. 3. You are not allowed to train(lure) raid bosses out of their place at any time. Zabronione jest wyciąganie Raid Bossów z ich gniazd lub innych miejsc przebywania. 4. Try to not spam trade/shout char, or you will be chatbanned for a period of time. Staraj się nie spamować na kanale targowym/na shoucie albo dostaniesz chat bana na jakiś czas. IV. TRADES/TRANSACTIONS Handel/transakcje 1. Any private stores that are used to scam players (e.g selling Mana Potions and your title to say "Mold Hardener") are forbidden and the player doing this will be banned. Każdy sklep, w którym ktoś będzie chciał oszukać graczy (na przykład sprzedając mana potki z tytułem 'mold hardener') zostanie ukarany banem. 2. Trading for real life currency is forbidden due to frequent cases of scam. Handel z udziałem prawdziwych pieniędzy jest zabroniony z powodu częstych prób oszustw. V. DONATIONS TO THE SERVER Dotacje na rzecz serwera 1. Always send an e-mail(the adress is shown on the donation list) with your character information, am-beep-t of money payed, and what kind of reward you want. Zawsze wysyłaj maila (adres jest widoczny na liście dotacji) z nazwą Twojej postaci, kwotą dotacji i informacją o nagrodzie, jaką chcesz. 2. The act of donating to Lineage 2 Majenta-Moon is entirely voluntary and is not necessary to play on the server. The person donating acknowledges that they are doing so without any expectations of rewards. The rewards listed are given as thanks for the donators support of the server, while no reward is definite. Dotacje są całkowicie dobrowolne i nie wymagane. Dotująca osoba musi pamiętać, że nie może oczekiwać żadnej nagrody. Wymienione nagrody są podziękowaniem za dotacje na rzecz serwera, uzyskane nagrody nie są jawne.
  10. single dagger. shadow step + backstab FTW. use duals only on farming.
  11. well, there were problems at beginning, i even left server for... 2 days:)) i couldnt find anything better (from fresh servers) so im back there. after some screams and advices some rates were changed and some other things were implemented. it works better and better every week, i must say. no, im not a fanboy, im just old player, bored of new fancy and shin(t?)y chronicles. good luck with it ropi, dont let it die:)
  12. if you have problems with win7 - just try to run l2phx as administrator. it should help it work. aaand, check if you have nophx.dll file in system folder. if so - you cannot run l2phx there.
  13. Dreams and Dreams, like it was said before. the best method. It is a special method for praying in giran church (check forum archive, im sure you can find it). in that safe enchant method you had near 66% chance to success.
  14. you could just write paradox in search window, couldn't you? also, it is not possible to help 'set up bot' if you didnt tell us what bot you wanna use.
  15. millions threads with lameguard and you are still asking for help? kinda retarded. btw, its your first post. hello, im new on forum. help me blah blah blah PLEASE, if you can/help. ffs.
  16. more castles have their owners now:) i think just innadrill is free. also we have event with letters now
  17. you cannot. look for 7863784568723465978345 topics about lameguard.
  18. protection is not lame, its just called lame. lame protection can be bypassed, lameguard cannot be. there is no progress with that, i think all backward engineers gave it up. like you said, if someone will figure out algoritm - its easy for someone who bought lameguard to change it, and you are screwed again.
  19. it is not client side protection so you cannot bypass it. thats why you cannot find a bypass, dooh.
  20. over 50 times, and at least 2 years ago. it was so long ago that perhaps he was not born yet, thats why he thinks that credits should go to him.
  21. its like you wanna more posts without spamming other threads... theer is a lot of guides for l2net, even some with server with lameguard protection. i would like to suggest you browse forum a bit before posting 'another guide' for something which is not even working since lameguard appeared:)
  22. healers are easy. turn undead in good zones (with holy pomander you will get turn even on se). on pvp just trance, mana burn, nuke from aug. buffers are easy, just take wolf if you cannot manage to kill mobs/players. full buffed you is more than non-buffed any oponent (like on oly, f.e.). tanks? they were always easy, but its hard to be good tank on some raid bosses/mass pvp/sieges/etc. archers.. easy, if you will not just stand and hit but also kite bigger stuff. daggers.. easy on pvp, hard to lvl up if you are alone, few good crits from mob and you are down.. wl, destro, tyrant, glad.. farm mashines dorfs? weak on pvp? hah, i rotfled here:) stun is the key to open every single can on oly, mass pvp, pvp. every class has advantages and disadvantages. easy one is the one which you know how to use.
  23. i know how they are working, i just need info is it possible to use them on off, not even private off servers, just officials:)
  24. i cough a momment on off when they were not working (celest from cert is just triggered, talisman one can be used anytime). pwnzor, you are also from priv, or you wrote 'same here' in 'same here, on off' meaning?:) thanks for answers anyway
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