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Everything posted by adrenalbooster

  1. y its because antistuck mechanism... maybe geo sucks on your server thats why it happens, for me works fine...
  2. y its because antistuck mechanism... maybe geo sucks on your server thats why it happens, for me works fine...
  3. so 1k adena = 1k kills/spoils/sweeps..? isnt it just.. wrong..?
  4. wl, because..... zealot, frenzy, guts are nerfed now. wl, because of aoe 2 stuns. wl, because of provoke. wl, because of new locations, where he can farm easly s80, use them, or sell them... im 79 titan on low rates and its kinda retarded prof comparing to other classes, all of them got some adventages in last chronicles, destro got pwned by ncsoft.
  5. HockS, did you read all posts in topic? the most important thing which makes l2walker vanish from 'the best foreve' list - its damn unsafe, its hard to find server now without walker protection. ingame is as unsafe as oog. imho 'detectability' (? i dunno english word, correct me please. you know, the word which means how sth can be detected etc) is the most important reason of being 'best' bot.
  6. OL:) now, since after hitting we are recoverying mana, ol is perfect for solo pve, pvp, mass pve and pvp. in case of sth bad happens - best drain in whole game.
  7. i hate iop mobs, with that stupid shakin curse..
  8. damn, yesterday i had fight with SK (81 or sth). i was on titan 79. i died, i didnt even hit him... he was with am (acu) and major arcana set. i got some drains and ice bolts for 2-4k, i was dead before my slow ass got him. conclusion: since gracia everything is better than my titan..
  9. dont you think titan is a bit nerfed since gracia cuz of skills reuse? and about sps - sorc has better massive nukes imho, and can kill longer (sps is eating too much mana too fast imho)
  10. imho some1 should re-make poll, because its a bit different now, we have new chronicles, new skills, new stats, new everything.. we cant vote for f.e. soul breaker or trickster - if skills are working well those 2 are able to beat a lot..
  11. l2w: +easy to use, -you have to pay(you should pay..), detectable l2net: +easy (if you need basic things only), free, undetectable (same packets like game client), guys working on it are fixing stuff rly fast, you can do EVERYTHING what you need and what you wanna (scripting is not that hard, you just need a bit of brain), what else..? a lot:) -? hmmmm.......... eeee.... yyyy..... picachu..? if you dont like him..
  12. true... now, with SE on back with bless the blood warlord can farm everywhere, on all levels. especially catas:) its 2 man army:)
  13. dragon network... gm selling stuff on ebay, mutants killing grand bosses alone, trading ingame items with real stuff... 80% ppl there were imho assholes.. y, i was playing there 2 months, with clanmates from different serv.
  14. from those you wrote i prefer ghost hunter... if shadow step and backstab lands, its after all.. but it's same sh*t for other classes, if backstab lands.. if magic crit (on f.e. slug) lands.. if, if, if.. a lot depends on luck, i think as much as on player's skills.. it doesnt depend that much on char you have, you can kill everything with prophet if you are lucky..
  15. imho 3.. the most 'normal' ones.. not big, not small, just ok..
  16. check new fields of silence, i like it, good drops, mobs with low lvl pdef.. (water guardians or how they were called:)
  17. download the latest one. there, when you start it, check 'hellbound' chronicles... there is nothing easier than use l2net on hellbound..
  18. solo botting..? wc...
  19. very useful for all players. ty you very nice guide :D
  20. c4 was the best i ever played :) c4>other chronicles.
  21. very useful guide! ty man a lot :D
  22. i think valakas for mages and baium for fighters
  23. doesn't work on my server. but ty you anyway
  24. my vote goes to l2jserver. but l2jfree is good too;)
  25. c4:D in case interlude/gracia -> ofc interlude... why? maybe it was unbalanced, but there is nothing more unbalanced than all parts of gracia... in interlude you had to spoil recipes even for c grades... in g its soooo easy with everything.. i dont like it. ncsoft started to add new weapons and armors with level limit, new levels... i think only to make players pay and play longer... imho they just stopped dev good game, started to think about money. no, i dont like gracia.
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