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Everything posted by adrenalbooster

  1. no. we will have all chronicles before lineage 3. how many? 12 or 13? cant remember, read l2 story and you will know. ncsoft said that l3 launch will be after all l2 chronicles appear. we had: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, interlude, kamael (hellbound), gracia.... so 4 more..?
  2. l2off and l2j files are clear enough to confirm that there is nothing else than luck in enchanting... no tricks and tips, no dead-aunty-head under desk, no dirty pants on head and stuff like that... im enchanting multiple items. when i fail one im enchanting another similiar one, when i fail second time im enchanting the most enchanted one till now (lower chance to fail 3 times in a row)
  3. pro-player => player who earn money for playing. right..? do you know any l2 pro-player? cuz i dont know. i know cs pro's, sc pro's, but l2..?
  4. isnt it fixed? on my server (since loong time) when you try to enchant with wh window opened -> autoban
  5. my bad, i was looking on maxcheaters forum, sorry, and thanks a lot, all clear now <beer>
  6. thanks for info, but i was not able to find that post or user 'gnat'... (yeah, i was looking for it, no, im not slacker:)
  7. no dyes, draco armor, naga storm+focus, fvck load of weapons like desp with btb, menthal shield, etc. vs nukers..? easy stuff, dash, 1 sec before fight you are close to his cage, just move few steps to right or left (then he cant nuke you, he has to get outside), when nuker appear just shadow step, backstab, lethal strike, deadlyblow, gf.
  8. thanks for moving topic. about frenzy on my server: admin didnt touch it, its like 'casual' l2j g final frenzy. can i ask for some screenshots from official server?
  9. frenzy zealot rage clan hall buffs = 2,1k p attack, with tallum heavy (+2 str), infernal master +5 (+1 str on aug). its not normal.
  10. ofc there is, that lineage2.com one:) im sure some1 is playing there, thats why i asked for pic:)
  11. frenzy reuse is 10 mins now, so... we are screwed with our titans:P before it every party with titan on frenzy and tank+medic section was good:P
  12. hello. is there anyone playing on off..? how stats looks like on frenzy there? after update frenzy gives me sth like... +200 p attack more:/ not 5k or 15k (depends on buffs, weapon, etc) like before... can some1 shoot me with screen from off, if possible? regards
  13. f1 normal attack on every single char i played, no matter what:P f2 depeds, nuke on nuker, deadly blow on dagger, etc (f3 is always surrender for mages or next target for fighters)
  14. if its working on your serv, you can try also write /unstuck and press esc before it ends. should work as well.
  15. thx for perfect collection! awesome share!
  16. and cov gives you low speed, even frenzied destro can catch ya and hit at least once. pof.... for mage..? wtf? its topic for mage buff, CoM or PoWater!
  17. there was no c6. it was interlude. imho, c3/c4 rox. ct2 - maybe not too many complicated things, but... its not 'native' l2... i dont like the way how ncsoft is envolving l2..
  18. magnus, of course, because.. it's GREEN!:) both works well, pow could be better for f.e. elven nuker (because of his wit, so with pow more and more and more crits), but we are usualy uses magnus. as i said, because it's green;)
  19. zaken's hat on orc, female
  20. as far as i know, l2net is ont detectable, at least not in ways like l2w. the point is that you cant login with l2net on some servers, becouse they have good antibot system. but if you can - imho, you can feel free.
  21. giorgarakis, lewis668, Razbojnik, panacea - can you read...? no..? so why you can write spam..? yes..? so why dont you read what i wrote above?
  22. check that post date. we have another server soft, another game client, another walkers... also, there were small difference between packets even then - just check packets.
  23. its not a bug, in gracia final you can reach 600 points on armor and 300 points on weapon. check: http://www.lineage2media.com/graciafinalpatchnotes.html
  24. aham, l2w ingame is detectable. not only at login, like DarkWrath said (ofc then too:) ) but also after killing mobs, talking with npc, and there is fvck load of methods to detect it:)
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