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Everything posted by adrenalbooster

  1. fook, mods, close topics like this one. i liked maxbastards, but... everyday its goin worst.. at mine first day here i almost got ban, but now? nothing.. all can spam everywhere, or.. maybe its not spam? maybe you think that those ppl are SO stupid..? and cant read..? whateva:)
  2. remember that l2w stuff DOESNT support private servers.
  3. old posts were hidden, you should hide this one too.. but - like all said - its OLD.
  4. IP L2auth.lineage2.com change IP to your servers ip, f.e.: 666.11.22.112 L2auth.lineage2.com
  5. it cant be usefull if its not working. damn you all ppl, cant you read?!
  6. lol, i never saw port accepting.... even in kamael..
  7. nah, ill use it (i hope someday:D) like a communicator.. im bored of l2 world right now, im ingame only to talk with friends... and damn, its great idea to do something like that:) GRATZ:)
  8. just 1 problem for overlord -> MANA.... it really sux.. im adventurer now, and... im diein only with duelists ans destros.... but - all in all - i still dont like this char, and when we will have this event from retail (changing sublass for main class) ill change it for tyrant perhaps..
  9. man! use search button! there is thons of topics about it...
  10. on vista: "crack.exe stopped working." its shiit.. resource hacker shows this file as empty.
  11. wtf is hacking for lifestones? 0,o you wanna drop them? use dropcalc. you wanna use them? go to blacksmith and use them.. or what tha fvck..?
  12. unf*ckingbealiveable:D great job!:) it makes mine work day stressless:D
  13. i have no idea how to jump on it, if i had - i will post it asap. for now you can use newest ver. and record/run scripts.
  14. look. on pvp mine first skill i use is bluff -> so the best idea for me is focus chance (then mortal, backstab and lethal) and enemy down.. the same tactic for oly... thats why i love it.. and about focus power - its useless when skills wont land.. and focus chance decrease normal crit rate, thats why its only for coly and 'big' mobs for me..
  15. sure, run the newest walker and make script for exping/quests.
  16. i siad it in this topic, and another thousand. you have gg authentication on server, thats why its 30 seconds.
  17. there will be 190 levels to get, 98719827387 s190 armors to get.. i dont like it, sorry, im little bored of l2 becouse of it..
  18. nope, sometimes im too lazy to pick drops too. 60 sec and freeze/kick/l2.exe quit? its ALWAYS when server cant verify your gameguard. so if you killed gg or patched it and run walker -> you will be kicked after 60 seconds.
  19. focus chance on hard mobs/pvp/pk/oly/coli etc. focus power when im not using any skills to kill mobs (focus chance increase chance to mortals land, but DECREASE normal crit rate).
  20. a pet could be enough, but its not working ANYMORE.
  21. on some newer l2j servers 'you cant pick up this item' when im on pet, and pet cant pick it up.. tryed, but in 8/10 works well!
  22. 0 buffs. and at oly you cant use items except shots/armors/jewelery/weapons. any pots, etc but its ok, cuz.. we always have some self buffs:)
  23. oky, all in all - im gonna try it, it costs nothing..
  24. right click, safe as...
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